The End (Part One)

2110 Words
Adonis' chest moved up and down quickly, glistening with a thin layer of sweat. I sat next to him, bewildered and in a state of adrenaline, that the horrors of my actions hadn't dawned on me yet. "You have no idea," Adonis said between breaths, "How long I've been waiting for that." I gulped in breath, "I think I do." I chuckled, pressing our lips together. He grabbed my hips, moving me so that I was on his lap again. Adonis kissed my neck, suckling on my collar bone. "Can I tell you something?" He said through my skin. I froze, moving off him. "Uh, sure, I guess." He pushed his sweaty black hair out of his eyes, "Will you promise not to get mad?" I wriggled in the bed uncomfortably, "Depends." He exhaled, "How do I say this..." "Oh, no..." I trailed off, "Do you have herpes?!" Adonis laughed, his laugh was dry and bouncy, nothing like Scott's warm chuckle that flowed through my ears like sugar. I felt a pinch in my heart, guilt making its way up my stomach. "No... I... remember the car wreck?" My jaw went slack, "How did you..." A wave of memories soaked into me, I breathed a barely audible gasp into the air, my heart dropping into my stomach an onto the floor. All the alcohol and secondhand weed smoke was sucked out of my brain and through my ears, my veins felt icy and sick. My breath was ripped from my lungs, the consequences of my actions dawning on me. "Joel, I..." Adonis snaked his arm around me. Scaring myself with the utter force, I smacked his arm away from me. He gasped in pain, retching his arm away. "Don't you f*****g touch me!" Tears burned my eyes, and my body dropped to arctic temperatures. "Oh, my God..." "Joel!" He called, as I wrestled my clothes and sped out of the room, fat tears pouring out of my eyes. I felt something hit the back of my arm and tumble to the ground. I looked back, seeing a lighter next to an abandoned solo cup. I scooped it up. "You'll know when to need it." I dropped the lighter in my pocket, but I'm not sure why, and continued running. I thought of no one but Scott as I ran, weeping. I wiped my eyes, only stopping when Victoria grabbed me. "Joel, what happened?" I shook my head, sobbing. I pushed her away and ran, not looking back. "Joel, come back!" I wrestled the door open and ran out into the lawn, tears pouring out of my eyes. I pressed Scott's number, and it went straight to voice mail. "Ugh, Scott! I need you to come pick me up," I bit back a sob, "The party was a bust, I--" "That won't be necessary." Something cold was pressed into the crook of my neck, and my body spasmed, electricity violating my system. My phone got fried, it fell, useless out of my hand, and the spots at the edge of my vision thickened until I blacked out. _~_~_ I woke up in Finn's car, the passenger side. I was hand cuffed to the handle on the door. The lock was duct taped down several layers, I would need shears to unlock the doors. "Finn?" I whispered, pulling against the door. "Hey, little brother." "Wh-Why am I handcuffed?" Finn shrugged, "I think you know why." I didn't, but I couldn't let Finn think I was stupid, so I didn't push it. Panic sparked in my gut, I began pulling harder, my mind drifted to Kassi. I knew she would never break up with Vic for Finn. I swallowed my panic, "What did you do with Kassi?" He looked me dead in the eyes, "I killed her." The words took a bit to register to my brain. I pulled on the handcuffs with such fury it stung my wrist. I pounded on the window with my free hand. "Help!!" Finn burst into laughter, "I'm just joking!! Why are you so serious?" I pushed against my seat, "Let me go!" I demanded, scanning the dashboard for a key. "I have no business with Kasey." Finn continued, ignoring my demand. "Her name is Kassi!" I spat, giving up on tugging against the handcuffs. "Ugh, whatever." Finn rolled his eyes, "I got that information from Madison, I knew it would get you distraught and into the arms of Adonis." "It couldn't have been that easy." I bit back, trying to remember what was going through my head when Adonis lead me to the bedroom. "Not at all," Finn chuckled, "A little roofie is like magic." "You roofied me?!" I hissed, "Why?! You hate the idea of me and Adonis together, you were willing to risk your social life to make sure we were caught!" I was feeling severely frightened, my own brother roofied me! To think that he was that sick in the head disgusted me. My hands balled into fists, and I swung my free one at him, the sudden pull making my right one pull awkwardly against the handcuff, the way my body was being strained by the force of the punch made a popping noise and burning pain erupt into my shoulder. I roared in agony, clutching my shoulder. Finn flashed my royal blue TASER, pushed it into my armpit, and fired off bolts. I screamed, the burning from my now dislocated shoulder and the electricity clashing together to make my head spin from the pure venom that I was feeling. "Hope you don't mind, I borrowed this from your room." He said spinning it around. "Pretty. I was around your age when they diagnosed me Postpartum Psychosis. Fancy term for 'He's nuts, let's lock him up'. Our parents took me to the doctor after I strangled a baby bird. They didn't understand! Throughout my life since then, people have just made me so... angry. When you and Adonis were off and on, I was angry. When you told Mom and Dad that I showed porn to Lydia, and they thought it was just another part of my psychosis, I was angry. When Adonis spread it around and everyone started calling me pedo, I almost killed him. I had my hands around his throat, had him begging for mercy. And I wasn't angry. Since, I forced him to be my accomplice, or else I would kill him. I made him pork you, forced him to film it." I gasped, yanking against the handcuffs again, making pain that felt like a bulldozer retch through my arm. I yelped, eyes burning with unborn tears. "There's only so much anger a man can take, Joel. You're the first chapter, you're going to die special. Everyone at least reads the first few pages of a book, and you're going to be those pages." "Why are you telling me this? What do you mean, first chapter?" "I'm going to murder you, Joel, but I want you to know that your death will not be in vain." I glared at him, "How thoughtful of you." I choked back more tears, fear weighting my skin. They had torn A Tree down, people weren't nearly as charmed as Scott and I were at the atmosphere, and stopped coming. Now it was a hazardous lot that the PTA was constantly trying to get removed. I saw my chance, and I took it. "I'll see you in hell." "Excuse me?" I stamped on his foot, the one on the gas pedal and used my free hand to yank the wheel to the right. He screamed clawing at my arm, but I wouldn't budge. My dislocated shoulder screamed at me, but I ignored it. The car sped and gained are from a ramp-like piece of debris in the front of the lot. The car tipped, the hood caved in at touch with a slab of concrete in the corner of the lot. The friction made it gain air again, and it smashed back down. _~_~_ I woke up, the handcuffs had shattered at the impact of the car, but I was still trapped in it. Smoke thickened the ar, making me choke. I clawed at my neck, scrambling to find clean oxygen. Finn was next to me, unconscious, with a drop of blood slowly making a trek from his hairline to his temple. I covered my mouth and nose with my hand, stifling any noise that may come out. But the smoke had already snuck into my nose, into my lungs. I began to cough hysterically. Finn's eyes slowly popped open. A flare of panic was set off in my gut, and I tried to aim my right fist over the window, but a river of pain due to my shoulder flew through me like a hungry eagle. I cried out, clutching it. I looked back at Finn, and his eyes were closed again. I carefully put my fingers in the space right under the left side of his jaw, and felt a soft pulse beating beneath his skin. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me, making my shoulder scream out. He revealed Dad's hunting rifle that he was polishing when Scott met him. He pressed it to my gut. I shrieked, fighting against him. "No, wait!!" Bang! I sunk back to the passenger seat, coughing and clutching my blood soaked gut. Tears streamed out of my eyes, pain that was too intense to describe filled my veins with fire. I choked on smoke and tears, a small part of me was prepping for death. "God, Joel!!" Finn hissed, "You're so f*****g stupid! I'm doing the world such a favor!" Surprising my self, I punched my window in, pain ricocheted through my fist. Blood dripped onto my clothes, but the pain in my fist was almost muted by the pain from the gunshot. I picked up a shard of glass and dug it into Finn's wrist, "Enjoy the taste of my dust, chow-hound." I grabbed the base of the broken window, and felt numerous pieces of glass sink into my palm, I cried out, but ignored the pain. I hoisted myself into the window, directly over a piece of glass. It sunk into my rib cage. I screamed, blood gushing out of the slice and covering me in thick, black blood. I yelled, tears pouring out. The glass remained in my gut, and ripped through my flesh as I dragged myself out of the window and onto the ground. I gulped in breath, blood still pouring out of all my wounds. My head hit a piece of concrete, but I felt only numb as the blood left my body. My bones felt brittle, my skin frail and withering away. My breaths were shallow as I tried to drag myself away from the car. My voice had been subtracted from my throat, when I tried to call out for help it just made a squeak noise that was most likely only audible to dogs. I felt hopelessly pathetic, but I swore to myself that I would give up. But, alas, after a few moments of seal walking away from the car. I rolled myself onto my back, spending the last of my energy. Finn was mid-laugh, face flushed. "God," Finn said, wiping his eyes. "You have no idea how happy I am that you paid all of your dignity for a couple more moments of life. Brilliant!" He flashed the lighter, and my heart dissipated. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was crawling out of the window. I tried to yell, "No!", but it came out as a harsh whisper. My life was leaking out of me right before my eyes, and I could do nothing to stop it. "So, instead of shoot you to death. I'm going to light you on fire with this handy dandy lighter." Finn twirled it in between his fingers. "I'm gonna watch you burn like a rotisserie pig, and then I'm going to run away, screaming to the police that I crashed my car, and it exploded. Hey, don't give me that look! I'm saving a lot of cremation funds by turning you into a bonfire." He laughed again. "Au revoir, faggot." He sparked the lighter and flicked his wrist in an attempt to throw it at me, but before he could, the flame caught onto the smoke and a flame burst out, spreading and engulfing him. He shrieked, my vision filling with smoke. The last thing I heard before my vision went dark was Finn's horrible screams over the smoke, pleading for mercy.
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