Chapter 8

730 Words
Summer's pov It has been a day and half now but I'm here at the village farm, it's a beautiful quiet little town. At first I was scared that Henry will figure out that I ran away and try to stop the bus but after a while I realised he was not coming , the bus ride had been long and I felt tired but is was worth it I'm finally free, time to ask about the rumored non existing town. There was this little take-away shop and I went there to chat with the sales person. "hi there great afternoon" I said sitting down "and what are you running from" said the guy smiling at me “excuse me "I answered surprised “don't be shocked people leave this town not come to it unless they are running from something. My name is Jake by the way " he was almost laughing at the expression of my face “actually I came because of the stories I heard about a mysterious town so I said let me check it out" I lied “well there is nothing mysterious about it, it is said to be west from here there is beautiful town deep in the bushveld but that town does not exist " he replied by now he was sitting down since I was the only customer he had. “how are you so sure?" I asked “my friends and I tried to look for it for two whole days but there was nothing actually the deeper into the forest we went the more dense it got. "he replied “why are you interested" he went on “I heard about it and decided I should at least check it out " was my reply “well west is that way but I would not advise you to go there, the deeper you go the scarier it gets" he advised “well thank you is there a motel where I can at least rest before I get back thank you for your help " I did not want him to know that I was going to look for the town, I didn't trust him or anyone after what I have been through trust was a luxury I could not afford. “we do not have a lodge or motel around here but Mrs B lodges her house to the few people that have found themselves in our town, I can take you there " he answered “thank you that will be helpful" I was standing up waiting for him to show me the way. I had bought a few food items from him to help with my coming journey, I was going to wake up very early and get going from what jack said I could use all the daylight I could get. I got to Mrs be and got a room and went to sleep almost immediately I was tired even though it was technically still in afternoon but I figured the earlier I slept the earlier I would wake up. I woke up very early and went in the direction I was pointed by Jack yesterday, I walked for a whole day and true to what Jack said the deeper I went in the bushveld the denser it got. I was not scared of the forest because the deeper I went the further away I would be from Henry if anyone had scared me more than anything it was Henry I was terrified of him and I wanted to be as far away from him as possible . I walked and walked night and day it's been over a week now, I have gone deeper into the bushveld and I'm beginning to think the town really doesn't exist I should turn back and try and retrace my steps, the village town is still far away from Henry I could make a new life there. There where two mountains seemingly close to each other I decided to go there and rest for the night and try and find my way back to the town, as I got there just behind the mountains was beautiful town it was hard to believe that deep down here could be a beautiful town I couldn't believe it I went into the town and entered a coffee shop, I couldn't believe it the town was real and I was actually here if only Alice could see it was real
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