I nod and try not to blurt out something stupid. The first time I met him, my anxiety was on high alert...or maybe I was too preoccupied to notice he was anything more than just a cute guy. But now, with him sitting so close, looking at me with those ridiculous brown eyes, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. So I do what any apprehensive, eighteen-year-old girl sitting in a car next a hot guy would do. Absolutely nothing. I just sit, waiting for him to start talking, hoping the awkward moment will pass. "So, where do you live?" he asks, dropping his gaze down to my lips. "We." I pause, trying to ignore the fact that he's looking at my mouth. "My mom and I just moved here. We haven't found a house yet, so we're staying at the Nantucket apartments." Which is my standard answer, the "look