Chapter 17 Take her to Lugard estate

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Kelly was shocked to her core when she saw Lisa as the bride. She was so happy that she screamed. Lisa and Didi were also surprised to see Kelly because she had told them that her brother was also getting married that day. It turned out that she was Miller Lugard's younger sister. As Lisa was climbing down the stairs to meet people, someone rushed out of nowhere, pushed her with force, and ran away quickly. Lisa screamed and fell from the stairs, and people screamed in terror. Mera and her mother, Mrs. Claire, smiled. Their plan worked this time. "You are doomed, Lisa. No one bullies my mother and me and goes unpunished," Mera said in her heart with a sly smile on her lips. Didi, Kelly, Emma, and everyone screamed at the same time. Lisa closed her eyes, expecting to feel the heavy pain of her body shattering into pieces, but to her surprise, she didn't feel anything. She frowned and opened her eyes slowly. She saw herself hanging in thin air, and she noticed a beautiful slender finger wrap around her waist. Strong hands gently lowered her to the ground. "Are you okay?" the guy asked with a smile. Lisa, with her heart beating out of her chest, looked up to see who had just saved her. She saw a very handsome guy dressed in a sleek black suit, with light blue hair. He was tall, with fair skin, and he smiled at Lisa. "Alexander," Lisa murmured with surprise. "Yes, you still remember me, sister-in-law. Please be careful next time, so that we won't take someone home with broken bones to my brother. He won't be happy," Alexander joked before walking away and winking at Lisa. Lisa smiled. Everyone was still shocked by the incident and how Alex saved Lisa just now. Mera and her mother were so angry that they spat out a mouthful of blood. "Who is this Dem guy?" Mera asked and left the party. Didi and others breathed a sigh of relief and ran to Lisa, thanking God. Didi also recognized Alexander, and Kelly held Alexander, praising him as a hero. After the ceremony, Mrs. Miller hugged Lisa sincerely and happily. Lisa was very beautiful, with white and black eyes and white skin, much like Kelly. "Oh, Lisa, dear, we're so happy to have you as part of our family!" Mrs. Miller said with joy. Mr. Mr Miller also warmly embraced her. "Yes, welcome to the family, Lisa. We're delighted to have you." Lisa looked at Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Kelly, wondering how different Lugard would look if not for the accident that left him scarred. Kelly was the happiest among them. She hugged her mother. "Mum, my wish came true; she married my brother. I'm very happy." She then hugged her dad and happily danced around like a child. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were surprised as they looked at Lisa and the others. Mrs. Miller asked, "So, you know each other?" "Yes, Mum. She was the one who saved me from that car accident I told you about that day." Oh, Mrs. Miller was very happy, and she loved Lisa even more. Thanks for saving our precious daughter's life. Lisa smiled after a brief talk. Then, she hugged her father and friends one last time before entering the car. Didi and Emma were crying non-stop, and Kelly didn't have any other option but to join them in crying. All the guests around also cried, using their handkerchiefs to wipe their tears. Mr. John Davis was standing with Mr. Miller. Even though they were now old, they were still very handsome and drew attention to themselves. When you look at them, you will know that they were very handsome when they were young. Mrs. selen asked the driver to take Lisa to Young Master Lugard's estate, beaming with joy. Lisa, still nervous, smiled weakly, unsure of what lay ahead. "If that spoiled child makes anything difficult for you or tries to hurt you, just let me know, and I will teach him a lesson," Mrs. Miller said with a reassuring smile to Lisa. "He won't harm you, just don't cross his bottom line, and he doesn't like being disobeyed. He also doesn't like repeating himself. When you reach the estate, the butler will help you out, or he will tell you by himself what he wants or don't wants. Just abide by his rules, and everything will be alright," explained Mrs. Miller to Lisa. Lisa smiled. "The beast also has rules, that cool. Lisa thought with with a smile. I will abide by his rules, but not all of them, because he can't force me to do what I don't want to," Lisa said seriously in her mind. As the car drove away, Lisa felt a mix of emotions. She was leaving behind everything familiar, but the kindness of Mrs. and Mr. Miller had put her at ease slightly. The journey was long, but finally, the car stopped in front of a grand estate. Lisa's heart skipped a beat as she gazed up at the imposing structure. Lisa's eyes widened as she gazed up at the grand estate, her heart racing with terror. She had heard the rumors and whispers about Miller Lugard's disfigured face and body, and now she was standing in front of his home. The beautiful, luxurious estate seemed to mock her, its grandeur a stark contrast to the horror that allegedly lurked within. Lisa's mind recoiled at the thought of living with a man who was said to be an ugly beast. As she stepped out of the car, the driver's expression was stoic, but Lisa detected a hint of sympathy in his eyes. Did he know the truth about Miller Lugard? Did he feel sorry for her? Lisa's legs trembled as she approached the entrance, her eyes fixed on the iron doors. What lay beyond them? A monster? A beast? Lisa's heart skipped a beat as she crossed the threshold, her eyes scanning the opulent interior. Where was Miller Lugard? Was he watching her from the shadows? On the balcony, a pair of eyes were staring at her. Lisa felt someone's gaze, and she looked around with fear, but she didn't see anyone. As Lisa entered the estate, the staff gathered to greet her, their faces beaming with warm smiles. However, as they beheld her beauty, their expressions changed to shock and awe. They were taken aback and seemed unable to comprehend how the new madam could be so much more beautiful than the celebrities. The butler, Mr. Jenkins, was the first to recover, bowing low. "Welcome, Mrs. Lugard. We're honored to have you." The guards and servants echoed his sentiments, their voices filled with genuine warmth. However, Lisa barely heard them. Her mind was consumed by dark thoughts of what lay ahead. Would she survive the night? Would Lugard's rumored cruelty be her downfall? The servants led Lisa to her room, a beautifully decorated Chamber with a grand bed and a stunning view of the gardens. The room was decorated with pink and sea blue colors, her favorite colors. As they helped her settle in, Lisa couldn't help but ask, "Where is Mr. Lugard?" The servants exchanged nervous glances, and one of them replied, "The young master is busy, ma'am. He will see you when he is back." Lisa let out a sigh of relief and felt a temporary reprieve from her fears. She asked the servants not to call her for dinner, pretending she had no appetite. As the servants left, Lisa locked the door behind them, her heart still racing with anxiety. She explored her new room, searching for any clues about her husband's true nature. The room was elegant, but Lisa's eyes scanned it with unease. She felt like a prisoner, trapped in a gilded cage. As night fell, Lisa retreated to the bed, her mind racing with dark thoughts. Where was Lugard? What was he doing? And what would happen when he finally came to her? Lisa's eyelids grew heavy, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She drifted into a fitful sleep, her dreams haunted by visions of the ugly beast.
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