Hazel, lunch plan is still on!

1716 Words

Elliot's POV "Nah.. you're just bluffing" Josh waves his hand before my face and right now, I am taking this to pride. "No! I told her. We even kissed!" I almost scream at him. "Tell me you're joking" he demands. I shake my head. "Tell me you are f*****g joking!" He demands again and I shake my head for the nth time today. "Then f*****g tell me the details. Did she kiss back?" Josh asks and we both sit on the chairs before each other and our hands on the table. "We kissed. She was into it until she pulled away" I tell him. He nods and points his forefinger at me as if we are at a business meeting and he is agreeing on my point. But Ruby walks in at the same moment and now I see where Josh's body language is coming from. Ruby hands me my schedule on paper and smiles at me.

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