Charpter 33 Trapped

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Lisa struggled and kicked, but Lugard's grip was too strong. He held her down, his body pinning hers to the bed. She felt a surge of fear and panic as she realized she was trapped. Despite her best efforts, Lisa couldn't break free. Lugard's hands were like vice grips, holding her in place. She was at his mercy, and she knew it. As she lay there, helpless and terrified, Lugard's face loomed over hers. His eyes seemed to burn with intensity, his gaze piercing through her very soul. "You're mine now, Lisa," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "You'll do as I say, or face the consequences." Lisa's tears spilled over, her body shaking with sobs. She knew she was trapped, with no escape from Lugard's grasp. And in that moment, she felt her heart break, her spirit crushed by the weight of her circumstances. Lisa struggled and kicked, but Lugard's grip was too strong. He held her down, his body pinning hers to the bed. She felt a surge of fear and panic as she realized she was trapped. Despite her best efforts, Lisa couldn't break free. Lugard's hands were like vice grips, holding her in place. She was at his mercy, and she knew it. As she lay there, helpless and terrified, Lugard's face loomed over hers. His eyes seemed to burn with intensity, his gaze piercing through her very soul. "You're mine now, Lisa," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "You'll do as I say, or face the consequences." Lugard's teeth grazed Lisa's neck, sending shivers down her spine. She felt a surge of fear as he started kissing her neck, his lips gentle but possessive. She thought he would consume her whole, but he stopped suddenly, his eyes locking onto hers. Lisa's teary gaze met his, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Then, Lugard stood up, his eyes never leaving hers. He looked down at her, his gaze roaming her body like a conqueror surveying his spoils. Lisa cowered, covering herself with a blanket in fear. But Lugard's eyes saw right through it, his gaze lingering on her skin, slick, smooth, and white like jade. He took in the sight of her, his expression unreadable. "Come down right now and eat," he said, his voice cold and detached, like a master commanding his servant. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lisa shaken and confused. She didn't know what he wanted from her, but she knew she couldn't resist. His words echoed in her mind, a command she couldn't disobey. As she lay there, trembling with fear, Lisa knew she was trapped in a web of Lugard's making. And she didn't know how to escape. Lisa hesitated, her mind racing with uncertainty. What did Lugard want from her? Why was he treating her like this? she said tears streaming down her cheek. But his words echoed in her mind, a command she couldn't ignore. She slowly got out of bed, her heart pounding in her chest. She picked out clothes from her wardrobe and put them on before walking downstairs in shame and fear she couldn't even face Lugard. Her body was full of goosebumps and her legs shook even her body shivering in fear. As she made her way downstairs, Lisa's thoughts were consumed by fear and confusion. What would Lugard do to her? Would he hurt her? When she entered the dining room, Lugard was already seated at the table, a feast spread out before him. He looked up at Lisa, his eyes cold and commanding. "Sit down and eat," he said, his voice firm. Lisa hesitated, but her stomach growled with hunger. She sat down opposite Lugard, her eyes fixed on the food without saying a word. But as she began to eat, Lisa couldn't shake off the feeling that she was trapped, that Lugard was playing a twisted game with her. And she didn't know the rules. Lugard watched her, his eyes never leaving hers. He seemed to be savoring her fear, her uncertainty. The servants kept quiet without making a single sound. Lisa's cheek was burning hot, her face red from blushing, she was ashamed and greeted her teeth, she tried to eat something but suddenly lost her appetite because of Lugard's intense gaze. Lisa lost her appetite as Lugard's intense gaze bore into her soul. She tried to eat, but her stomach churned with anxiety. After a few bites, she stood up, her chair scraping against the floor. "I'm full, thanks," she said dryly, her eyes avoiding Lugard's. Lugard's brows furrowed, he knew that Lisa was not a picky eater but she didn't even eat half of her food. Lugard's brows furrowed dipper, his expression unyielding. "You have to finish your food," he said seriously, his voice firm. Lisa didn't stop in her tracks. She walked away as if she didn't hear his words at all, her heart pounding in her chest. Lugard's eyes narrowed, his gaze burning with intensity. He wasn't used to being disobeyed, and Lisa's defiance sparked a fire within him. He pushed back his chair and stood up, his eyes fixed on Lisa's retreating. "trouble, come back here and finish your food," he commanded, his voice echoing through the room. But Lisa didn't flinch, didn't even acknowledge his words. She kept walking, her back straight and her head held high. Lugard's face darkened, his jaw clenched in anger. He knew he had to make her understand who was in control. And he was determined to do just that. The servants and butler watched in silence as Lugard's anger grew, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them. They had seen Lugard's temper before, but never directed at someone like Lisa. As Lugard's face darkened, a collective shudder ran through the staff. They knew better than to make a sound, to breathe a word, when Lugard was like this. Fear and panic washed over them, their hearts racing with anticipation. They knew they had to be careful, to avoid drawing attention to themselves. The air was thick with tension, heavy with unspoken dread. The servants and butler held their breath, waiting for Lugard's next move. One misstep, one wrong move, could mean disaster. They knew Lugard's wrath was not to be trifled with. So they stood frozen, silent and still, as Lugard's anger simmered, waiting for the storm to break Lugard's eyes seemed to bore into Lisa's back as she walked away, his gaze burning with intensity. The servants and butler held their collective breath, waiting for the explosion. Lugard's eyes never left Lisa's retreating form as he spoke to the butler. "Jenkins, pack the food and hand it over to me." Jenkins nodded, his hands shaking slightly as he gathered the dishes. "Yes, sir." As Jenkins packed the food into a small basket, the servants and butler exchanged nervous glances. They knew what Lugard's order meant. He was going to take the food to Lisa, to make sure she ate. And they knew what would happen if she refused. It will be troublesome. Jenkins handed the basket to Lugard, who took it without a word. His eyes still fixed on Lisa's door, he turned and walked towards it, the basket in hand. The servants and butler watched in silence as Lugard disappeared from view, the tension in the air thickening with every passing moment. And they felt Pity for Lisa and they didn't even know if she would be alive by tomorrow morning if she refused to eat. They knew what was happening. They knew Lugard was taking control, exerting his power over Lisa now. And they knew they were powerless to stop it.
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