Chapter One: Humans Are Irritating

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This book will be written in an omniscient perspective style, unlike the other books in this series. We will be following the different characters along their respective journeys, but not necessarily from their own points of view, because there is just too much information for that. Perhaps that will be shown a little better further in.. Barbatos.. Barbatos knelt by the hillside where the ground was still soft and spongy after the recent rains. His ‘brethren’ had nearly picked this area clean, but he was loath to leave it. Mostly because it was so sparse in animal life. The two-legged variety. And his own brethren of course. Tracing his fingers among the wet soil under the moss with his eyes closed, he felt for tracks that might otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. At one point, the deer had favored this area. The saplings that grew on the hillside provided the perfect nibbles for them and never managed to grow beyond a few feet tall due to the thick bedrock underneath the thin layer of soil hiding it. But it had been a few years, and all Barbatos could hope was that their generational memory still caused them to stop here. Of course, he didn’t need to hunt at all. He could snap his fingers and summon a feast. But that wasn’t his way.It required too much forethought, and if there was anything Barbatos avoided, it was forethought. Besides, Barbatos liked the hunt, the chase, the kill. Earning his meal through effort. He considered his brethren lazy for losing their natural-born skills by relying on matter transference. Reaching across dimensions for the things you wanted might be easy for their kind, but rely on it too much, and the skills honed in your physical form would slowly fade. “Might as well be magic to me too as much as I use it.” Barbatos muttered to himself, standing and brushing his fingers off on his leathers. A noise distracted him. Somewhere above him there was a harsh yelling. He stepped back several paces to try to see over the hill, trying to find out what the disturbance was. This area was abandoned, there shouldn’t be anyone- With a final shout, a figure came flying over the hillside, followed by a large furry beast. Barbatos just had time to register a dirt-smudged face with eyes that grew wide at seeing him before the figure practically landed on him, then quickly shoved backwards to settle on hands and knees with a feral snarl. “What are you doing here?” A feminine voice growled at him, seconds before a heavy furry body tackled him to the ground. Bethany.. “No! Stop!” Bethany shouted at Ginger. The wolf-dog hybrid backed off of the man with a growl, but kept himself between Bethany and the stranger. Ginger’s haunches backed up against her legs, his hackles were raised, his teeth bared and his ears were pulled back so tightly to his skull they practically disappeared in his fur. “Good boy Ginger, good boy.” Bethany praised the red wolf-dog, placing a hand on his back as she stood from her kneeling position. The wolf’s muscles were tense, and Bethany nearly felt the same way, the stress practically sang between them. “What.. Who are you? Is that a wolf?” The man seemed stunned, uncertain how to proceed. He ogled Bethany and Ginger, as she stood with her arms crossed, glaring at him. Something wasn’t right about him, she just couldn’t figure out what. Her eyes narrowed as she took him in. He wore animal furs, had some dirt on his darker skin from Ginger’s pounce, and to be fair, probably from her own ungraceful landing.. His hair didn’t look as though he cared for it much, unless running his fingers through it counted. Dark, messy curls hung in an unruly shambles in his face that made her fingers itch to shove them off his forehead. Though she had to admit it wouldn't help, with those brooding brows and eyes so dark brown they were nearly black. A light amount of scruff covered his face, and he carried a.. bow? Bethany straightened. “What in Hell's name? I mean, I get that things are back-asswards now, but set some traps man, come on!" Bethany rolled her eyes and turned, dismissing the man. She’d met his kind before. ‘Going back to nature/man’s history' or whatever, and all that. Crazies. Most of them wandered off into the wilderness and never came back. Died most likely, trying to be some great wilderness hero. “Besides, this area is clear of game.” She tossed over her shoulder as she began to pace away, no longer considering him a threat. “Wait just a minute!” Now the man behind her sounded angry, and Bethany tensed. Ginger growled again and released a snapping bark that had Bethany spinning. The man looked between Ginger and his hand with open-mouthed shock. “He bit me.” The man seemed too stunned to be angry. “Oh really, let me see?” Bethany turned to look closer at the man’s hand, peering at it before saying without looking up. “May I make a suggestion?” “What?” The man ground out, the anger finally creeping into his voice like he suddenly realized he should be mad. Bethany shrugged. “Keep your hands to yourself and you won’t get bit.” She proposed sweetly. “Why you little-!” This time it was the man who growled, and the sound was so animalistic, Ginger reacted immediately. Bethany looked up sharply, taking in the man’s features as Ginger shoved her backwards. For a moment there, she’d almost believed there was something other about him, but he was just too damn disheveled and unkempt for her to believe he was anything other than an extreme disaster of a man. Ginger’s own growls and snarls ripped the space between them, and Bethany placed a hand on his back to steady herself and the dog. True to form, Ginger wasn’t one to use teeth unless someone actually tried to lay a hand on her. It’s why she could be so confident that the man must have tried something. She re-evaluated swiftly. “Ok Ginger, time to go.” Bethany commanded calmly. Ginger backed up against her legs, shoving her backwards with his heavy body almost more quickly than she could walk. “Now wait just a minute! You can’t expect to just leave after your dog bit me!” The man seethed. Bethany turned on him once more, throwing her arms wide. “Look around you buddy! It’s the end of the world! What do you plan to do about it? It’s not like there are any courts or anything left! Keep your damn hands to yourself, pervert, and maybe you won’t get bit!” Bethany shot back. She was probably being a little reckless, but she was gambling he couldn’t use that bow very well. Without another backwards glance, she turned to run. Barbatos.. Had she just-? Her damn wolf-dog had bit him, and she acted as though it was his fault. Worse, she acted as though he could do nothing about it. This irritating little human expected to insult him and just get away with it!? Did she not know who he was?! Eyes flashing red, he reached for her once more, but the blasted wolf lunged for his throat this time, done giving him warnings by nipping him on the hand. “What the-? What are you? No! Heel!” Barbatos raged. The girl spun on her heel to face him again. Her wild hair flew as she watched him tumble backwards again, her wolf snapping at his throat, lunging off the ground on his powerful hind legs. The beast’s body was long enough that he was damn near as tall as Barbatos, so if Barbatos wasn’t so busy backpedaling, the damn thing would definitely have drawn blood. “Ginger, no!” The girl shouted, wrestling the wolf-dog off of him. “What did you do?” She cursed at Barbatos, “Ginger really doesn’t like you!” Finally, panting and sweating, she pulled the wolf-dog away. The wolf still stood in front of his human, projecting his defensive air. There was no doubt that he would protect his packmate to his death by tooth, claw and sinew. His bared teeth, ears laid flat against his skull and haunches nearly flat to the ground with his front legs braced and nearly shaking, ready to spring, all warned Barbatos that if he merely took one step out of line, the wolf would pay no heed to what his packmate wanted, he would be all over Barbatos. “All animals like me..” Barbatos protested. He couldn’t completely hide the note of pride mixed with confusion. The girl snorted. “Not Ginger.” She retorted. The wolf snapped a bark of agreement. Barbatos gathered himself slowly as the wolf corralled the girl backwards, further away from him. The blasted beast had nearly knocked him on his ass, as it was, Barbatos barely kept his feet, and he shakily sank to a knee, to project a less threatening appearance, although it was a risk. If the beast decided to come for him while he was on his knees, he was more exposed, more vulnerable. Barbatos propped an arm on his bent knee. “Relax. I mean your human no harm.” Barbatos spoke to the wolf. The beast stopped agitatedly trying to shove the girl away from him, his ears pricked forward, but immediately laid back again accompanied by the sound of a deep growl. “You’ve made your point.” Barbatos remarked. “I’ll keep my distance.” For now, he added silently. The dog snapped a bark at him, snorted, circled once, then sat alertly by the girl, staring him down. The message was clear. I don’t trust you, but I will relax my guard. ‘For now.’ The last was almost mocking. The girl watched the entire thing suspiciously. “What did you say to him? I couldn’t understand it.” She asked almost waspishly. Barbatos twitched slightly. Had the girl not realized he was a Demon? “How did you earn such loyalty from him?” He diverted the conversation instead, never taking his eyes from the wolf, who was staring intently in much the same way. “I found him when I was a kid. We take care of each other. We’re family.” The girl proclaimed, straightening. "But you didn’t answer my question.” Barbatos twitched again. Not easily distracted, this one. Barbatos shoved himself to his feet, and the dog snapped to attention again, popping to his feet almost faster than even Barbatos could blink. Maybe there was something a little other in this beast as well… Barbatos turned his attention to the girl, examining her carefully. She looked young. If she found the wolf-hybrid as a child, either the dog was getting old, or she had been born during the conquering of Earth. Based on the way the dog moved and how fresh-faced the girl was, he’d bet she was a war orphan. He shook his head, he didn’t have time for strays. Bethany.. What was wrong with that i***t? She watched the man begin to stride away, determined to try to avoid his path in the future. Ginger whuffed under his breath as if just as glad as she was that the confrontation was over, and then turned to follow her as she spun in the opposite direction and started walking. Until the noise from above reminded her she had been trying to escape other unwanted problems, and Bethany’s steps twitched to a stop. “She went this way!” A man's voice called and Bethany cursed as Ginger’s fur popped up into a bristle to rival a hedge-hog’s. A low growl emanated from him, and Bethany tossed a quick glance over her shoulder. She could take her chances with the crazy man, or she could keep.. running into the wilderness, alone, and hope for the best. She cursed again, looking longingly at the trees. But safety in numbers and all that, and if she ran off on her own again, she’d likely get caught. And she didn’t feel like being traded to the Demons for supplies today, thank you. Bethany spun on her heel and bolted after the crazy i***t. She only needed to hang around him for a while. Surely the head hunters would leave her be if they saw she had a male companion. Even if they didn’t actually know each other, the men hunting her wouldn’t know that. Cursing the whole way, Bethany nearly ran into the fur-covered man as she bolted back towards him. He seemed to step from behind a tree and just appear with a vicious snarl. For a moment, Bethany was confused. Hadn’t he been wearing leather? "What do you want?” He snapped, and Bethany instantly felt her hackles go up. Ginger released a quick bark and Bethany pointed a finger in his face while releasing a nearly unintelligible tirade that was quickly swallowed by Ginger’s barking. For a brief moment, the man looked like he might lunge and bite off her finger, then he sighed. “Stop. You keep scaring off all the game.” Bethany gaped. “What game?” She yelled with exasperation, spreading her arms wide. The man blinked, then scowled. “What do. you. want?” He repeated grumpily. Behind Bethany, the shouts of the men who had been pursuing her resumed. “That.” She admitted reluctantly. “I just need it to seem like I’m not alone long enough for them to lose interest.” Bethany sighed. The man looked over her head and beyond her. “And who exactly are these men?” He asked as the first of them came into view. “Slave traders.” Bethany reported, stiffening. Who knew how this man would react. Would he choose to sell her to them? Make a profit himself? As if sensing her sudden fear, Ginger moved between her and the approaching men, hackles raised and teeth bared. Surprisingly, she couldn’t tell who growled louder, the man behind her, or the loyal dog in front of her.
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