Chapter 6: GABRIEL

2650 Words

She seemed to catch herself, or maybe the fact that I wasn’t returning her embrace finally registered, and she started to pull away in embarrassment. I warned myself not to, but I couldn’t stand the thought of putting a damper on her mood, so I pulled her back into my chest for just a few seconds more. “You’re happy with your surprise; I take it.” “Yes, very. I don’t know how you did it but thank you. I’ve always been afraid of something happening to the car before it came to me.” “Now, you no longer have to worry. We’ll see about getting your permit sometime this week, and I’ll teach you how to drive; until then, you may drive up and down the driveway.” “You’ll teach me?” How does she get that light in her eyes? “Of course, who else?” She seemed overly pleased by that, and alarm bell

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