
1061 Words
Hijiki POV     Gods she was amazing I thought to myself, as I led her down the corridors to Rapha's healing room. Even though the game has ended, and we are walking a long distance she still has yet to show even the slightest bit of weakness.     Seeing her like this lights a fire within me, and I have every desire to take her here and now. I really did not want to put these girls through any kind of pain or torture, but I needed the fear of my kingdom to keep my people in line.     However, this girl who I don't even have the name for yet, makes me want  to show her the real me. This very tiny, innocent, beautiful girl was going to be my undoing. Perhaps she will be the one to become my queen, but I will need to show Father that she is worthy of such a position.     I will have the Kepten give me a report on her background tomorrow morning. We arrived at Rapha's room and I locked down all emotions. This man always saw through me, and I hated it.     Knocking loudly, I could hear the sound of feet shuffling toward the door. He peeked out looking up at me as I stated firmly, "you have someone to treat." He spared no second, pulled her in and slammed the door in my face. Gods he infuriates me.     I made my way to my chambers and demanded the maids fetch the Kepten. They all scurried away in fear of punishment, cowards. Now that I've met her, my own sapphire jewel, I can think of no other woman. I admit, I may have many women in my harem, but I have never bed any of them.     I've saved myself for someone that I find worthy of having my love and attention. This time I think I've finally found the one. Even when I first saw her this morning at the selection, even in her attempts to make herself appear filthy, I was immediately drawn to her.     She was fierce, strong willed, pure hearted, and loyal to the people, even though it seems many have already turned their backs on her. She already presents herself with dignity and does not back down from a challenge. I would kill those who have hurt her before me, and now I've only added to her collection of scars.     The images of her back covered in the thick red lines from beatings before me, and the way the blood trickled down her pale skin will haunt me for eternity. I was going to have to find out everything she has been through, and I may need to have her father be moved into the higher-class merchant's.     I was pulled from my thoughts, the Kepten, Melik, came into the room clearing his throat to gain my attention. "Sire, you have summoned me?" he questioned as he bowed in respect. I gave a meek nod, and he came closer.     "I wish to learn information about someone... one the new girls in my harem." I started but he seemed to already know something, so I paused waiting for a response. "Are you inquiring on the small girl the maids have been gossiping about? She came in looking as though she had rolled in a pig-pen before she arrived, they said."     I grit my teeth, not even here for an entire day and already she is being spoken harshly about behind my back? "Yes, that one" the anger seeping out of my every pore "I want the information by morning." He nodded but seemed as though he had something more to say "speak" I demanded.     "Sire, do you have a name for me to ask around with or am I allowed to meet the girl myself?" he questioned. I had to think about that, I really didn't know her name, but did I want another man to see my sapphire gem? "You may meet her, I still don't have a name for the girl yet." I said slowly.     With another small bow Kepten Melik left the room to accomplish his assignment. I just pray that the things I learn will end up being a benefit to me and help to win her heart. I laughed at myself, I don't have a name, and know nothing about this girl but already she has made me fall so hard for her.     It's been hours now, it's close to midnight and I cannot sleep. The girl has invaded my mind like no one before. Torn from my thoughts of my love I am forced to answer the knock at the door, "enter." From the dark corridor Kepten Melik appeared before me again.     "That was unusually fast for you Kepten" I stated with my brow raised. He bowed and said something I never expected "Sire, you cannot have her." I flew across the room, threw the Kepten into the wall with my hand firmly around his throat. "Care to say that again?" I roared at him.     He removed my hand from his form as he began to explain "You cannot have her. I know her, personally and she is not what you want or need." I was fuming, all I could see was red at this point. "Tell me everything, or I'll have you removed from this Earth." I threatened.     Little did I know that on the other side of the door was my small sapphire jewel listening in on our conversation. Because the next thing I know is the door has slammed open, she is struggling to run in and move me from the Kepten.     I think the blood drained from my face when I saw her there pushing against me. Her strength was remarkable for someone who just took a beating earlier this evening. I stepped back and caught her in my arms as she tripped forward. I don't think she was expecting me to move so quickly.     She whimpered in pain, and I realized I had opened the wounds on her back again. I moved her to a standing position and pulled her into me without even thinking about it. I was savoring the moment until she struggled out of my grasp and ran to the Kepten.     The worst part was the words that came from her lips "are you ok Uncle Melik?" What?!
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