Episode 23: Tempted

1020 Words

Seated in the davenport of his office, Aches skimmed through the documents of the only woman who has ever come to mean so much to him. Ever since his return from the Royal hospital, he had fought so hard not to allow the events in her office to replay in his head. But right now, staring at her passports; they did. Aches had visited the hospital to see Ahmed regarding his health and maybe learn if he had successfully accompanied Miss Ray to her apartment just as he had instructed him to do before entering the throne room for the meeting. On seeing Ahmed asleep, Aches had decided to go check Miss Ray in her apartment, only to discover by one of the nurses, Naunet, that Miss Ray had reported to work. Aches had frowned as he had expected her to at least take a day off. It wasn't until he h

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