Chapter 5: A Late-Night Visit

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-Cecilia- I didn’t talk to anyone for the rest of the night. Lara tried calling me and left me a few messages, but I didn’t answer. When I came home, I just went straight into the shower, because I could still smell Lucian, and dammit if it didn’t turn my knees to jelly and made my heart beat out of control. I just needed his scent off me and out of my nose, so I could concentrate again. The shower was really heaven, but the pulsing feeling in my p*ssy didn’t go away, because images of Lucian appeared in my head. He was a very tall and big alpha, nothing like those social alphas who had let the luxuries of life turn them weaker and snobby. No, Lucian might have a reputation for sleeping around, but he reminded me nothing of Nolan. Nolan was more the social type. He was the second son of an alpha, so, of course, he wasn’t going to inherit anything, and he certainly hadn’t been happy about getting mated to a lone wolf. I was so far beneath him, and he made sure to show it. Lucian would do the same too though. He wouldn’t be able to help himself. I might be a beta now, but … but I was not strong enough to be his mate, and I did not want to gamble with my heart too. Lucian might find me interesting now, but soon he would see how plain and boring I was. He would find somewhere else to turn to, and I couldn’t go through that again. I refused to go through it … I sighed, turning the water colder, but nothing seemed to work. We could go back … “No, we can’t, and you know this,” I said. My wolf sighed, not even wanting to argue. She might feel a little hopeful because we had found our mate, but she didn’t actually believe that Lucian would be different. She took it the hardest when we were thrown away and rejected. Nolan was our true mate, so it felt like being ripped to shreds from the inside and out when he left me. I barely survived it, and if it wasn’t because I had been so focused on trying to find a way to release myself from him, then I would have gone insane and eventually killed myself. “We just need to sleep,” I said. I turned off the water and quickly dried myself before I found my t-shirt and some short shorts to sleep in. I let myself fall down on my small bed that stood up against the wall. My room was very small, which was a bit unusual since I was the beta. Lara had offered me a bigger one and on the top floor with her, but I had refused and would rather be here on the lowest one and a room the size of a broom closet. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but every time I did, I saw Lucian in front of me. His handsome face, and those light green eyes, and up close you could see he had a small scar on his cheek too. It gave his perfectly shaped face a little edge. I knew Lucian was from a powerful family because I knew his cousin. I knew she had taken over even though he was the rightful heir. I wondered though why he didn’t want to lead. Nolan would have jumped at the chance … but not Lucian. “Just forget him!” I growled at myself. I pulled the blanket over my face, but soon couldn’t breathe and threw it away again. I turned to my side and tried really hard to concentrate on sleeping when I heard some kind of sliding sound. I opened my eyes and stared into my wall before I slowly turned my head in time to see a shadow climbing through my window. “What the f*ck?!” I jumped up, ready to go for the gun I had on my nightstand, but a hand grabbed my wrist, and another was put over my mouth. “Shh, it’s just me!” “Lucian?” I mumbled into his hand, and I saw a small smile spread on his perfect lips. He lowered his hand and slowly released me. “What the hell are you doing?!” I whisper-yelled. “Well, you ran so fast out of the house you missed dinner.” “So, you came to … what? Bring me dinner?” I asked. He chuckled. “No,” he said. “I came to see you.” “And now you have. You may go.” He shook his head and then sat down on the bed beside me. I placed my hands on his big arm and pushed him away, even though he didn’t move at all. “Go!” “No,” he said. “This is my room! You’re not even supposed to be here!” I said. “Lara wanted me to apologize.” “Apologize?” “She thinks I scared you away, which … I guess I did,” he said. “But not in the way she thinks.” The way he smiled at me told me just what Lara had been thinking and I rolled my eyes. “Nothing to apologize for. Now go.” “Why do you want me to?” he asked. “I told you this,” I said. “Listen, I understand you have been through this once, but this time it’s different,” he said. “Oh, how?” “Because I am not that other mate from your past.” “Sure, you’re not,” I said. “I mean it, Lia,” he said. “Cecilia. That’s my name, don’t start calling me something else,” I told him. A wicked smile spread on his lips and he suddenly moved closer. I leaned backwards, trying to get away, because if he got too close, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. My p*ssy literally had a heartbeat, and the pulsing feeling only grew stronger the closer he got. “I’m just experimenting,” he said. “Experimenting?” “What sounds best,” he said and then placed a hand on the bed, slowly coming closer. “I might just call you sweetheart instead.” “Please don’t.” “Or maybe just sweetness, because I bet, you’re very sweet.” “I’m not. I’m really f*cking rude and therefore, I will tell you to f*ck off now,” I told him. He chuckled. “I see. I got myself a fighter,” he said, now almost hovering over me, and I couldn’t move further away, so I tightened the sheets around me. “I guess you’re my own little wildcat.” “Stop it!” He chuckled, and I knew this was exactly what he wanted, making me feel cornered and a little flustered. “You have had your fun, go now,” I said. He shook his head. “The fun hasn’t begun yet.” “Lucian!” “Yes, call out my name, wildcat,” he said before he suddenly placed his hand on my neck and brought me in for a hot and demanding kiss that stole my breath away. I couldn’t fight him at that moment, and leaned into the kiss, feeling his warm lips move against mine. I didn’t remember kissing being this good, but it was enough to make my heart go crazy, and I whimpered a little, wanting more than just this kiss … No! I turned my head and then jumped out of bed, needing to get away from him. “You can’t!” I said and turned to him again. “Explain to me why.” “I told you why!” “It’s not good enough, wildcat,” he said. “Stop it!” I said. He smiled. “Stop this now!” “What?” “Everything! All of you! Stop looking so good!” I told him. He chuckled and then took off his jacket. He threw it away, and removed his gun holster before he started to unbutton his shirt slowly, making me watch every button pop free. I swallowed hard as more of his skin was revealed to me, even the beginning of a huge burn scar he had on his stomach. How had he gotten that? He didn’t take his shirt off but then nodded towards me. “Your turn.”
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