Chapter 6

1695 Words
Annalise "You have great knife skills." Casey complimented, as I diced some onions. "Have you worked in a kitchen before?" "Yes. I ran one for an entire year." I smiled. "Oh! Pardon me" He laughed, putting his hands up in defeat. "Here I am telling you how to hold a knife and you could probably slice and dice me faster than I could even say 'potateo'." It took me a minute to put his words together, but I smiled at what I believed was a compliment. "You are much better at this than me." Which was completely true, he heated up some leftovers that were to die for. I asked him for the recipe but I don't think he took me very seriously, or perhaps he didn't want to share his secret recipe. He simply laughed it off, and after helping me bandage my blistering wrists-for sanitary purposes, of course, we were in a kitchen after all-we began prepping the vegetables. "Eh, I do have some years on you." He shrugged playfully. "How long have you worked here?" "Almost my entire life." He snorted. "My mother used to be the head cook, until she retired several years ago. I was still young at the time, so the former king hired Lilith." He said, making a vomiting gesture. "But things have been heating up for her since King Maddox came to rule." "Oh?" I said as I opened another bag of potatoes. "Yeah, he has little tolerance for nonsense, which in this case is a good thing. I'm hoping he rids us of her soon." "Is he...nice?" "Depends on who you ask." He said, pausing for a moment. "Some fear him, others respect him, some worship the very ground he walks on. It depends on the role you play in the house." "And what do you think of him?" "I think he is in over his head. But if you ever repeat that, I'll deny it." He said, pointing his knife at me. I pretended to zip my lips shut and we both laughed. I enjoyed working with Casey. He was nice, and didn't treat me like an inconvenience. Nor did he try to kill me or look at me like I was a piece of meat. I think in time we could be very good friends. "So, how did you end up here?" He asked after a minute of silence. "I-I'm not really ready to talk about it." I shook my head. "Fair enough, I'll be here if you ever want to talk about it." He shrugged. "Thanks Casey." I smiled. "Not a problem." He winked. "Now, let's get dinner ready." - - - - - - - - - We made a dish I had never tried before, Suaasat. It was a hearty soup which we made with whale, but we could always substitute the protein for reindeer or seal. It smelled good, better than I would have thought. Casey handed it over to one of the servers and we began to clean up. Dinner wasn't for another half hour, which we were expected to be present for, but Casey said he would see if he could keep me out of the mix this week, at least until I felt more comfortable with the language. Casey quizzed me on some basic words. I was able to get some, but was stumped on others. He seemed to think I was doing good overall, so that was a plus at least. I asked Casey if the castle was safe for shewolves, or anyone for that matter, and Casey said that as long as I worked in the kitchen, I shouldn't have much to worry about. The kitchen staff were mostly left alone. Apparently, King Maddox had a ferocious appetite, but I don't think he was referring to food. Casey said that the king had specific people that helped him with that. Same with the other men in the castle. Apparently they have some sort of party every week too. I felt like there was something Casey wasn't telling me, or perhaps I interpreted it wrong, but I didn't push for details. "Did Lilith show you to your sleeping quarters?" Casey asked. "I have sleeping quarters?" I frowned. "You is standard, there is a male and female division, usually three or four to a room." He said. "Let's go speak with Lilith now before I need to attend dinner. You can get settled in while I am gone." "Perfect, thank you." Casey found Lilith yelling at some other poor soul and shamelessly interrupted. I took notes and tried not to laugh at the look of shock on her face. Casey said he wasn't afraid of her and he certainly proved it. "Where might Anna's bed be located?" He asked confidently. "She doesn't have one." She sneered. "Pardon?" He asked, more out of confusion than anger. "She doesn't have one, there are no spare servant beds available." Lilith rolled her eyes as if it were obvious. "Have her sleep in the closet or something." She said with a wave of her hand, before racing to find the next person to terrorize. "Well, that simply won't do." Casey frowned. "I would say you could stay with me, but I am in the male quarters, and I promise you, they wont be very honorable once the lights go out. Not with how beautiful you are anyway." "It's fine, I'm sure I can find something." I shrugged. I wasn't planning on staying here long anyway. No bed means I won't be missed when I leave. "Oh! I have an idea. Come with me!" He said, rushing us down the hall. I found it hard to keep up with my oversized shoes. I need to figure that out soon, before I resort to going barefoot. Casey took me deeper and deeper into the castle. Not many paid us much attention, which was reassuring. "Now, it's a bit dusty, but no one ever comes here and there is a chase for you to sleep on. Also, if you are ever found here, you have the perfect excuse, you are simply learning the language." Casey said excitedly as he flung open two heavy wooden doors leading into a large library. "Its perfect!" I gasped, taking in all the glorious books. I had a nice collection, but it was modest compared to here. "I seriously don't think anyone has been in here since King Maddox came into power, so have at it." He smiled. "Thank you..." I said, already pulling a few books off the shelves. "It's the least I could do." He snorted. "I'll see you back in the kitchen in an hour so we can help with cleanup and begin prepping tomorrow's meals." "Uh-hu." I nodded, flipping through the pages of the first book. Maybe things weren't so bad here after all. - - - - - - - - - I take it back. Things are terrible here. Lilith is terrible. She is absolutely infuriating, and I cant even give any witty comebacks yet because I'm still struggling to keep up with the conversation. She is completely unorganized and unreasonable. I noticed right away that she clearly had no idea what she was doing. But she compensates for it by hitting the staff or threatening them. This was only my second day and I questioned how anyone else could put up with her for as long as they have. I already found myself thinking of ways she might die, and I was not normally a hostile person. Maybe one of the servers would finally snap, or perhaps she would be summoned by Satan to return home. "Bring this to the bathhouse." She said, shoving a large platter of cheeses, breads, and grapes into my hands. I barely managed to get a grip on it, which only earned me another eyeroll. Goddess, this woman needed a lesson in manners. "Bathhouse?" I questioned. When I was met with a venomous look, I knew I had heard correctly. I nodded and carefully made my way in that direction. I was almost there too, but my toe hit a grove in the flooring and the plate and myself went tumbling to the ground. Thankfully, I managed to save most of the tray. Unfortunately, Lilith was watching and was madder than a shaken-up bee. "You clumsy little b***h!" She sneered, stomping her way over to me. I thought she was going to kick me, until I saw her face drop and head bow. I looked up to see a very curious looking King Maddox standing before me. He was dripping wet, and wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Apologies." I said, looking at the disheaved tray. "Accidents happen." He said, crouching down and helping me pick up the discarded food. "Goddess look at what he is packing...." Aria gushed. "I am literally trying everything I can not to." "And those abs, they are so hard you could probably grate cheese on them." "What? Why would I? Nevermind." I dismissed my wolf, focusing back on reality. "There, its as if it never happened." He said, taking the tray and standing back up. "And Lilith?" "Yes Alpha?" She squeaked. "Do see that she is given the proper sized shoes. This probably wouldn't have happened if you had given her the right pair to begin with." He added, popping a grape into his mouth. "What I wouldn't give to be that grape..." Aria purred. "Yes sir." Lilith nodded nervously. I watched as he walked away, my wolf willing his towel to drop to the floor. "How dare you embarrass me like that!!" Lilith growled, yanking my shoes off my feet. "Get up!!" She practically dragged me back to one of the supply rooms and shoved me inside. "Pick something fitting and get back to work!" She yelled before slamming the door behind me. I looked over the shelves and tried on a few pairs until I found the best fitting, most comfortable pair I could. I may have just unintentionally put a target on my back with Lilith, but hey, at least I got some new shoes.
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