12: Skittish

1402 Words
Hazel's POV I entered the room quietly, so as not to disturb prince Damien and his guests. The young lady from earlier was seated beside Damien. She giggled and touched his arm lightly but he never got angry at her nor did he acknowledge her. Who was she? She must be a highborn vampire from the way she carries herself. Her hair was perfectly made and her smile was so bright, her eyes became almost invisible. She was a beautiful young lady, compared to me. I must have been staring for long because Prince Damien glanced at me and held my gaze. He raised an eyebrow. I could tell he wanted to know why I was standing so far away and staring at his guests. I looked away when his gaze became too intense for me. My face started turning red. Why was I being so shy whenever he looked at me with those eyes? “You,” I heard the lady call someone. “I'm speaking to you,” she said again, making me lift my head to look at her. Her eyes were on me. “Yes,” I answered and took a step forward. “Come here,” she motioned with her fingers while eating her elbow on the table. Taking a deep breath, I walked up to her. She raised her glass. “I need a drink,” she said. I hesitated at first before taking the bottle beside her and filling it with the drink. Once I was done, I took two steps back. She kept staring and glared at me which began to make me uncomfortable. After they were done, the men stood up and left while she stayed behind with Damien. “I'm really tired, Damien. Why don't we go to your room?” She suggested. Damien stood up. “I can't do anything with you in my room if you're tired so there's no use.” She pursed her lips. I couldn't help but be interested in their conversation. It seems she is interested in Damien. “Come on, you know that's not what I meant,” she stood up too and slowly traced imaginary lines on his chest. “I heard you've been stressed out lately, why don't you let me help loosen up.” I visibly gagged at her words. I cannot believe a highborn vampire would be throwing herself at Damien like this, especially in front of other maids. Speaking about the other maids, I could see anyone in the room. When had they left? I had been so engrossed in their conversation that I didn't see them. Slowly I shuffled to the door. I didn't want to be caught leaving. When I got to the door and was about to leave, I heard his voice. “Stop there, Hazel,” Damien said, making my feet stop moving. My body always seemed to react to his orders immediately. I turned around. “Call the guards to send Miss Alcina home. She is a bit tired so remind them to be careful on the way back,” he ordered. “Yes, Your Highness,” I bowed. “No need!” She hissed, folding her arms around her chest. “I have a carriage waiting for me,” she announced and walked to the door. I quickly moved away when she got close. She stopped and looked at me one last time before finally walking out. Closing my eyes, I heaved a sigh of relief. “Is she that scary?” I heard Damein ask and when I opened my eyes, he was right in front of my face. My eyes widened and I tried to move away and stumbled. He caught me just before I fell. “You're still so skittish,” he murmured. I pulled away from his embrace although my body wanted nothing more than to stay there. “I'm sorry, Your Highness,” I apologized. “Stop saying that at every turn,” he grumbled, looking displeased. His expression made my insides warm. “Come with me,” he demanded before walking away. I followed him quietly till we got to the library. We entered inside and I ran to pick up a lamp. “There is no need for that,” he reminded me. My face heats up again. “It's for me, Your Highness,” I whispered and he hummed in response. As a vampire, he was able to see in the darkness unlike me. Sometimes, I wished I had amazing powers aside from my voice, which has turned out to be a curse. He walked around for a moment while I stood by the side. Humans are not usually allowed in here but Damien didn't care and took me with him everywhere. He is totally different from all I've heard about him. “Are you searching for something? Can I assist you?” I asked him when he kept looking at different books. He waved his hands, telling me to stay still. After a while, he pulled out a book. “Gotcha,” he whispered before blowing the dust from it. He walked up to me. “Come on,” he walked to the door and I ran behind him. When we got to his room, he went straight to his table which was by the fireplace and sat down. “Get me a glass of drink,” he ordered, not taking his eyes off the book. I ran out of the room to get the blood. Prince Damien is very knowledgeable. He likes reading which intrigued me because I don't see any use in ewsing about history and things that never happened. I got the drink and went back to the room. “Your drink, Your Highness,” I placed it on the table. He nodded, which was my cue to leave for the night. As I turned to leave, he spoke up. “Do you read?” He asked, lifting his eyes from the book and piercing me with his gaze. That was an odd question. “No, Your Highness,” I answered. “Are you interested in books?” “I don't know,” I answered truthfully. I hadn't learnt a lot of things in my own Clan to be sure about what I liked. The only thing I knew how to do was heal people. He tapped on the seat beside him. “Sit,” he said. I bit my lips. I should not be so close to him. It was inappropriate. Yet I walked to my seat and sat down. “Good girl,” he murmured and my stomach did a backflip. He placed the book on my laps and his fingers brushed my thighs, making me shiver. “You seem cold, come closer to the fire.” “No, I'm alright,” I answered. My palms were filled with sweat already. There was no way I was cold. “This book is one of my favorites. I'm due you know how to read, right?” I nodded and gripped the book tightly. He moved closer to me, invading my personal space. “I want you to read this book and tell me what you think of it,” he muttered and I felt flustered. “But I won't have the time,” I tried to argue. “You're usually free when I'm out, right?” He c****d an eyebrow and I knew I had been caught. “Don't make any excuses and do as you're told.” I nodded again. I could feel his skin and it made me feel warm, too warm in fact. I was getting breathless. Immediately I stood up to leave when my legs hit the table and the drink poured on his expensive rug. I gasped and grabbed it but it was too late. “I'm so sorry, I'll go get another one,” I bowed. “I’m quite thirsty right now, I don't think I can wait,” he stated and I watched in horror as his fangs grew right in front of my eyes. “Y… Your Highness,” my voice was barely a whisper. “I did say your blood was mine, right?” He recalled and stood up. Before I could move, he grabbed me and with his extraordinary speed, we fell on the bed with his fangs grazing my neck.
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