29: Audacity

1215 Words

Hazel's POV Slowly and carefully, my body moved towards Damien's room while my mind wanted nothing more than to go back to my room. I saw no reason why he would call for me after what he had revealed. Was he going to punish me or tell me all I had heard was a lie? I wasn't so sure though. The one man I thought was different has once again shown me why I never should trust anyone. I reached his study and was still reluctant to go inside. My hands hovered over the door. “Come inside, Hazel,” his deep voice echoed through the door, making me stiffened even more. My hands fell on the doorknob and I twisted it. It was unlocked. Pushing the door, I walked into the room to see Damien seated on his seat behind the mahogany table. He looked regal and had the aura of a royal on him. He li

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