4. Presidential Suite

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Amy walked inside the large hotel building, with Antonio following her right behind. She stopped, standing in the middle of the grand lobby, one of the security team noticed her and nodded their head, speaking into his talkie, informing Richard about her arrival. Her phone began vibrating. She picked it out of her pants’ pocket and saw Lance’s name flashing. “Yes!” she answered dryly looking around the entire set up, making sure that the security is tight and strict. “Amy…. He is inside the building!” Lance informed in an alarming tone, as he sat in front of the surveillance monitors opened on his laptop screen. Being the one to identify the killer, it was easy for him to know that the hitman had already infiltrated the place and was on his way to initiate another attack. “He is dressed up as a waiter and is on the suite’s floor. She rushed towards the guard in the SWAT uniform, who wasn’t wearing any head gear and held the talkie close to his month. “Connect me to Richard…” she yelled at him while she looked at Antonio, “Take a squad upstairs on the presidential suite, no one and I mean it… none of the players should get hurt!” she ordered and he immediately complied, gathering around a team of as many guards as he could find and mapping his own strategy. The guard she ordered punched in some initials on his talkie and tried connecting to Richard, who stood up stairs outside the wooden doors of the presidential suite, holding a silencer fitted pistol in his hands, while his talkie fixed around his belt. The talkie intercepted, buzzing with a signal and he looked at his partner who gave him a look. Richard immediately answered, holding the talkie closer to his mouth, “Yes!” “Richard…” The guard on the same floor as his spoke up, he stood in front of the waiter who held a small smile on his face. While on the other hand, Amy’s intercept couldn’t reach Richard due to the interruption and overlap with another radio frequency that had stronger signals being on the same floor as Richard. “There is a waiter, here to deliver food for Alessandro Ricci…can you confirm the order?” Richard nodded his head, “Yeah, give me a second…” He knocked on the door and heard an approval and walked in, while his partner slightly followed him in, still standing at the door. “There is some food for Mr. Ricci… shall I let him in?” Richard asked looking at Alessandro who sat giving him a weird expression. “How many times do we have to tell you we don’t want to eat anything!” Alessandro huffed back in annoyance. While the rest of the team shared confused look. Richard stood confused, “But… didn’t you order?” “NO!” Alessandro yelled back. Within the same minute four gun shots went loud. Richard’s partner pulled his gun closer and walked out, while Richard held the door back, “Everyone get inside the bedrooms! Split now!” -------------------------------------------------                                            When the Amy couldn’t intercept Richard’s talkie, she took the device and intercepted on another signal. It was one of the guard’s in the corridor where the waiter was standing. He was standing in the beginning of the corridor. His talkie buzzed as he picked it up and answered. “Listen… this is Amy Danvers… the waiter on the floor is an assassin and he is here to kill Alessandro…” Amy’s out loud voice alerted the guards but before anyone could’ve pulled out their guns the assassin, pulled out his knife and smashed it right through one’s throat and threw the same knife over another one’s head, while he pulled out a gun and blew four bullets out, killing the guards that were approaching him. Hearing the loud slashing and gunshots, Amy gasped, making a run towards the elevator. Antonio just entered the elevators with his squads, hence occupying them. She cursed, taking the wide carpeted staircase and yelled at the talkie, “Antonio, be careful the killer just fired our guards down!” She kept her pace high and tide while four other guards followed her. ----------------------------------                            Once the assassin was done killing everyone in his corridor, he made his way towards the presidential suite, having no guilt or remorse of killing the four innocent guards on duty. Till now the gunshots had echoed throughout the whole hotel and many people even scream and shrilled inside their rooms, calling at the reception, where every phone was ringing. “Lock down the whole place, make sure no one gets out! Deploy armed trucks outside every possible corner, lock down the whole street!” Amy yelled at one of the guards, standing at the beginning of the corridor but made a run to her orders. Amy flew across the staircase and kept running as fast as she could. The assassin slowly creaked behind the wall, knowing by now the guards standing outside the door must’ve heard the gunshots and would be making their way towards him. He shot the wall lamp-post immediately, avoiding to give away his location by his shadow. The gunshot made the guard who was standing out the presidential suite stop at his track but finding no shadow he took a turn into the corridor and a gun shot right through the middle of his forehead. He gasped, looking at the assassin who stood smirking, looking at him limp body slumping back down on the floor. He cleverly made his way towards the suite’s door. At the same time the elevator doors dinged open, so he stopped in his tracks, turning around to extend his neck out of the corridor’s wall and saw the squad of the team lead by Antonio, making its way towards him. Antonio gestured one team to continue this way, while he led two other guards with him to go on that way. The assassin cursed, knowing that if he was to kill Alessandro, he had to kill everyone standing in his way. He carefully, shot all the lights down inside the corridor, completely making it dark and made his way towards the other side of the corridor, opposite to where the SWAT team was coming from, away from the presidential suite lobby. Meanwhile Amy rushed towards the floor, entering the grand staircase, she paused, seeing it entirely dark. She pulled her smartphone out and turned on the flashlight. The light from the corridor where the presidential suite was, was still on and this somehow gave Amy some hope. She immediately ran towards the corridor but stopped when she saw the five dead bodies laying on the floor. She gulped her dry throat down, noticing the dead body of Richard’s partner. But she had to focus on her mission, so she ran inside the corridor and knocked on the door. “Richard? You in there?” she called out while the guard joined him in and at the same time, Antonio and his team reached the spot and noticed the dead bodies. “Amy?” he called back, noticing her voice. “Yes, open up!” she ordered but at the same time the sound of blasting gun surrounded the whole place, so Richard held himself back, while Amy and Antonio straightened their guns, pointing ahead. “Richard, open up, we don’t have time… we need to save Alessandro…” she yelled again. Richard immediately obliged and opened up the door, so Amy and Antonio entered inside while the two armed guards provided with cover. “Amy!” Richard looked at her disheveled form. “Where’s Alessandro?” she immediately jumped to the point. “What?” he asked, confused. “We need to save him. The assassin is here to kill him!” she said, making her way towards the bedroom on the right, hoping to find him in there. But she stopped at the drawn curtains of the large window, that led towards the balcony, something crawling up her mind. She paused for a moment and walked towards the window, holding the dark brown curtains, she drew them apart and saw right ahead on the building across the street. A man on the roof of the eight story building sitting behind a large AS50 Sniper, aimed directly towards the window. Amy’s eyes grew darker, she immediately dodged down, while Richard and Antonio followed her, while a huge sniper shot right through the window, shattering the entire glass at once. She crawled behind the large lamp table and yelled towards Richard who was hiding behind a sofa; “Pass me the talkie!” she yelled, cursing that she passed her talkie previously to one of the guards left outside. Richard slipped it across the floor but it ended up at a distance of a few feet from Amy. “f**k!” she cursed, while another thick bullet flew across the window, breaking through the thick wooden doors. Amy gulped, slightly moving ahead and immediately grabbed the talkie. “Anyone! At outer stations… anyone…. This is Amy Danvers, does anyone copy?” Another sniper bullet… “Yes! This is 106, we are positioned north of the intercontinental…” a thick male voice spoke over the device. “There is sniper, positioned east on the building with the gift shop and cafe! Get him down…” she yelled. Two snipers shot right through the room, while the three people held their positions, wishing the sniper doesn’t get them. After a while Amy’s device intercepted. “This is 103… the sniper’s down…” the male voice, a different one this time spoke. Amy sighed in relief but her little joy of relief was soon over when another huge loud thud echoed through the silent room. The three turned their head at the same time and gave each other a skeptical look. They immediately rushed towards the door to make sure that no one was entering inside. They heard a knock on the door and Amy leaned hard against the door, “Who is it?” “This is 104, we have cleared the hallway.” A heavy male voice announced from outside. Richard looked at Antonio and stepped ahead to open the door, but Amy stopped him, signaling with her hand. “Wait!” She stood near the wall adjacent to the door and shared a look with other two. She held her gun, parallel to her neck. She Looked up at the roof and sensed a sound, coming from the internal vent ducts. Her gaze grew wider, as she sensed what was happening. -------------------------------------------------                    
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