Chapter 32 - George

1568 Words

“Wait,” Alice’s eyes were bugging out of her head.  “Explain this to me again.”  Gillian shot me a worried look over Alice’s head.  Her eyes were pleading with me to be careful.  “The three off us will stand up before the pack, and there will be a small ceremony.  We will present you as our mate.”  Her face was screwed up in concentration and consternation.  “That sounds an awful lot like a wedding.”  I took her hand and rubbed my fingers over her knuckles.  “It kind of is, I guess.” I said carefully.  “We are making promises to each other, and a promise to the pack.”  I could feel her accelerated heartbeat, and smell the taint of fear in her sweet cherry fragrance.    “Its worse than a wedding,” she whispered.  “Its like... marrying the whole tribe.”  I couldn’t help but chuckle at

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