55: Final decision

1383 Words

Damien’s POV I groaned in pain at the harsh sounds that came out of my mouth. It hurt my chest. The sneezing was getting way out of control. It wasn't something that had been heard of before. A Vampire King being so sick, he couldn't move. The only thing I could take was blood. No food stayed inside my stomach. I was tired and wanted to give up. After all this is what I wanted, right? “I think we should look for a solution to this. The illness is not getting any better and there seems to be no cure for it,” my father grumbled, watching me with a worried look on his face. I sighed. “Who else do we have that can help me? All the healers in the Kingdom have tried their best but I'm unable to get better.” Vampires like us do not get ill so it is a bit hard to have a Long that has been

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