1593 Words
Ananya's  P.O.V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... ............................................ I don't know that what should I have to do now?? How will I survive with that guilt??These questions are roaming inside my head.  I ran as fast as I can without any destination and aim . I didn't feel any pain in my legs because it's nothing as compared to the pain that I bore inside my heart . My heart ached badly because of that guilt.  I ran and ran recklessly until I twisted my leg and fall on the middle of the lonely street. Few droplets of rain pouring from the sky. It looks like the heaven accompanied in my pain. My fat tears got mixed with the rain water.  ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!! WHY??? WHY???  I CAN'T SAVE ANYONE??/ WHY GOD YOU DIDN'T TOOK MY LIFE INSTEAD OF PAPA ,NEHA AND TARA?? I SHOULD I HAVE TO DIE ??? I AM  USELESS. BECAUSE OF ME TARA DIES?? WHY DID DESTINY PLAYS THAT CRUEL GAME WITH US???, I screamed at  the top of my lungs while staring the sky with fat tears rolling down my cheeks. I kneeled down there , like a  broken soul who doesn't have any hope to live .  I wanted to drain my pain in that rain ,the heaviest the rain got , I felt myself more drenched in pain, guilt and agony.  Suddenly , I heard the familiar sound of giggles, I moved my gaze towards that direction, I saw little version of Tara , Neha and Ananya were playing in rain . They also dragged their father forcibly to accompany them. All were dancing playing and jumping in rain. When I saw that seen, a wide smile crept on my  face and I  came to that garden to accompany them. I really enjoyed the little version of their playing singing together.  Suddenly Tara's feet slipped and she falls hardly on the ground . Her leg started bleeding , Tara whimpered in pain , little Ananya, Neha and Mr. Gupta ran towards her impatiently.   A gasp escaped from my mouth , I also ran towards the Tara.  Little Neha and Ananya cooed Tara so that she stopped crying and Mr. Gupta treated the scratch.  "My little Tara is so brave !! don't cry otherwise I will also cry " , said Neha with doe eyes.  "You i***t stupid , how dare you to hurt my baby sister. I will beat you into pulp!!!" yelled little Ananya with fake anger and started hitting that ground with her feet.  When little Tara saw that she smiled and wiped her tears. "I love you di !!' said Tara with joy. "We all love you too my little sister", exclaimed little Tara and Neha in unison. I was that watching from far also whispered ," I love you too  Tara" with a sad smile.  " Suddenly a vigorous sound of lightening disturbed their lovely moment. Tara covered her ears in fear and hugged  little Ananya tightly. Neha also hugged Mr. Gupta in fear. Little  Tara is shaking in fear and with trembling voice she said ," I am afraid Ananya di ., let's go home otherwise we  will get hurt" .She clutched  the dress of Ananya tightly.  Ananya rubbed her back and said ," nothing will happened!!, your Ananya di is with you. No , one can harm you until I am alive.  I will always protect you!!", "Promise!!!, asked little Tara will doleful expression. " PINKY PROMISE!!!", assured little Ananya  confidently .  " Then , why didn't you protected me when that monster tortured me to death everyday?? Why did you leave me alone when I wanted your help the most??? ,asked Tara in doleful eyes but this time she stared the real Ananya and asked that question.  "You are a liar Ananya , why didn't you fulfill your promise", asked the little Ananya with frowned face. " Answer, Ananya di ,you are the one who should protect Tara after me and papa", asked little Neha  with painful voice. " How could you do that beta (child), before dying I asked only favor to protect Tara. You really ashamed me . You are a black spot in the name of daughter and sister", cursed Mr. Gupta.  All the cursing of my family is like someone stabbed my heart brutally . My words can't came from my mouth to answer all the questions of them.  " You don't deserve our love. From now you live your life in lonely. We don't wanted to live with you." exclaimed  Mr. Gupta  and vanished in the air. PAPA!!! please don't go, I screamed but he didn't listen to me once and disappeared . I looked towards little Neha , little Ananya and Tara with hopeful eyes.  "Papa was right!!.I can't believe that how could you believe someone stranger than our sister !!huh!! . You know that's your punishment. I can't live with the selfish person like you " , yelled Neha and she also disappeared. "No!!!!!, Tara, at least you try to understand, Don't leave me . It's really hard to leave without you . I will die without you. Please!!! don't leave me., I pleaded and grabbed her hand. Little Tara jerked my hand and gave a sad smile, " Same way , I pleaded like a mad . But , you was so stubborn to listen my explanation. Now it' my turn" , replied Tara and her figure got blurred.  I  got dumbfounded but suddenly someone put the small hand on my shoulder and when I looked towards her, she was little version of mine. " You are not that old Ananya who can kill or die for her family. We are always thought the values of relations . Then why did you forgot all at that time when Tara needed you the most. Now you will get what you deserve", said that little Ananya and disappeared before I could react.  Then reality hits me , all the scene , I saw was my imagination. It's was really painful when someone left you. In my imagination , I got hurt that extent that no one can heal then what about Tara when ,I left her alone in reality. She was alone and after that she bore all the tortures of that monster. I can't even imagined that pain", I asked these questions to myself. I somehow handled myself and then goes back to home as , I can't move on from my responsibility. ............................................. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Someone's P.O.V ...................................... I can't believe that she is that girl who teaches me to how to live your life and the irony is that she forgot all her teachings. She is totally different from the person which I saw first time. Her eyes that shows the shine once was now dull. Her long shiny and silky hair is no more and her smooth and fair skin is now all covered with bruises.  I still remembered that when , I rescued her from drowning. If by luck , I was not there then I can't imagine that what happened to her.     When , I found her, first I can't recognize her. She was beaten blue to black. Her whole face and body were bruised, her hairs were shaved roughly and his wrist were cut . It's really confusing to found her on that state. I immediately admitted her to hospital and then doctor informed that she was raped many time and faced many brutal beatings. When , I got  informed  about that my blood got boiled in anger. I wanted to kill that person , who is the reason behind her horrible condition. From that day , I took care of her personally and I didn't even tried to contact her family may be it will  risk her life. I wanted to save my Tara  from all the evil.  May be god wanted me to became her knight in shining armor.  When, she woke up she she was no more that old. She was dead from inside.  She was not that girl who motivates and support everyone in their hard time. She is broken beyond the repair. But , I promised to myself that , I will help her, i will mend her again to that old Tara. I am drowned deep in my thoughts when the Doctor called me. "Mr. Jason , she is woke up and now she can discharge from the hospital . But you needed to take care of her . As she is not single, she is holding two life inside her . It's really a miracle that they all survived. I had to say that both the mother and babies are a real fighter that they survived after suffering that brutality. But , I think you should have to inform her family because , I can see that she is mentally disturbed and it can harm the babies . Maybe her family helped her", the doctor suggested.  "She had no family!!!", I lied because I don't wanted her to face that cruelty again. You can also say that , I am little possessive about her.  "Ok!!! then take care of her , because you know that needed it to for their twins!!!" , the doctor said with concern.  I nodded my head in agreement .  I don't care that whose filth are those babies but I know they are the part of  Tara , so I have no problem in raising them as my own.  " DOCTOR!!!!, The patient is not in the room " , a nurse came from the room and informed the doctor. When, I heard that I got scared without any second thought I ran here and there inside the hospital like a madman. I am really scared what happened if she will hurt herself again. Oh! god!! please save her, I prayed to god from inside.
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