Gemma POV
The families had regular dinner meals together in the large dining hall on our floor. It was a good time for everyone. We got to talk about our day or week, any issues we had and plans to move forward, or get orders for coming events we had to go to and be all dressed up.
Although the meal was delicious and the company was great, I loved sitting with Alex. I have had a crush on him since I was six, and he protected me from some girls at school. I was in the grade below him; he turned sixteen recently, and I will be fifteen before he turns seventeen. We are like nineteen months apart. He is every bit of a grown man, so tall and s3xy and hell. I am five feet seven and went to his chest, and boy, what a chest that was. He keeps his hair short and neat, works out a lot at the palace gym, and is lucky for me. He was willing to help me with my workout; he was so patient with me as I tried to get the hang of something new he was teaching me. He was there to help me with my homework; what was not to like about him?
But tonight seems off. I can't put my finger on why, but there is tension around the boys. Axel keeps looking at his watch or phone like time is important. Are they playing a new online game and having a war or something soon? Yeah, that must be it. No one else seems worried or sees anything wrong; it must be just me.
After dessert, I watched Axil and Austin get up and leave. Axil turned to look at Alex and nodded before moving out of sight. Now I knew something fishy was going on; their looks spoke volumes. I am going to ask Alex when I have him alone. I looked up at Alex, and he must have felt my eyes on him as he looked down at me and smiled a sad smile, and that confirmed that whatever those boys were up to, Alex disapproved. I grabbed his hand under the table and squeezed it; when I went to let it go, he tightened his hand to keep mine.
'Want to catch the sports replies before tomorrow's grand final? Are you going to come to that, aren't you?' Alex had leaned into me so he could ask quietly.
'What are you two whispering about?' Dad asked, making me blush.
'Whether I was coming to watch the replays tonight and be there for the game tomorrow.' I answered honestly.
'Are you?'
'Yes.' Dad did not say anything anymore as Mum whispered something in his ear. He looked at Alex and then nodded to whatever Mum had said. Mum knows I have a massive crush on Alex.
Mum approves of our friendship.
Dad still thinks I am a child, and I am fighting between being an adult and still that child he sees. It is not easy, and sometimes I get so frustrated I want to lash out, and that is where the gym workouts help. I have given it a try and kickboxing, but I am lousy at it, so I just run or row or whatever I feel in the mood to do till I am too exhausted to bother with what was annoying me, and it helps for the next time I get annoyed over the same thing. It annoys me just a little bit less.
'I am sure Bethany and the family will be happy to see your pretty face. They often comment when none of you are there.' Dad said softer this time. I get what he is saying. It used to be a regular ritual. Now that all families have commitments, it is harder to have all of us together in one place. Even if it is in front of a screen so that we can see everyone, I do talk to them each week, us kids, that is, so I more or less see them more often than Mum and Dad, and I can't wait to go there in the holidays. Dad said. I was old enough to travel with the boys and was excited about going without adult supervision. I am the only one in our family going; my siblings, according to Mum, are still too young, and she does not want to make me have to watch over them as it would spoil my fun.
My mother is the best. She always had my back when my brothers and sisters did something wrong, and I did not get the "you are the oldest, so you should know better" crap. Dad tried when I was younger, but Mum put a stop to it real fast; way to go, Mum. She tries to be fair to all of us and listens to us when we need her advice. Dad had been told that it was his job to discipline the girls, and so far, it is working out. They are both great parents, better than some I hear about.
Alex stood up to leave the table and pulled my chair back so I could leave with him. The eyes of my parents and his watched his actions, and to my surprise, he took my hand, wrapped it around his arm, and escorted me out as if we were entering a ball or event. I was full of mixed emotions about this action, but excitement won out in the end. I was walking alongside Alex, and it was not a planned event. Nothing would be better than this.
We were the first in the room. Alex led me to a double-seat couch, and we sat down. He looked at the door before he whispered to me.
'Axel and Austin have gone to a party. I did want to go because Dad would never sanction us going to that type of party.' I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop me from squealing in shock.
'Are you going to tell Uncle Bob?' I asked in a whisper back.
'If he asks me, I will, but until then, I won't breathe a word; only you know now.' I understood what he was saying; it was nn my head if this got out.
'At least Dad can monitor them through the GPS and notice where they went.' He nodded and sat back, watching the screen as the replay started. Alex held my hand and ran little circles over the back of my hand, making me tingle at the touch. He had never been this way with me before; I was just one of the crowd, but this felt like our friendship was changing, and I hoped it was for the better.
Dad and Mum arrived next and sat not too far away from us. I half expected Alex to remove his hand, but he didn't.
Dad noticed our linked hands, looked at me, and frowned, but Mum pulled his attention back to her and the screen.
The rest came to join the replay, and I did happy dances like Bethany taught us each time we scored. We laughed and cheered for the evening until the replay finished.
'Catch you tomorrow for the grand final.' Uncle Bob said and got up to leave, taking Aunty Pam with him. Dad and Mum followed suit, and soon it was just me and Alex.'
'Are you tired?' he asked, still playing with my hand. Each time I returned to sit after each happy dance, he captured my hand and continued to draw circles on it.
Not really, but we should retire for the night if we are going to get up early for the grand final tomorrow.' I reluctantly replied.
'Yeah, you are right. I will walk you to your door.'
He stood, took both hands and pulled me up to his chest. He held me there for a moment before curling around my waist with one arm and turning to the door. He strolled as if he had something he wanted to share on his mind, but in the end, he only said goodnight before heading to his wing.
I watched him walk away until I could no longer see him before turning and heading to my room, my mind racing at tonight's time with Alex.