41. The Unlikely Duo!

3769 Words

Stifling a gentle groan, Amy opened her eyes, looking at her surroundings, she sighed but reflected her body back in a jerk action, as pain surged through her veins and she realized that once again she was laying on a bed. Opening her eyes, a little, she tried to capture the surroundings of what she presumed what once again a hospital, but this time, much to her relief she was lying in a king-sized bed, inside a luxurious – what seemed to her to be a guest room. She roamed her eyes around slightly and immediately caught the sight of the white chiffon drape curtains that were all unanimous in the Ricci Mansion. She could see the flashing red and blue lights coming out from the large window even through the drapes She breathed out in utter solace, that at least this time she didn’t wake

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