Thwarted Date

1787 Words
“I have a date!” Squealed Farrah. Dawn looked at her in shock. They had just gotten done with afternoon training. How did she find the time to find a date? “Who and when did this happen?” “The new family that just transferred here from The Blue Mountain Pack. The new teacher has a son our age. He is a beast on the field. Did you see him? He was the warrior with long golden hair and tanned skin with the amazing blue eyes,” Farrah gushed. “I remember him, yes. He partnered with one of the Elite Warriors, Dale.” “Yes, that was him. His name is Joshua. After training, I was talking to Andrew and Joshua came and introduced himself to me.” “Where was I?” “You had already left the training grounds.” “Why were you talking to Andrew?” Dawn asked. Farrah smiled at her. “Jealous?” “No.” Yes, Dawn thought. She thought Andrew was very handsome. He had dark skin and black hair with chocolate brown eyes. He was tall and muscled. His skin was gorgeous and flawless. She was fascinated by his accent. His family came from the Caribbean. Royal Delta Reese had gone on vacation with his brothers for a bonding excursion, he said. They went to the Caribbean where he met a beautiful she-wolf. She was widowed, and she had a son, Andrew. They’ve been here for two years. Andrew was extremely nice. Every time Dawn had a chance to talk to him, she became flustered, but he never noticed. He treated her like a friend, but Dawn wanted to see if they could be more than friends. Farrah knew she had a crush on him. “I was seeing if he had any interest in you.” Dawn gasped, “No, Farrah, you didn’t. What did you say?” “I just asked if he thought any girls were interesting or pretty, and that I knew of someone that found him attractive.” Dawn groaned and threw herself on her bed. On the one hand, it was completely embarrassing. On the other hand, they were 18, untamed, and curious about dating. No one had ever asked either of them out. It was kind of disheartening. They weren’t ugly, they were fit, strong Beta Females. They could fight extremely well. And lately, both of them have been noticing changes in their bodies, externally and internally. They were both six feet, they had identical features, with their black hair except for the silver hair that framed their faces. They both had slight curves. Where once they were slim, small br*asted and narrow hips, they were now curvier, their hips were wider, with a firm bubbled backside, and they had a small C cup br*asts. They’ve seen the looks that some of the males of the pack give them. But no one approaches them. Internally, they both have been feeling a buzzing under their skin. Something they would need to talk to their parents about. “Don’t groan. He said he thought that you and I were very pretty and that he liked talking to you,” Dawn shot up wide-eyed as she looked at her sister. “You’re kidding.” “Nope, and that’s when Josh came up to us. He said he overheard our conversation, and he agreed with Andrew in thinking that we were very pretty. And he looked at Andrew and said, and I quote, Why don’t we take the pretty ladies on a date? I was about to jump out of my skin with excitement, but I played it cool. I just looked at Andrew and said, “Oh, that would be great, I could go talk to Dawn now. And Andrew said, Please do. I told them I’d let them know via mindlink after I talked to you. So, you wanna go on a date too!” I squealed and with a wide grin I nodded at her. I jumped off the bed, and we hugged screaming with excitement as we jumped around in circles. “Finally, a real date!” Dawn said to Farrah. “What’s all the ruckus in here?” Dawn and Farrah stopped jumping around. Eli stood in the doorway in all his six-foot-four-muscled glory. He looked like his father, King Maxon. His dark hair was messily styled, his gray eyes were twinkling at them. He had a grin on his face as he watched them. His brother was a lucky man. These two she-wolves were gorgeous. Every male in the Kingdom lusted after them. He has had a hell of a time keeping the males away. But he did it, and all his effort was almost over. He sighed with relief. Wes would be home soon, and then he could keep them safe. “Dawn and I have dates tonight,” Farrah informed their friend. Eli stood up straight. “What? How, who? I’ve only been gone for half an hour.” “Why are you freaking out, Shadow?” “Don’t call me that. You know I hate it.” “Please, you’ve been our shadow for the last four years. I think you’re the reason why Dawn and I have never been able to go on a date. All the boys probably thought you were our boyfriend.” The horrified look on Eli’s face was a little disheartening. Farrah frowned and then looked at Dawn. Dawn was the more sensitive of the two and when she saw the hurt look in Dawn’s eyes, Farrah became livid. “Are we that repulsive, Eli! If you can’t stand the thought of being with us, then maybe stay away from us!” Eli knew he f*cked up somehow. “What are you talking about? You two are gorgeous. Any male would be honored to be your mate.” That appeased the girls. “Then why did you look so horrified when I said that?” Farrah asked. “Because I like my head on my shoulders. I like living.” “What does that have to do with anything?” Dawn asked, confused. Farrah felt just as confused. “Nevermind, just tell me who these wolves were, that had the audacity to ask you out on dates, so I can put a stop to it.” “Why?” Both the girls shouted. “What’s with all the screaming?” Breezing through the door, Lillyn came to a halt. Her girls looked distressed and Eli looked furious. “Mama, Dawn and I have dates tonight and Eli is saying he’s going to put a stop to it. We’ve never been on a date. We want to go on one. We’re 18 and probably the only girls in the entire pack that have never been kissed.” “You want to be kissed now?” Eli shouted. “Oh, Goddess, he’s going to kill me, Auntie Lil. You have to save me, please.” Eli begged, dropping to his knees and pleading at her feet. Lillyn chuckled at her nephew’s antics. “Get up you fool. My girls are allowed to go on dates. But absolutely no kissing. Your first kiss should be special, with your mate,” she said, staring at the girls intently. Dawn was nodding, but Farrah crossed her arms. “Our mates aren’t even a part of our Kingdom. Don’t you think we would have found them by now? Are Dawn and I supposed to wait for them to magically appear? That could be ages from now,” Farrah said dramatically. Lilly chuckled at her daughter’s dramatics. “Not ages, my sweet Farrah. You will be seeing him soon. I know this.” Dawn gasped, “You’ve had a vision mama? You saw our mates?” “Mate, Dawn. You and your sister share a mate.” Both girls gasped at that. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever think that they would share a mate. It wasn’t unheard of, but mostly that pertained to males sharing a mate. The girls squealed again, hugging each other and jumping around. “We won’t be separated. Oh, this is great. What does he look like, mama? Is he big and strong? Do you think he’ll think we are pretty?” Farrah asked. “Oh my darling girls. Your mate is going to love you unconditionally. He’ll think you two are the most beautiful women, and that he is the luckiest wolf ever. He is extremely handsome, strong, loving and loyal. You’ll be very happy.” Both girls beamed at her. “So, you’ll decline these dates, right?” Eli asked, hopefully. Dawn looked at Farrah. “No,” they said in unison. Eli’s eyes bugged out of his head. “We want to know what it’s like to go on one date. We promise no kissing. Just hanging out and having fun.” “Then you won’t mind if I go with you. I’ll invite Cherisse.” Farrah’s eyes clouded over. She then smiled. “Okay, it’s a date. Josh said he and Andrew would pick us up tonight at seven.” “The new guy and Drew knows better!” Eli roared. He then left, speeding away from the girls' room. “He better not mess this up for us,” Farrah growled. “Mama, do you think Farrah and I should go on this date?” “You do what you like, my pup. Your mate will understand.” “I feel kind of guilty now,” Dawn whispered. “Oh, come on, Dawny. It’ll be fun.” “How would you feel if you found out your mate had a date right before you met?” “Who says he hasn’t been dating. He’s probably had numerous dates.” “I can confirm he has not,” Lillyn said. Farrah’s shoulders slumped. “He’s also never had a girlfriend.” Both Dawn and Farrah sighed. Suddenly Farrah’s eyes clouded. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Josh just linked me, he and Andrew have patrol tonight.” Lillyn hid her laugh behind a cough. Eli strikes again. “Don’t worry my daughters. Soon, in a day or two, everything will be sunshine and rainbows.” Lillyn left and Dawn looked at Farrah. “Well, guess now all we have to do is dress nicely for the next few days,” Farrah said. “Why?” “Did you just not hear mama? She said in a day or two everything will be sunshine and rainbows.” “Which means we will meet him super soon.” Again the girls hugged and jumped around in circles.
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