39. The Fire Crash

3155 Words

Adrenaline was rushing all inside Alessandro’s blood system as he sped the car out of the society roads and houses and down the highway road, which was secluded on both sides. He looked at the GPS that guided to take the next exit in ten miles. Ten miles! He knew that five miles were more then enough on a highway for anything to happen. Jake bent down and opened the glove compartment of the car, going through the components inside and finally pulled out a first aid kid. Taking a swab of alcohol drenched napkin out from it, he passed the rest of the box to Ned. “Do anything, but don’t let him die.” He ordered the man, who was still having a hard time adjusting to the daylight, due to the lack of his thick glasses. But despite of that he still nodded and opened the box, taking out a

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