34: Pregnant

1166 Words

Hazel's POV This cannot be happening. She must have gotten it all wrong. There was no way I would be pregnant for that evil and manipulative prince. It just wasn't possible. We had s*x but I never once thought he would be able to get me pregnant as a vampire. I was devastated. Norland stayed quiet as we walked back to his home. “Come, it's this way,” he touched my arm and I jerked in surprise. My eyes were clouded with tears as we walked. I couldn't cry. I won't give Damien the joy. What should I do? I had no option right now. Here I am, in a strange world and pregnant. I followed him quietly, not being able to speak a word. When we arrived at the apartment, I paused. This was not the same guy as the former. Why were we here? I stopped outside the door. Norland entered but when

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