Chapter One

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Chapter One“Turn this car around right now.” Trish grabbed the wheel. “I mean it, Lori. I’m not going.” Lori swatted her hand away. “Yes you are. Stop acting like an idiot.” “Excuse me? I’m not the one who lied.” “Nope,” Lori said. “That was me.” Trish’s blood boiled. “A cougar retreat? A cougar retreat? You really think I’m a cougar?” “I think you could be a cougar if you gave it a shot.” Her mind bristled. “I’m not coming, you know. I’ll sleep in the car. I don’t care how cold it gets.” “You’re not sleeping in the car,” Lori said as they pulled into the driveway of a grand, gorgeous mansion. “I’ve booked a room. If you seriously don’t want to meet the boys, you can sit upstairs and watch made-for-TV movies all night, just like you’d do at home.” Trish could have cried. “Then why couldn’t you let me stay home? Why did you have to bring me here?” “Because!” Lori pulled into a parking spot and slid the key from the ignition. “You never do anything fun, Trish. We worry about you—me and Lynne and Tammy and all the girls at the gym. Your husband left how many years ago? And you haven’t been on a single date since then.” “So what?” Trish shot back. “My life is none of your business. I’m fine on my own.” “Really?” Lori caught her gaze, and she quickly looked out the window, into the dark night. “Ever since Brooke left for university, you haven’t been yourself. Just you in that empty house night after night? It must be depressing.” Trish bit her lip, begging the tears not to fall. “Come on.” Lori whacked her thigh. “Let’s get laid.” “Yeah, right.” Trish laughed and the tears dried up. “No, I mean it. You can be my cougar-in-training. I’ll ask the boys to go easy on you.” Opening the door, Lori let a frigid gust of air into the car. “Jesus! It’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. Grab your stuff and let’s get inside.” Bracing herself for winter’s cold, Trish wrapped her scarf tighter and pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. She grabbed her bag from Lori’s trunk, then followed her friend across the parking lot. From the outside, the mansion house—resort, whatever it was—looked every bit as sophisticated as Lori did in her black ankle-length coat. But Trish had a suspicion the interior would look... well, a lot like Lori when she slinked out of her black ankle-length coat. When Lori pressed the button for automatic entry, the doors opened like magic. As it turned out, Trish had been wrong about the place. She was expecting a brothel—red lights and male hookers—but what she found was a very stylish lobby: sleek couches, chrome and glass tables, a twenty-first century spin on modern décor. “Welcome!” said a warm voice from the front desk. “Are you checking in?” Trish turned, and when her eyes locked on the young Asian woman behind the counter, a flush came over her. She tugged at her scarf, trying to let the heat out. Lori strode confidently toward the girl. “I’ve reserved a room under the name Stranton. It’s a package for two, for Cougar’s Eve.” The young man who was checking in beside her gave Lori an obvious once-over. Lori drew that sort of attention wherever they went, particularly in the summer, when she showed off her assets in short shorts and tight tops. Even under wraps, her loud voice sold her as the kind of woman men might like. Trish unravelled her scarf and opened her jacket to let the trapped heat escape. God, that hot flash came on fast. Usually she felt them in her scalp first, and then the heat moved downward. This one started between her legs of all places, and expanded like a ball of fire in her pelvis, heating her whole body to an unbearable degree. Ugh, had she sweated through her top? Yeah, that was sexy. Lori would probably kick her butt if she let on. “I’ll just have you sign here, Ms. Stranton, and here are your two keys.” The young woman glanced from Lori to Trish and asked, “You’re together?” “Sure are,” Lori said. “Not together together.” Trish got that hot feeling again when the girl gazed down the front of her open coat. “If you mean are we together in the biblical sense, then no, we’re not. We’re just friends.” Lori burst out laughing. “What got into you, Trish? Who’s gonna pin us for rug-munchers when we’re here to bang a bunch of boys?” “There are plenty of bisexual women who attend our events.” The girl looked unwaveringly at Trish. “Plenty.” Trish swallowed hard. Her throat felt dry as cotton. “Well, I’m glad you’ve booked with us.” She read two names off her computer. “Lori and... Lynne?” “Actually, Lynne had to drop out at the last minute,” Lori said, like she was trying to hush up the matter. “Luckily, Trish didn’t have plans for New Year’s Eve.” “That is lucky.” The girl didn’t take her eyes off Trish. Not for a second. Which was worse: the fact that Lori had organized this whole trip with Lynne and only pulled Trish in as a last-minute replacement, or the fact that she’d just portrayed Trish as the kind of woman who hangs around the house on New Year’s Eve, all by her lonesome, with nothing to do? Didn’t matter that it was true. Trish didn’t want to seem like a middle-aged loser in front of this very attractive young woman. “Trish?” A slow smile bled across the girl’s full, pouting lips. “As it turns out, you’re our final arrivals. Why don’t I show you to your room so you can settle in before joining the other guests?” “In the Walnut Room?” Lori asked boastfully. “I’ve been to Cougar’s Eve before, so I know the score. I’ve been more than once, actually.” “With who?” Trish asked. “Why have I never heard about this?” “You’re really so surprised?” Lori raised an eyebrow. “I had to drag you here tonight. You said yourself you didn’t want to come.” “Well, I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Cougar’s Eve is our most intense event.” The girl stepped out from behind the front desk, giving them a glimpse of her long, lovely legs. “Would you like me to carry your bags?” “It’s okay.” Trish couldn’t stop staring at the spot where the girl’s black skirt gave way to her bare thigh. “My bag’s pretty light.” Lori handed her luggage over in a heartbeat. By the time they’d arrived at their room, Lori had talked the girl’s ear off. Raye. The girl’s name was Raye. She was twenty-three years old and she didn’t mind working New Year’s Eve because she wasn’t in a relationship at the moment—coming off a pretty bad break-up and not quite ready to start over just yet. That’s how much personal information Lori could extract from a perfect stranger during a brief elevator ride. The room itself was cozy—not huge, but well-appointed with modern furnishings. No lazy hotel art, nothing generic. The room had soul. But Lori didn’t seem to notice. She shrugged off her coat and tossed it across one of the two double beds. Raye’s eyes bulged, and Trish said, “My god, Lori, you’re not wearing that in public, are you?” “Why not?” She examined herself in the stand-up mirror, reaching in the front of her rhinestone-encrusted bodice to tease out more cleavage. “What’s wrong with it?” Trish slumped on one of the beds—the one without Lori’s coat on it. “It looks like underwear.” Lori shrugged. “It is. Cost a pretty penny online. Where else can I show it off?” “In private?” Trish suggested. Lori shot Raye a look that seemed to say, “She’ll never understand.” And maybe Lori was right. “I don’t know about you, but I’m heading to the Walnut Room. You’ve got your room key, Trishy-baby. You want to come down and have a good time, that’s up to you.” “I know it is,” Lori said, feeling oddly snappish. “Sorry. Let me get settled in and maybe I’ll come down later.” “I got you here.” Trish primped in front of the mirror, then opened the hotel room door. “The rest is up to you.” It wasn’t until Lori had strutted out of the room that Trish realized Raye was still hanging around. Blushing, she said, “Oh goodness, I’m sorry. You want a tip, don’t you? Let me just...” “Don’t worry about it.” Raye set a small hand on Trish’s as she fumbled through her billfold. “I’m not waiting for a tip.” Trish felt her whole body shaking as the young woman’s fingers warmed her flesh. “Do you need my signature on something?” Raye shook her head slowly. “I’m not here to take anything from you.” Trish’s face felt very hot, and she couldn’t ignore the blaze between her legs. She stood before asking, “Why are you here?” Stepping so close their bellies met, Raye said, “I’m here to give.” Before Trish could ask another question, the young woman’s lips met hers like a feather’s touch. Trish’s heart pounded so loudly she couldn’t hear anything else. When that pounding sound disappeared behind white noise, the world went black. She swooned, but Raye caught her and angled her toward the bed. When she opened her eyes, she was inclined across the mattress with both feet still on the floor. Raye sat beside her, smacking her cheeks gently. “Oh my god, are you okay? Did you faint? Can you hear me?” “I...” Trish tried to get up, but her head felt like a bowling ball. “What just happened?” Raye bit her lip. “I kissed you and you fell. Are you feeling all right? Should I call an ambulance or something?” “No, no, no!” How would she explain that to Lori? She fainted while kissing another woman? The girls at the gym would never shower with her again. “I’m fine. I just need a moment.” Although... it’s not like Trish had kissed Raye. Raye had kissed her. There was a difference. “Maybe we should loosen this top.” Without waiting for a response, Raye started unbuttoning Trish’s shirt. “Why do it all the way up in the first place? That’s so constricting. Hey, wow, you’ve got nice boobs. Don’t you want to show them off?” “No!” Trish shouted, wrapping her unbuttoned blouse over her bra. “I’m not very comfortable being looked at by men.” “I’m not a man,” Raye said in a soothing tone. When she brushed Trish’s hands away, Trish let her. “Are you comfortable with me looking at you?” Trish gazed into Raye’s face, but the girl stared unapologetically at her chest. Spreading her shirt wide open, Raye traced her fingertips across Trish’s bare skin. Trish hadn’t been touched this way in so many years... so many, many, many years. “This is a pretty bra,” Raye said, gently touching the borders. “Simple cream-coloured lace. It’s classic.” “Thank you,” Trish replied. “Can I take it off?” “What?” With a sly smile, Raye said, “I want to look at your breasts. I want to see them naked.” A blast of heat spread across Trish’s skin, but she said nothing. “Are you embarrassed?” Raye asked. With trepidation, Trish said, “No...” “Then why not?” “It’s just...” How was she supposed to explain herself when arousal infused every brain cell? “You’re a girl—a woman, a young woman. And you’re touching me.” Raye ran her hands across the excess flesh of Trish’s belly. “So? You’re a woman, I’m a woman. So what?” “I’ve just...” Trish watched Raye’s hand disappear beneath the waistband of her pants, keeping close to her skin. “What are you doing?” Cupping Trish’s mound, Raye said, “Wow, you’ve got a nice full bush. I like that. I want to see it.” “What do you think you’re doing?” Trish cried, sounding not half as taken aback as she felt. “Get your hands out of my pants! I never consented to this.” Raye squeezed Trish hard, then said, “You will.” Trish felt her eyes roll back. The pure pleasure she took at Raye’s hand was like nothing she’d ever experienced. A rush of hot adrenaline rode through her pelvis, filling her breasts, making them too big for her bra. “Holy Jesus.” She breathed in stops and starts as the gorgeous young woman dabbed two fingers between her legs. “That feels so good.” “Really?” Raye replied. “Because you’re not very wet.” That comment made Trish feel old and dried up. Maybe that’s why she lashed out and said, “Maybe you’re just not doing a very good job.” Raye’s dark eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Trish would have expected a twenty-three-year-old girl to say something catty and run from the room, slamming the door behind her. But Raye didn’t say a word. Slipping between Trish’s legs, the girl yanked down her pants all the way to her ankles. Raye didn’t comment on the granny panties—didn’t even seem to notice them, in fact. Trish hadn’t exactly planned for this to happen. “Have you ever had the kind of o****m that made time stop?” Raye asked. Her mouth hovered so close Trish could feel the girl’s breath on her p***y. “I... don’t know. I don’t remember.” “That’s as good as a no,” Raye said, brushing her long black hair over her shoulder. “You don’t look like a lesbian,” Trish whispered, though she knew it wasn’t politically correct. Arching her brow, Raye asked, “Who ever said I was a lesbian?” Without giving Trish a moment to think about that question, the beautiful girl bowed between her legs and spread her p***y lips like curtains. When she felt the cool hotel air on her intimate flesh, she felt strangely ashamed of herself. This beautiful young woman probably had a slick, tight little cunt. What must the girl think of hers? Old and shabby, just like her clothes and her hair... just like Trish. Extending her velvety tongue, Raye nudged her little face right between Trish’s legs and gave a good long lick. The warmth of Raye’s mouth travelled Trish’s body like an ocean wave. It was shocking, overwhelming, but so hot and wet she just wanted more, more, more... She couldn’t say so, of course. Her throat locked. All forms of self-expression were trapped inside as she pushed up onto her elbows to watch. Raye licked her like a kitty: slow, precise, moving her entire head with every lap. Trish was this girl’s bowl of cream, and that’s all she wanted to be... until Raye started licking her faster. “Oh dear!” Trish cried out, because she hadn’t expected the licking to take such a violent turn. “What’s wrong?” Raye asked. “Nothing. Keep going. It’s good.” Raye’s tongue turned into a little pink warrior fighting with the swollen nemesis of Trish’s clit. How long had it been since she’d felt like this? Her p***y no longer felt dry and neglected. With Raye’s help, it had grown pulpy, thick with arousal and wet with saliva. She felt like Queen of the Nile as she half-reclined on the hotel bed, watching a gorgeous girl go at her p***y as if it tasted like candy. Growling, Raye pulled one of Trish’s feet out of the tangle of clothes and wrapped it around her back. Trish pulled the other foot up and hooked her ankles together behind Raye’s neck. Meanwhile, Raye dug both hands under her bum and propped her up. “Oh dear, what are you doing?” Trish asked, breathlessly. When Raye c****d her head and lapped Trish on an angle, it felt totally and completely different. Trish shrieked. She’d always imagined a woman would be better at this sort of thing than a man, and she was ever right! Her husband had never shown much interest in kissing her clit the way Raye was doing now—wrapping those sweet pink lips around the throbbing bud and sucking wildly—and she’d never forced the issue. By the end of their marriage, she’d pretty much decided she wasn’t fond of s*x. How wrong she’d been! Turned out she just didn’t like s*x with her husband. s*x with a stranger on a hotel bed? And a woman, at that? A gorgeous young woman who wouldn’t let up on her clit? This had to be heaven. Trish’s hands somehow found their way to her breasts and she pulled the cups of her bra down until her boobs popped out. Raye perked up, staring at them unapologetically. The young thing’s pale chin ran with saliva and p***y juice, but she didn’t brush it away. That image would live in Trish’s secret mind forever. “Wow, look at your big boobies!” Raye licked her lips. “Boobies?” That wasn’t the sort of word she’d expect to hear from a mature adult, but Raye was only in her twenties. Trish had probably been equally immature at that age. “I want to lick them,” Raye said. “Oh wow, they’re so big and yummy. I want to lick them and suck them and cuddle them. They look so good!” Feeling slightly embarrassed, Trish said, “Well, you can do as you like. They’re yours to play with.” Raye seemed pleased as punch. She rose from her kneeling position beside the bed and hovered over Trish’s nearly-naked body. As she loomed, wide-eyed, her dark hair slid over her shoulder and tickled Trish’s unsuspecting n****e. When she gasped, Raye laughed. “What?” Trish asked. “What’s so funny?” Tossing her hair side to side across Trish’s erect n*****s, Raye said, “It’s just cute how turned on you are. Bet you never saw this coming.” “I still can’t believe it’s really happening,” she admitted as Raye bowed to her breast and sucked. “Oh my dear, dear god...” A smile broke across Raye’s lips as she suckled gently. She quickly unbuttoned her black suit jacket and white blouse, then pulled down the cups on her small bra. When her hard n*****s played across Trish’s belly, Trish gasped and squirmed, wanting more but not knowing how to ask. “God, this body! I want everything at once.” Wrapping her arms around Trish’s big breasts, Raye hugged them as she plunged her face in the cleavage. She licked one n****e, licked the other, sucked one, sucked the other, all the while making desperate noises like a puppy begging to play. “Yes,” Trish whispered. “Please.” “Yes,” Raye echoed, wrapping her lips around one stout n****e while she plunged her fingers inside Trish’s cunt. Trish gasped, in shock. When was the last time something had found its way in there? Ages. It had been ages. And somehow Raye’s slim fingers felt huge inside her. Strange, because she vaguely recalled having s*x with her husband and asking that shameful question, “Is it in yet?” Not that he wasn’t well-endowed. He had a good-sized c**k, but after a while it didn’t seem all that enthralling. She’d gone numb to him. But the same was not true of this young beauty at her breast. Every lick was excitement. Every touch shot through her like lightning. Raye’s fingers moved inside her, f*****g her with a speed and intensity her ex-husband had never achieved. And with every pummeling pitch inside her p***y, Raye suckled harder at Trish’s t**s. It all felt so wildly wonderful she lost herself in the moment. “Oh yes! Oh yes!” Writhing against Raye’s small body, Trish grabbed the girl’s head and pulled her slick black hair. “Yes, please, more!” “Mmm-hmm!” Suckling harder, Raye slammed her hand against Trish’s p***y. Her thumb whacked Trish’s clit. The sensation defied belief, bringing on an uncontrollable urge to buck, f**k, fight, love. Her clit was so distended from Raye’s mouth that she didn’t think she could handle any more pressure against it, and yet Raye wouldn’t let up. The girl moved her mouth from breast to breast without letting up on Trish’s p***y. She slammed her fingers into Trish’s cunt until the pleasure was truly too much to bear. Arching off the bed, Trish screamed and howled. “Oh dear, oh dear! Oh, you have to stop! It’s too much!” But Raye wouldn’t quit. She changed her hand’s inclination from vertical to horizontal, palm facing up, and altered her action from f*****g to feeling. What was this? It felt as though Raye were petting her insides, scratching an itch she never knew she had. “What are you doing?” Trish asked. Raye couldn’t answer. Her mouth was full of Trish’s tit, which she suckled relentlessly—not only the n****e, but as much breast as she could fit in her tiny mouth. All the while, the girl rubbed Trish’s insides, drawing a strange sense of pressure into her pelvis. At first it felt like goodness and warmth, but then it evolved into something else. “Stop,” Trish said. “I need to pee.” Raye shook her head without releasing Trish’s breast. “What do you mean no? You want me to pee on your hand? Because I will if you don’t stop that.” A growl of arousal emanated from the young woman’s throat. Trish probably could have pushed her away, but something held her back. She let the pressure sensation take over. She let it consume her lower half. She gave in to the itch and the swell and the heat. As Raye sucked her breast unrepentantly, she released the pressure that had built up in her body for years and years and years...
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