6. Are They Safe Now?

2251 Words
Just as the AC vent grill, went crumbling down on the ground, Amy saw the assassin in the white shirt, climb out of the vent, land on his feet, hold his gun up towards Alessandro. A sinister smirk settling on his lips as he was finally in front of his target, ready to take the shot and finish Ricci’s story. But Amy’s flexes worked faster than the assassin’s brain, as she jumped at Alessandro who stood shocked seeing a gun pointed directly at him. Amy jumped at him, tackling Alessandro down, while the assassin shot the gun, making everyone in the corridor stop at their track. Fen turned around and noticed that Alessandro was not with Luka and the rest of the team. He realized that Alessandro was still inside the room. He screamed his guts out and jumped towards the room but Richard held him back, preventing him from going inside. While Alessandro laid down at the floor, his heart thumped loudly inside his chest, with Amy laying on top of him. She pushed him down just in time, dodging the bullet. A fear of life in his mind, made Alessandro hold onto Amy as she pushed him down, saving his life. His back was severely hurt with the impact but right now all his senses were lost. The loud sound of the bullet fell deaf on his ears, and the only sense in his body worked was the one of sight. He could only see Amy, on top of her. Her round face with soft cheeks but fierce eyes with raging fire within them. The top buttons on her shirt undone, giving Alessandro a perfect view of her cleavage. While Amy was completely lost in her task of protecting Alessandro. She kept her body on top of Alessandro to protect him and lifted her gun, shooting her favorite spot, hitting the bald assassin right at his hand, making him lose grip of his gun, while the fast bullet pierced right through his hand. He screamed with pain, losing the gun that went flying down towards Amy. She immediately extended her leg and pushed it out of the way, kicking it out of the room, while pointed her gun directly at the assassin, who held his bruised hand with the other one, while shooting daggers at Amy with his gaze. She smirked, putting the palm of her free hand on the ground and lifting her body up but she immediately hit back on Alessandro’s strong chest, realizing that Alessandro was holding her waist all the while. She looked at him with confused gaze while he only looked lost into her deep green eyes. A color so unique he had never seen such glowing yet fiery gaze. She pushed herself a little more, signaling Alessandro to let go off her but he only kept his hold on her hips, firms and strong. Feeling annoyed, she kept both her palms down and pushed herself up, freeing herself off of his grip, also breaking his haze, making him realize that he was on the floor in a critical situation, where a woman just saved his life.   While Amy stood up, holding the assassin at gunpoint, she walked towards him, “Hands up in the air!” she yelled at him and he obliged, knowing he was helpless and wounded. She ordained him his rights, while Richard moved into the room and saw Alessandro sitting on the floor, still in a state of shock. He stepped forward and pulled out silver handcuffs from his pocket, locking the killer’s bruised hands down. While another one of the squad members rushed inside and everyone looked out of the wide door to see the entire SWAT team, standing right outside the suite, cleaning the place, and making room. Amy shook her head, rolling eyes. Exhaustion had taken over her body but she knew that this was just the beginning of the entire dilemma. She sighed, while Antonio walked in with the tall man, who seemed like the head of the SWAT team. He took off his helmet that had a head gear and a front glass shield, revealing his handsome face. He smiled at Amy. “You saved the day!” he announced and walked towards Alessandro helping him get on his feet, while Richard pulled the assassin out of the room. A young female paramedic rushed into the room, carrying a square box in her hands, laying it down on the ground, she immediately started inspecting Alessandro, who looked over the short girl’s head to look at Amy who was busy discussing some things with the tall SWAT guy. Alessandro knew it was actually her who needed to have the medical attention. He was simply blown away with the fact that a girl could be that brave and fierce. He signaled the paramedic that he was alright and didn’t need any medical attention, who was just bummed as she was getting to attend the most handsome guy on planet. Amy sighed and walked towards Alessandro and he looked at her, noticing her entire appearance. Something about her eyes told him he had seen her before, something told him that he had been closer to her before as well. Just as Amy was about to reach him, a tall figure blocked them. Amy raised her hands in air in exhaustion seeing Fred’s back blocking her from Alessandro, while he stood with confidence, facing Alessandro and extended his hand. “Fred Alonso!” he introduced himself with confidence, while Alessandro only felt irritated. He was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. Just in a span of one night, within few hours, he witnessed his teammate die right in front of his eyes and dodged a life changing moment, where he could’ve been dead if it wasn’t for the petite girl. He gave Fred an annoying look, who read the room and immediately pulled his hand back. “We…” before he could’ve said anything Amy stepped aside and called Antonio; “Tony, take Mr. Ricci out and take him with his teammates in the safe house.” Antonio stepped ahead and guided Alessandro, who didn’t bother to spare another glance at neither Amy nor Fred and walked out of the room, hoping to be with his teammates, as it seemed the only source of solace to him. As he was at the doorway, Arturo came in at the same time. He was starstruck to see the football star Ricci being guided out of the room. He froze for a moment and simply looked at Alessandro as he walked out of the room. He smiled with pride, knowing that the nation’s pride was saved by his team. He read Alessandro’s exhausted state and let Antonio take him out but at the same time, he took a mental note to visit Alessandro in the safe house and ask for an autograph or maybe a picture as well. Fred turned towards Amy, partially annoyed that she took away his moment of becoming a hero in the eyes of the biggest soccer player on earth that was literally worshipped by the football lovers all over the world. At the same time Arturo entered the room and looked at Amy’s exhausted condition. His heart wrenched seeing the girl who was like a daughter to him, looking disoriented but at the same time he felt proud. He walked up to her and patted her shoulder; “Good work!” Listening to Arturo compliment Amy, a scowl covered Fred’s face. “Yeah, good work till now but I think… from here, I will take charge…” he immediately stated looking at Arturo hoping that he would comply to his subtle demand. Arturo c****d, “I officially declare Amy as the in charge on this case, because of her we have a lead and even captured the killer within less than ten hours. She knows about this case, Amy, I am assigning you this case. This is a matter of high security.” Amy nodded her head, deep down, she had already mentally taken the charge of the case but now it was finally official. She knew it was related to the Carmen case and now she had a major lead in her hand and she was officially assigned to the case. It was like the stars were in her favor. On the other hand, Fred’s face was covered with a major scowl, loathing the fact that Amy had swept a huge case right under his nose, moving his chances of getting the promotion as a captain, away. “Well then, she needs to address the rows of media covering the front line of the hotel!” Fred stated bitterly moving out of the room. Amy groaned in exhaustion. Hating the media interviews which always took a wrong turn for her, whenever she was to address a press conference. She either sweated profusely, with becoming the laughing stock of the entire media, or either glitched and fumbled numerously, becoming an internet sensation with having several jokes and memes made on her. She walked towards the window and saw the extending rows of media vans and reporters standing right outside the front door. “Where are they taking the team?” She asked Arturo, who stood behind her. “Forest one!” he told her about the safe house. “They are being taken by the back doors but we need to address the media.” He informed her, standing affirm of his statement. Amy felt extremely exhausted. In one night, she carried out a undercover operation, flew all the way from Barcelona and saved an international football star’s life, while taking down an assassin. She rested her forehead against the windowpane and cried in exhaustion. “Please, do it for me. I can’t.” she was already extremely stressed and cameras, questions and flashlights gave her anxiety. “It’s your case.” Arturo emphasized. She groaned again, “Fine! But we can’t tell them everything and for now, I need to think about our next strategy.” She announced, moving out of the room, mentally preparing herself before hand to face the vicious attacks of the journalists and reporters that were coming her way. “What do you mean strategy? We have caught the killer…” Arturo followed her out. She climbed down the stairway and unfolded her theory, “The killer is a hired assassin, by Gerald Roman, he was assigned to kill Alessandro who is still alive and in further future the canceled game of tonight would take place and to win against Royal Madrid they would only need one thing and that would be to kill Alessandro who is the main power play. So, they would want to kill him and again attack him for this purpose, we need to make sure accordingly…” He words were confusing to Arturo but her was grasping a little concept. While the whole place was being swept by forensics, SWAT fighters and police, Amy reached the main glass door and saw the rows of cameras and people with mics lined outside the place, ready to hold her accountable. She paused and turned towards Arturo, “We can’t say much right now and please do not say anything other than what I would say.” Holding much confidence, she walked out of the hotel, a team of SWAT members covered her shielding her from the surrounding hungry journalists, wishing to have all the beans from the operation carried in the hotel, spilled to them, while Amy was determined to not to lose her calm. “What was the reason behind this untimely operation?” a male reporter asked out loud. “Who were the forces fighting against?” A female one asked. “Is the drug operation just a coverup, while the players were actually attacked again?” “Are they safe now?” “Are the players of the team fine? Is anyone else injured as well? Are their staff and everyone else safe.” Another one jumped with a question. “If anyone has been injured who would be responsible and when did the SIF took in charge of the situation, why wasn’t there any official statement before handing the case over to SIF!” The reporters pushed against the guards, trying to reach for Amy who had successfully reached the black BMW. Amy paused before getting inside the car, looking over at Arturo who was just as offended by the questions as Amy. She took in a deep breath and looked in front of her and spoke in the cluster of mics with channel labels held in front of her mouth. “SIF is responsible for this case…” She paused, postulating her next response not wanting to be the laughing stock again. She controlled her temperament, not wanting to lose her temper like one time she did and became a living meme. “Everyone was safe and the team is transferred to a safe place.” With that she immediately got inside the car and so did Arturo, who noticed her raging expressions, knowing that she was again triggered by media. Something she finds extremely repulsive. The car drove away, while the reporters all showed clear disappointment at getting nothing out of Amy, who sat in the car, laying her head back against the headrest, closing her eyes against the flashing street lights, imprinting and shadowing her face simultaneously. While Alessandro sat inside the moving military truck, dark bags circling his eyes while his face covered with scowling expressions. He and his entire team were centered and guarded by two militants in the back case of an armor plated matte black truck. He laid his head back against the metallic surface, closing his eyes, exhausted from the inadvertently adventurous night he had. ----------------------------------------------                       
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