Chapter 9: Explaining everything

1230 Words

-Lucian- I was allowed to take a quick shower and change my clothes before we were all summoned to the king’s office. Even Angela was there. She looked utterly exhausted, and I couldn’t recall the last time she had showered or changed her clothes. It must have been a while. She seemed bewildered about why she was here, though. Having missed dinner, she wasn’t aware of Landon’s demand. “I’ve contacted Maddy and Evan, and they’re on their way,” Valerio announced as we all settled into the room. “Why?” Angela asked. “What’s going on?” “Lucian…” Valerio began, and all eyes turned to me. I scratched the back of my neck, uncertain of what to say. I knew I hadn’t been forthcoming about what happened the night my parents died, but could they blame me? I had a psycho brother. It wasn’t exactl

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