33. "...You are passing your preliminary exams."

3062 Words

As the final period bell rang, Amy sprinted her way out of the class, sparing one final glance at Alessandro who nodded at her, signaling that he will join her soon. “Hey Aless…” Lexi walked towards his chair and sat right into his lap, driving his groan crazy with blood and giving him an immediate boner. “… My parents are going to be home late, why don’t you…?” “Oh…. Lex… I… um… I can’t. I have to practice and the coach says that I have to focus for the game.” With that he gently pushed her onto the table and got up, pecking her lips, he made his way towards the locker room, waiting for the school to get empty and after a good fifteen minutes he made his way out of the hallway noticing that now everyone was gone and only janitors were working here and there cleaning the empty classes.

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