10: Saved…?

1131 Words
Hazel's POV I couldn't go. I fought them with all my might as they pulled me away. “Cara, please,’’ I pleaded with her. She glared at me with hate in her eyes. There was no way she would let me go, not after being favored by the prince. As we got closer, my heart started beating loudly. I saw some maids from the laundry a few days ago. They usually look white like a ghost with no blood in them. I didn't want that. They opened the door and immediately the bright sun fell on my skin, making my skin crawl. I screamed as it burnt my skin. I couldn't take it any longer and tears poured out of my eyes. “She looks really ugly, look at her,” they mocked me while I shuddered in pain. “It seems we arrived right on time. There are a lot of guards hungry for blood,” Cara said with glee, staring at my side. When I followed her gaze, I saw the greedy eyes of other men by the side of the waterfall. “No,” I whispered, planting my legs on the floor. They pulled me but I refused to move. Suddenly I felt someone hit my head and almost fell. They carried me to the waterfall. The guards started whistling in appreciation. I was tired of fighting. I didn't know what I had done to deserve such cruel fate. One of them rushed towards me, intending on feasting when suddenly he got hit. Immediately everyone took a step back. Prince Damien came into view, surprising everyone including me. He looked around with anger evident in his face. “I had given an order to Rosaline yet it seems my orders are being ignored,” he growled with his fangs glistening with every word from his mouth. I quickly shuffled to his side to cover myself from the burning sun that was making my body crawl. He glanced at me for a moment before turning away. “Your Highness,” Cara stuttered, her mouth wide open. He ignored her and grabbed me, lifting me up from the hard floor. “I can walk, Your Highness,” I whispered. Prince Damien started walking, ignoring my words. I could feel Cara's stare on my back as we left, I knew this was far from over. She would not let this go. We got to his room where he took me to his bathroom and then placed me in the water inside his bath. I felt my body recoil in pain and I almost jumped out of the water. Gritting my teeth, I tried to keep calm and stay inside as that was the only way to help me. Prince Damein didn't let go of me. He silently stood there while the burning sensation on my skin became calm. I close my eyes, as the cold water soothes me. “I think that's enough,” I heard him grumble. Immediately I opened my eyes and stood up quickly. Maybe a little bit too quick. My legs slipped and I almost fell when he caught me again. I was mortified. Why was I behaving like a damsel in distress whenever I was around him? Such attitudes are usually found in women trying to seduce the prince which I have no intention of doing. Pulling away from him, I came out of the water. “I am deeply sorry, Your Highness,” I bowed. He had saved me again. “Sorry? I saved you and all you have to do is apologize?” He asked. “No, that's not what I mean,” I shook my head. “I'm really grateful for your help. You have saved me more times than I can count. It's embarrassing for you yet you're always there,” I quickly explained myself. What would others think when they hear that their beloved prince was busy giving his blood and saving a human maid? “Why would it be embarrassing?” He asked again, leaving me speechless. My mouth went dry, without a single thought in mind. “You're the Crown Prince, you should not be saving a maid?” I tried to reason something out. A small chuckle suddenly came out of his lips. It was a shock. I had never heard him laugh or smile yet here I am, staring at him. His eyes were filled with mirth. “Clean yourself and come out,” he ordered with all traces of laughter gone and walked out of the bathroom. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground. What was happening? Do I go out with my dress all drenched with water? Glancing at my chest, I could see my n*****s getting hard as the cold air hit my chest. Oh no, did he see it? I looked around for something, anything I could use to cover my shame when I saw a towel. I went to grab it even though I knew I should not be using anything that belongs to royalty. After drying my hair and squeezing the little water that I could get out of my dress, I used the towel to cover my chest before walking out of the room. Prince Damien sat on his couch, waiting for me. Slowly I walked towards him. I was trembling with fear and cold. “I can feel your fear, Hazel,” he murmured. “I'm not scared,” I denied without thinking. His lips went up in a smirk. “It's good to be scared.” He rose from his couch and started walking towards me. As he came closer, I went backwards. My heart started racing. He kept staring at me. “I should get going, Your Highness,” I murmured. “You're not allowed to leave this room unless I order you to,” he said and grabbed my arm unexpectedly. My lips parted in shock and my eyes widened. Prince Damein pulled me into his embrace. I stiffened when I felt his fangs close to my neck. What was he going to do? I tried to control my racing heart but it was of no use. His fangs brushed my tender skin, making my toes curl. A strange sensation, compared to the pain I usually felt. “You smell really nice,” he whispered, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “Your Highness,” I whispered. I heard he doesn't like drinking directly from a human because his blood thirst is really high and he might kill the human by mistake. I touched his arm softly when the door burst open. Prince Damien pushed me away from his body immediately and we turned around to see his friends looking at us.
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