Moving on or moving towards?

1244 Words
Hazel's POV I walk into the floor as usual and I get different looks from everyone. I smile at them to ease the tension but no one smiles back at me. I see Jennifer crying and I run to her. "Oh My God! Jenny what happened?" I ask her and I just see her stare at me through her teary eyes. "Maybe you should ask Mr. Montgomery" she says and I am now in confusion. "You think we are blind? We see everything, Hazel!" She almost screams. "We see he sent you flowers the second day you are here. We see Daniel getting fired because he asked you out and it has just been a week!! Is this how you get through your job?" She asks me. And I don't feel good about her words. I am angry. I want to snap back but I cannot do anything because Mr. Montgomery is not here and everything I say goes to defense and not actually the truth. They simply are not going to believe me. "If Daniel asked you out, you could have simply said no and move on! You know that I like him right?" She asks and by now we have lots of attention from our colleagues. "Yes but he was your friend. And if I denied I believed it would complicate things-" "Well now this complicated things more, didn't it?" She asks and now I am running out of words to explain her. I look around to see all eyes on me but the look on Ruby's face says something else. I wonder if she is the one that spread all this talk. But still, I am one of the persons in the picture. So I guess it's on me if I have to give an explanation or not. When I am just about to open my mouth, everyone goes silent and they stand straight. I turn around to see Mr. Montgomery walking towards the scene. He looks at everyone then at Jennifer who is still a crying mess. "Anyone who want to merge your personal business with professional life, can leave right now" he says as he looks at Jenny. "Mr. Montgomery-" "I am not talking to you, Ruby Johnson" he says and Ruby instantly shuts up. "Whatever the talk it is about right now. Just know that Daniel took advantage of a single woman with a child. And this is not the first time I have seen him acting all pervert. There were complaints by many women but I had to keep him because he is good at work. But now, I cannot lose another genius employee because of his pervert attitude" he says and everyone just looks at me again. "I am doing this for the company. Modish does not support such trash. If anyone else disagrees with me, they are free to leave" he says and walks away without another word. Everyone walks to their own desks as well. I sit at my cubicle and I cannot help but feel bad for Jenny. I am not sure if she knows or doesn't know about Daniel being a pervert. But she doesn't deserve getting her heart broken this way. Publicly. I look at her but she doesn't even look at me. Tears pool her eyes again and she wipes them away with the tissue she has in her hand. It has just been a week of me joining this line, Man! Why does my life love all this drama! I close my eyes and recall the face of my daughter smiling. Her smile keeps me moving. I can at least endure all of this till I find another job. I can use this as my experience when I apply for jobs in another firm or whatever place I need to get out to. I just keep my nose in my work and I don't even get up for lunch. Jenny doesn't care to ask me but I don't blame her too. By the time it's for me to leave, it is then that I raise my head and finally look at everyone. Everyone is doing whatever they are assigned to do and at this rate, they are going to forget this in just few days. It works in my favour, to be honest. Ruby is before me and Mr. Montgomery left early today. Ruby is since busy with shaping her nails and everything else. I wonder if she views this as her spa. "Where are you going?" Ruby asks. "My shift ends at this time" I tell her. "And who said so?" She asks again. "Mr. Montgomery" I say and I see her face harden. But at this point, I don't want to take s**t. My day has already been shitty. So I don't answer her anything else and just walk out. Jenny looks at me but she doesn't say anything. I drive to my daughter's school and Jaylen's mom smiles at me. I need to keep in mind that tomorrow evening, they are coming over. And Sunday afternoon, well.. Jenny, Daniel and I planned to meet for Lunch so it doesn't take a genius to know that the plan is cancelled now. "Mommy, is everything okay?" Savannah asks. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" I ask her and she just looks at me. "I don't know. You did not talk to me all the way home. You are never this silent" she says and I sit on the couch. I pull her to me and hold her both tiny hands with mine. I kiss her palms and smile at her. Everything I do and everything I endure is for this little girl. I cannot even picture my life now without her in it. "I am okay. Sometimes I might have little more work than usual at the place I work. But I assure you, everything is okay" I smile at her and she nods. "Thank you so much for looking out for me, sweetie" I say and she smiles hugging me. Because right now, we only have each other. I thought moving away from my old house will help me move on from Adrian and his memories. But ever since I came here, I miss him more than ever. I cannot help but think if I took the right decision about moving here. For dinner, I made us some tortilla soup. Savannah absolutely loves it. And she goes on and on about Jaylen and Ameya. She tells me that Ameya talked to her for the first time and I am genuinely happy that she is blending with new people nice. "What about the teachers?" I ask her. "They are fine. They are more concerned about themselves than us" she shrugs and I am curious about it now. "And what do you mean by that?" I ask her again. "I don't know. That's what Jaylen told me. He said the teachers never really care" she says again. Now I have second thoughts about the school I joined her. I went through all the reviews and then sent her. This should be fine. "Good night mom" she smiles wide as she places a kiss on my cheek before running to her room. Now I am debating again. Is my decision right about moving here? I walk to my room and just before I sleep, I recieve a call and the id says it is from Elliot Montgomery himself. At this hour?
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