Chapter 5

293 Words

August something. A horrible thing happens. The summer cowboy ends up on Channel 9. I see the Breaking News! coverage on the flat-screen. Jessie Pinter, an Edinboro graduate with a degree in journalism, holds a microphone in front of his too-pretty lips. His blue eyes flash with intense color and widen. He excitedly informs his evening viewers, “I’m here at the scene of a recent vehicular accident on Polter Street in the Deeden neighborhood of town. Two trucks have apparently had a head-on collision. Both drivers are…” Deeden’s about seven blocks west of Shelton. Polter Street is a busy shopping district for all the locals. Coffee house. Bakery. Greeting card store. Discount dollar store. Grocery store. It’s heavily polluted with city people and high traffic flow. One doesn’t want to go

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