The showcase day

1502 Words

Hazel's POV I wake up to my phone yelling again and for once, I groan. Cannot I sleep peacefully in Paris too? "What?" I answer the call and I don't even know who it is on the other end. "Ummm.. Josh? I just dropped your daughter at school" he says. "Okay. Yeah. Thanks," I open my eyes and see the broad daylight,"Josh" "You are sleeping, aren't you? Holy cow today is your show case day, dammit!" Josh shouts from the other end. "I'll call you later" I hang up the call and look around. I am on couch. I am sleeping on couch. Okay! Where is the other man? I run to his room and he is not there too. I knock on his bathroom and stand there like a fool for three minutes and then realising he is not there too. I rush to my room and I see him peacefully sleeping. "Elliot!" I scream

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