11: Are We Interrupting?

1134 Words
Hazel's POV My cheeks went up in flames. I was mortified. Their lips were drawn into smiles, which I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. “Are we interrupting?” One of them asked. I parted my lips to speak when I heard the prince reply. “Yes, so get out!” He answered with that harsh tone that made my heart race. They gave him a look before giving me a one over. “Leave,” he ordered and they left the room. I stood there speechless and cold. My hands suddenly looked very interesting as I stared at them. I couldn't bring myself to look at Damien. “Don't just stand there, have a seat,” he grumbled. I was reluctant to do as he had ordered. My dress was still very wet and I could stain his couch if I did so. He sighed and suddenly grabbed my arm before pulling me to the couch. “I won't hurt you,” he assured me. I nodded because I knew it to be true. “Why have you gone silent all of a sudden?” “I should get back to my room, Your Highness. I have chores that I need to attend to,” I lied. His presence made my legs weak and my broken heart beat loudly. I have to stay away from such a person for my own good. “You don't need to go back. From now on, you are ordered to serve only me,” he said, making my eyes widen. “No,” whispered without thinking. He frowned and growled in a deep voice. “No? Are you a spy?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously. I shook my head. “I'm not, Your Highness,” my voice went up a bit. I didn't want to be seen as a traitor or spy. It could make my life more unbearable. I might even get killed. “Then why did you reject my offer? I am well aware that there are maids that would do anything to become my personal maid. you rejected it without even thinking,” he murmured and moved a bit further away. He placed his back on the couch so he was almost lying down. I swallowed the bile in my throat and pulled the towel on my body tighter. “I believe there are better maids for the job. I am still very new and…” “Which makes you the perfect person. I don't want anyone that is affiliated with other vampires or royals,” he cuts into my speech. What should I do? I couldn't say yes, not like I have an option. Vampires are not to be trusted. Being close to one could be my biggest mistake and he wasn't just anyone. He was royalty. “I believe we have come to an agreement,” Damien murmured, standing up. “Don't go anywhere, I'll send Rosaline to get you a new dress since this one is destroyed. I expect my personal maid to be as clean as possible,” he started giving out orders. I stood up and bowed. “Yes, Your Highness.” “Also you'll be given supplements and extra food. After all, you're going to be my food,” he murmured and brushed a strand of hair from my face. I gasped and took a step back. Why did I forget about that part? He will be drinking from my blood. Damien looked at my face with an amused expression which annoyed me. I could only glance at him once in a while but never stared as it was considered rude. He walked out of the room without another word. I sat back down slowly and my hands started trembling. Every maid would hear about it and their dislike would increase. Would Caden be happy when he hears it? After a while, the door opened and Damien walked in with Rosaline. She didn't look pleased when her eyes landed on me. I quickly stood up again. “Hazel is my personal maid from now on. No one is allowed to touch or hurt her or else they would have to deal with me. Give her a new dress and send her back to me,” he ordered. “Yes, Your Highness,” she smiled innocently but I knew better. Rosaline was never innocent. If possible, she was the one ignoring the hatred for me. She turned to me. “Come with me,” she said before walking away. I glanced at the prince, hesitating. When he nodded his approval, only then did I follow her outside. Rosaline didn't say a word and kept walking when I came out. We walked quietly to her room where she brought out a dress and threw it at my face. “Put this on,” she hissed. I caught it and murmured my appreciation. “You've really outdone yourself, Hazel. I'll give you that,” she started clapping. “Let's see how long you'll last being his mate,” she smirked before walking away and bumping my shoulders with hers as she moved. I didn't understand what she meant and decided to ignore her. I wore the new dress and folded the other one with the wet towel. I had to give it back after washing, I told myself. Since the prince wanted me back in his room, I started going there when I saw Rosaline coming back. “Don't worry about your demutuws for the day. You're off,” she said, walking past me without stopping. “But the Prince asked me to see him…” I murmured with confusion. “He left, you i***t,” she sneered and moved away. I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to go back to my room. Ever since I came to the palace, I have not gotten any rest days. I've been forced to work very hard if I wanted any meal so going to my room to rest felt like a big achievement. ************************ For the next few days no one bothered me. I was free to move around and do the tasks assigned to me by Damien. Surprisingly he was very easy going and straight forward. He didn't try to drink my blood either, although I had seen him staring at my neck lustfully once in a while. Right now, I was loving the freedom that being his personal maid gave to me. I ran to the dinning, where he is supposed to be with some guests when I bumped into a young lady. She pushed me away and smacked my face hard. “Watch where you're going, slave!” She hissed before entering the dining room. I was too shocked to move.
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