37; Prove it

1350 Words

Hazel's POV Norland wasn't happy with my decision, I knew it but it didn't deter me from going to her home. I believe there was nothing the King would do to me despite being volatile like he feared. I walked to Mrs Lisa's home with a renowned hope and courage. In this place, I would make a name for myself. My power was my advantage but that didn't mean I won't learn the ropes around medicine. While walking, I noticed people staring at me and became a bit uncomfortable. This would be my first time walking such a long distance without Norland to hide my scent. Now, I was all alone and they could see me. Norland had prepared me for the stares before I left the house so while I felt a bit uncomfortable, I tried not to let those stares bother me so much. I arrived at her home and knocked

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