9: Playing Damsel In Distress

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CHAPTER 10 Hazel's POV I could hear the voices of people around me. Their mumbles were inaudible but there was one voice that stood out. I wanted to keep listening to him speak. Slowly I blinked my eyes open. My back was on a very soft bed, I could feel the rich texture of the material. Glancing around, I saw the prince speaking to someone. They turned to me and I shut my eyes instantly. Why was I acting? I didn't do anything wrong. “You can stand up now,” I heard him say. I knew it was meant for me so I quickly opened my eyes and stood up. The chilly air hits my body, making me shiver which was when I found out I was naked. Immediately, I pulled the bedsheets to cover my body. Embarrassment flooded my face. Prince Damein sighed and dismissed the man he was speaking with. I couldn't look at him in the face. What do I do? “Sit down,” he ordered, taking a seat close to the bed. I did as ordered, while still looking at my feet. This was what Cara wanted. She wanted the Prince to kill me. “This is the second time you are playing the danssl in distress to get my attention, Hazel,” he said. “No, Your Highness,” I quickly denied. I didn't want to be seen as a desperate maid, trying to get her master to notice her. I loved being invincible. Especially after the years I spent being used in my Clan. He raised an eyebrow, making me tense. “Then what will you call that stunt earlier? Don't tell me you were pushed without your own will become obviously you were prepared and stark naked,” his eyes roamed around my body. My hands on the bedsheets tightened. How do I explain myself to him? No one would believe me unless Cara confess to it herself. “You can't speak anymore,” he stood up. “Your skin should be fine if you stay out of the sun for a few days. The water you entered almost damaged your whole body.” Glancing at my hands, I saw the bright red color of my skin. It looked like a scar. If my hands looked this terrible, how would my whole body look? The door opened and Rosaline walked in. When she saw me, I noticed a satisfied glint passed through her eyes before she turned to the prince. “Place the clothes on the bed and leave. Also, Hazel is not allowed to go out or leave this building for the next few days,” he ordered. She bowed and did as he ordered. As she turned to leave, she threw a dirty glare my way before leaving. I took the dress on the bed, intending to wear it. It was a very pretty dress and it looked nothing like the worm out dress I was wearing earlier. The texture was so soft, i wanted to hug it. Such luxuries were hard to come by. “I will leave you to change. When I come back, I do not want to see you here,” he pulled me out of my reverie. “Thank you for saving me, Your Highness,” I stood up and bowed. He gave me a curt nod before walking out of the room. I decided to use this opportunity to take a good look at the room. I was able to observe closely the first time I entered so this was my opportunity. The palace was filled with different antiques which always made me wonder how the prince's room was. Although no one was allowed without permission, I had not been able to see it. I walked to the huge mirror hanging on the wall. What I saw gave me quite the stare. My face was blood red. I looked like a deranged woman. My hair looked like a bird's nest. How was the prince able to look at me? Shame filled my body and I dropped the sheets, intending to wear my dress and leave before he comes back. My body wasn't any better. I wondered how I was able to survive with such marks on me. I looked like a skinned chicken. I wore my dress quickly, arranged the bed properly before walking out of the room. I couldn't believe myself. This was all because of Cara. I thought about confronting her as I walked to the my room. When I arrived there was already a group of people standing beside my bed speaking. “The prince gave her his blood. I had never seen him give his blood to anyone,” one of them screeched. “She took a royal blood! Do you know what that means?” Another asked and when murmurs of no went around, she whispered. “It's like sealing a deal with the devil. No one can leave,” the girl went on. I was a bit confused. Are they talking about me and the prince? One of the maids turned around and when she saw me, she touched the one beside her. They moved away from my little space, making the others to turn around and as soon as they saw me, they also moved away. “How does it feel to have a royal blood running through your veins? You think you'll become a vampire now?” A girl sneered, with jealousy dripping from her voice. I didn't understand what she meant so I quietly laid down on my bed, wishing I was still in Prince Damien's bed. “Look at her dress!” “She is a seductress. I can't believe the prince is falling for her charms,” their grumbles kept on. Each of them made their own speculations while I tried to ignore them and slept off. “Ahh,” I yelled when my body hits the cold floor. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes to see what just happened. I My eyes fell on Cara and her minions again but this time, they had increased in number. My heart started racing. “She looks really ugly,” they mumbled. Cara's displeasure didn't change though. She was glaring at me. Her eyes trailwd down to the dress on my body and her fangs grew as she recognized the dress. “How?” She trailed off. “The prince gave it to her,” one of them said. Immediately she grabbed my hair, pulling me up. I struggled and held her arm. “Let go of me,” I grunted and got hit in the stomach. Gasping for breath, I let go of Cara's hands and she tugged at my hair. My scalp felt like it was about to peel off. I grabbed her hands again. “I heard she should not be in the sun for the main time. That's good,” Cara smiled wickedly. My eyes widened. What was she going to do? “The prince would be expecting me,” I lied, hoping it would deter her from whatever plans she had in her head. Instead her eyes went cold. “Don't worry, he would forget you in a few days. He always easily forget new toys after all,” she says and they started pulling me out of my room again despite me trying to resist their pulls. This time, we were taking me to the laundry room.
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