Chapter 1: The Mighty Miller Family

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Lisa slowly opened her eyes, she heard muffled sounds of arguing and doors slamming through the walls of the house. she rubbed her eyes groggily and sat up in bed, with a furrowed brow. who are these annoying people disturbing my sleep", she murmured before realizing it was her dad and stepmother who were still fighting and arguing. The reason for their argument was that Lisa's stepsister, Mera had been arranged to get married to Miller Lugard, the son of the Miller family, who was rumored to be an ugly beast. Lisa's stepmother was furious when Mr Davis, her husband told her about this news last two days, and their argument continued until the early hours of the morning. she decided to stay in her room, feeling uneasy as she wondered what would happen if her dad changed his mind and asked her to marry Miller Lugard. Lisa didn't know what to do or think at that moment, after thinking for a while, she decided to call my best friend, Deva. After three attempts, she finally answered the phone, sounding sleepy. "Hello, Lisa, what's up?" she asked, her voice husky with sleep. "Hello, Deva, are you free this morning?" Lisa asked calmly, trying to hide her anxiety. Deva responded with confusion, checking the caller ID to clarify that it was indeed Lisa calling her. "I'm free this morning," she replied, her tone still laced with sleep. "Okay, I'll send you the location where we'll meet quickly before 7:00 a.m.," Lisa said, trying to sound casual despite her growing unease. "Hey, Lisa, but I haven't finished sleeping. I'm still sleepy," Deva protested, her voice rising in complaint. "I'll be waiting for you there before 7:00 a.m.," Lisa said firmly, before hanging up the phone. Deva felt a bit angry and confused about how Lisa hung up on her and even asked her to meet at 7:00 a.m. She lay back on the bed, wondering what sin she had committed that she couldn't sleep in peace throughout the night. Deva jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. Meanwhile, Lisa had taken a shower and dressed up without putting on any makeup. She quietly carried her bag and headed downstairs, trying to avoid her stepmother's angry face because she didn't want to face her stepmother's frustration so early in the morning. She successfully left the house and went to the location where she had sent to Deva. Before 7:00 a.m., Lisa was sitting in the restaurant, feeling low and thinking about her situation. She had her head resting on the table when her friend, Deva, arrived. Deva was scared and worried about Lisa because of the tone of her voice on the phone call they had earlier. "Lisa, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Deva asked concern etched on her face. Lisa just stared in one direction without saying anything. Deva felt even more uneasy as the seconds passed and didn't know what to do or what the problem with Lisa was. She called out Lisa's name to get her attention. After a few minutes of silence, Lisa asked, "Deva, do you know the mighty Miller family?" Deva was surprised by the question and didn't understand why Lisa was asking. "What type of question is that? Who doesn't know the mighty Miller family? And besides, your dad and Mr. Miller have been close friends since childhood. Wait a minute, don't tell me it's because of the Miller family that you are like this. What happened? Did anybody die in the Miller family residence? Why haven't I heard about it?" Deva asked, her questions tumbling out in rapid succession. Lisa replied, "My dad and the Miller family are arranging a marriage." Deva's eyes widened in shock. "Is your dad's friendship with Mr. Miller that deep that he helps him arrange the marriage of his son? And is it the ugly beast of the Miller family that is getting married?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief. "Yes," Lisa answered with a helpless voice, her eyes welling up with tears. Deva's expression turned from shock to outrage. "Oh my God, who is that too brave to seek death directly? Young Master Miller Lugard, the cold ugly beast who is no longer a real man, is getting married. What will that brave lady benefit from him? Even though the Miller family is the richest in the whole city, will she eat money for the rest of her life? Did she even think if she will be alive to eat the money or will she die in the hands of Miller Lugard...?" Deva's words trailed off as she shook her head in disgust. Lisa felt a pang of fear at Deva's words. She had been thinking the same thing, but hearing it out loud made it more real. "You talk too much," Lisa said, trying to sound calm despite her growing unease. Deva's expression turned angry. "Why wouldn't I talk too much, seeing my beloved sister in a bad mood, not even caring to talk to me because of someone who risks her life because of money?" Deva's voice rose, and she slammed her fist on the table. Lisa flinched at the sudden movement. "What is the bride's family name?" Deva asked, her eyes blazing with anger. Lisa hesitated before answering. "The bride's family name is Davis," she said quietly. Deva's eyes widened in shock. "What?! Is there another family with the name Davis, or is it your family name, Davis?" she asked, her voice trembling with rage. Lisa nodded, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "My family," she whispered. Deva's face turned red with anger. "How is that possible? How can your dad marry his children out to death directly? Didn't he want to see his daughter happy and live well in the future? Why should he do this to his daughter?" Deva's words ended in a shout, and she slammed her fist on the table again. Lisa felt a lump form in her throat as she tried to hold back tears. She had been asking herself the same questions, but hearing Deva say them out loud made it harder to bear. "You know my dad and the Miller have been close friends since childhood," Lisa said, trying to explain. Deva's expression turned from anger to disgust. "Yes, I knew," she spat. "They want to further their friendship through marriage." Deva's words were laced with venom, and Lisa knew she had to calm her down. "Deva, please understand..." But Deva cut her off. "Understand? How can I understand? Your dad is willing to sacrifice his own daughter's happiness for a friendship. What kind of father does that?" Lisa felt a tear roll down her cheek. She knew Deva was right. Her dad's actions were unforgivable. Deva's expression softened slightly as she saw Lisa's tears. "I'm sorry, Lisa. I didn't mean to hurt you." Lisa shook her head. "You're right, Deva. My dad is wrong. I don't know what to do." Deva's face was set in determination. "We'll figure something out, Lisa. We won't let your dad get away with this." Lisa felt a surge of gratitude towards Deva. She knew she could always count on her friend to be there for her.
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