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Raven Lynn Stone I watched how the sun rays creep into my room from my cream-colored window. I sighed in annoyance, I didn't gather enough strength to stand up earlier just to watch the sunrise, I haven't been able to sleep well because of the creepy red eyes of an animal that I saw in the woods last night. Yes. I, therefore, conclude that it's an eye of an animal, people with red eyes only exist in the anime world and I think it was probably just my hallucination, I was probably sleepy at that moment. Right? I just shrugged and rolled myself with my blanket like sushi to try and get some more sleep but my mesomorph body won't allow me. Annoyed, I have decided to get up and do all of my morning rituals in our comfort room. When I was done and finally dressed, I went downstairs and the heavenly smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose that made my stomach growl. I hurriedly made my way through our dining and in there, I saw my dad already sipping his morning black coffee as I watch him flip the pages of the newspaper that he was reading, mom's probably cooking in the kitchen. "Good morning mom, dad," I greeted them.   "Good morning darling!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.   "Oh? Good morning sweetheart, you're already awake this early?" Dad said as he puts down his mug to stare at me. I finally made it through the chairs and I'm sitting right in front of my dad. "Y-Yea.. my body won't let me sleep for long, it's kind of frustrating," I said as I stared down on my empty plate and started to fill it with rice, bacon, and eggs. I took mouthful bites of my food and moaned in delight while swallowing it. My dad just laughed at me and continued reading his newspaper. My mom joined us a few minutes later. "Would you like to take a stroll in the town later darling?" My mom asked as she takes a sip of her morning coffee.   "Sure that sounds nice, I'll go out later" I muttered as I placed my empty plate on the sink and washed it myself.   "Just be careful and stay in crowded places okay? I heard earlier that there were wild animals that tried to hurt people who were camping beyond the forest last night, it's far from us but we still need to be aware" My dad warned me. It's not like I'm going somewhere really far from the house though. Wait, did he say a wild animal was on a loose last night? My mind immediately remembered those pairs of red eyes, I shook my head it happened far from here so that was just really my hallucination.   "Yeah sure, whatever makes you happy dad," I said jokingly.   "Raven" he called and I raised both of my hands like he was going to arrest me and laughed.   "Chill dad.. of course, I'll be careful," I said still laughing so relief washed over his face. I went upstairs, did some girly kinds of stuff, and waited till it's already 4 in the afternoon, I let myself slipped into my high waist denim shorts, white oversized shirt and paired it with my white sneakers.  When I was finally done dressing, I went downstairs to bid my goodbyes and left the house. After closing our main door, I exaggeratedly inhaled the healthy air of my surroundings, it's so fresh and neat. Everything around me is green and it's so satisfying. I have decided to take a walk around to find some places interesting. Our house was placed upon the mountain but besides us, there are many more concrete houses that are placed higher than our house, the very center of our town consist of the usual things I see in the big city but in an old-fashioned style the only difference is, I don't see any factories, skyscrapers or any high buildings around here only tall and big trees and that's okay. Trees are fine and more sturdy than a building. Some people are eyeing or staring at me weirdly whenever they get a chance to walk past me, they're probably just wondering that I'm new since this is just a small town. I just sighed and entered the park that I saw just now. A smile was plastered on my face because the park looks so neat, the trees and flowers were on the sides of the trails where you can stroll by, there's a playground for kids and benches everywhere so you can sit whenever you want to take a break, there's also an enormous green field where you can place your blankets to have your picnics, fly your kites, jog, play sports and such. When I finally grew tired of walking around, I sat on a bench not so near the crowded place and inhaled a lungful air. "Hey there! Hey! Hey you!" Curiously, I tried to find that voice that seems to be calling out for someone.   "Blue-eyed girl!" I glanced on my right and saw a girl with burgundy hair and brown eyes running straight towards me. She also has a company with her, a boy with brown eyes and coffee-colored hair. Woah, they look so gorgeous!   "O-Oh sorry were you calling me?" I asked, pointing out to myself.   "Yeah! I was calling you! Your face doesn't look familiar, are you new here? I'm Cass short for Cassiopeia Saunders" she said while offering her hand, I smiled and took it. I eyed her company who's just busy staring at me.   "Sup lady, I'm Carson Wright," he said and offered his hand so I politely took it. . "Raven Lynn Stone, just call me Rave, and yes we just got here yesterday," I said, trying not to make my voice sounds tired cause I'm feeling a bit sleepy due to the long walks that I did.   "That's great then! I hope you're going to love this town" Cass said and sat beside me, Carson remained standing in front of us.   "It doesn't need days for me to find out because I already love it here," I said making her smile genuinely, I noticed on my peripheral view that this Carson guy here keeps on staring at me like I'm some new thing. I don't like that.   "Is there something wrong?" I asked finally facing him again and his eyes widened telling me that he was guilty about the staring.   "N-Nothing, it's just that I'm not used to seeing a blue eye here especially from a human," he said and Cass immediately placed her palms on his mouth like he has told me something he shouldn't have, I frowned on his statement. What does he think of me first then an alien? My mind shouted and I'm glad my mouth didn't blurt that out. "D-Don't get me wrong, lady, you're just really gorgeous, it's a crime to be a human with that beauty," he said while scratching the back of his head as he laughs nervously. I just shook my head.   "No, I'm not that gorgeous silly, look at yourselves!" I almost shouted at him, if you're here with me, you would want to help me scold them cause they're much more gorgeous than I am.   "No he's right, I think you would stand out anywhere, I'm guessing you're studying at Westville University tomorrow?" she asked and my eyes widened.   "How did you know?" I asked and was really surprised.   "Well it's the only school here in town for college so it's really easy to guess, you'll probably get what he means when you have finally entered that school,"  she said with a sigh.   "Is it that bad to be there?" I asked, trying to hide the hint of my uneasiness.   "Hmm well for me it's a bit bad since there's a big gap between hunters and--"   "CASS!! COME ON LET'S GO HE'S ALREADY LOOKING FOR US!" We took a glance at the green fields and saw Carson who was already there waving both of his hands exaggeratedly, interrupting Cass from her sentence. Weird... I didn't notice that he left though.   "Holy crap!" I was startled by her reaction and she grabbed my hand before eyeing me again.   "Rave, I'm sorry but I need to go now," she said sounding a bit terrified, so I just shook my head. What is she terrified about? I avoided being inquisitive since we’re not that close yet.   "It's alright, I'm leaving now too anyways," I told her and stand up while brushing off some dirt on my shorts.   "'Cool! It's really nice to meet you, I hope I'll see you at school tomorrow!" she beamed while waving her hands as she giddily ran through the green fields with Carson. I was about to wave my hand back when I wondered if they're going to be my classmates, and what does she mean a big gap between hunters and who-knows-who? With a dreadful sigh, I left the town's park and went home. After entering our house, my eyes immediately widened upon noticing numerous pairs of eyes in our living room that are probably eyeing me right now. What in the world? Why is there a bunch of men and few strong-looking women in our house and don't make me forget that they have guns with them?! "Hey Stones, you have a gorgeous visitor on the door," someone announced from the crowd.   "i***t! That's probably their daughter! Shame on you!" and they all laughed in unison causing me to raise my eyebrows. What's so funny about that?   "Darling! You're finally home! Come, come" I heard my mom called me from the kitchen, so I went over with confusion etched among my face.   "Mom, what's happening?" I asked the moment I saw her. She's wearing her famous red apron, which means she’s cook something special today.   "Oh them? They're part of the Hunter Organization your dad belongs to, they came by to welcome us" Mom said cheerfully, so my eyebrows raised. I want to ask her what kind of organization is that? But maybe I'll just ask them when there are no people around.   "I see... I'll just go upstairs then to get ready for school tomorrow," I said while leaving the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks when I saw a man with ash brown hair staring at me on the other side of the dining table. Wow, that man is good-looking.   "Hello, you must be Raven, right? I just heard it from your father sometimes," he said casually and went towards me to offer his hand, so I gladly took it.   "That's me and you are?" I asked and slightly curious about how rough his hand feels on my pale white hands.   "Jason Lee," he replied and let go of my hand. Now that he's near, I can clearly see his well-built body together with his, I don't know... hunter clothes perhaps? He's wearing a black shirt on the inside, partnered it up with checkered red polo on the outside and he's wearing worn-out jeans on the bottom.   "Nice to meet you, Jason, it seems like you guys were always busy huh?" I said while glancing at his weird gun in his pockets. What kind of gun is that? Its design was all silver and intricate, there's a weird mark that I can't visualize very clearly.   "Well yeah, to protect the town most especially our people," he proudly said, I looked at him again and he was already looking straight into my eyes, his eyes were grey in color. Weird... is there something wrong with this town?   "Protect this town from what?" I asked curiously, he was about to open his mouth when my dad decided to join us and stole my attention from Jason.   "Sweetheart, you are not allowed to talk to boys while wearing that! Go get change upstairs," My dad blurted out, gesturing me to go upstairs. I heard Jason started chuckling on our side, so I faced dad and sighed in disbelief. That was so freaking embarrassing!   "Dad, come on! You can't tell me what to wear!" I grunted in frustration.   "Now that you're in my town I can, now go," he said while pushing and shooing me away. Great dad! I just shrugged and did what he said. Before I could even reach upstairs, I heard Jason called me somewhere but I can't see him anymore.   "See you at school tomorrow Raven!" Jason shouted, if I’m not mistaken I can feel and hear from his words that he’s excited. No way he's going to attend my school too? Shaking my head, I went to my room, and probably because of exhaustion, I didn't realize I have fallen asleep soundly on my comfy bed.   To be continued...
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