Chapter 4

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Tubby P.O.V I have no idea why Matt would come to my table pretending to actually like us, let alone demand to talk to me as if I'm sort of a dog or something. I don't follow; I lead, so he can shove his ego up his vain ass. And if he wants to classify me as a dog then I'm a pit bull, I don't take s**t and I will bite your ass off with or without reason. I'm not hisChihuahuaof a friend, what's his name.... something like Avan, no, Acorn, Eh who the hell cares anyway? I sure as hell don't. The point is, I will not just do what he thinks. In fact I will do the opposite. Why? Because I'm f*****g Tubby Vagner and I do s**t like that. "So Tubz, why did you just diss Matt Pavarotti like that?" Candy asked as we walked to our lockers to get our books for last period. "Because I hate it when people like him pretend to actually care about people like us just so they can get into college parties." I stated matter-of-factly "Well, maybe it wasn't that I mean the dude did want to speak to you alone" I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, and what could he possibly want from me?" "You should be grateful someone like Matt would even want to be in the same room as you, Chubby" a voice said. I turned to face the person and it just so happened to be Avan or whatever and Jason. I know Jason because our parents know each other so needless to say he is over often enough. "First of all, it's Tubby but to you it's Mr. Vagner" I scoffed rolling my eyes "And second why is that, whoever you are?" I asked tilting my head. "Oh puh-lease, don't act like you don't know who I am" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. I looked him up and down then tilted my head to the other side trying to remember him. "Nope sorry, I have no idea" I said shrugging my shoulders casually. "Oh and hey Jason" "Sup" Jason answered "Listen loser, I think you should learn to respect people who are better than you and better off on the social ladder." Avan or whatever said. "Oh and you are one to be talking about respect. You don't even respect yourself enough to know limits when it comes to your bullying, Avan—" "Adam" he hissed narrowing his eyes. Oh yeah, that's his name. Hey, at least I was close. "I don't care. You are not someone I plan on making a habit of talking to. Now, as much as I love to watch insecure little Chihuahua's like you make a fool of yourself, I must rain on your parade and tell you that you are not nearly as interesting or intimidating as you would like to think. As a matter of fact you're as interesting as a rusted nail and as intimidating as a daisy. So, Candy and I must get to class. I'm so glad we had this talk." I said monotonously and walked away with Candy at my side. Adam grabbed my arm as I was walking away. "This is not over you wall flower" he growled "You will swallow your words" I wrenched my arm out of his grasp "Anytime, any place. I would say it would be my pleasure, but I would be lying." I turned and continued walking. Candy gave me a high-five and snickered as we walked away. We got to class and had to apologize for being late. I would have gotten detention if my teacher didn't like me but as I told you before, no one can resist the power of the dimples! I'm just too adorable! What can I say; the old woman just fell in love as soon as I walked into the class in my freshmen year. It's a gift. I sat down and thought about the eventful day I've had. You know after like 5 years of knowing me, you would think jocks would know that I don't like them. I mean they were really harsh with the bullying for sometime until I made one cry with my brutal sarcasm. There was also a time when I made my fist become part of one of their faces. That b***h cried for hours and hours. Psst, jock my ass, he needs more sport cause obviously he is still a p***y. I'm big, yes, but I'm also very tall. Thank god for that, otherwise I may have a lot of problems. I stand at 6'4 and that is tall in comparison to many people. Even the most popular guy in school, Matthew Pavarotti, is like a whole inch shorter than I am. Huh, what?!! I'm top! Finally the damn bell decided to ring and we could finally go home. I told Candy I would see her tomorrow and said bye to the gang and I was on my way home. Thank goodness, I need a mega long nap, l like detest Mondays. That's probably why they call them blue Mondays. Yeah Monday, you suck. I got home, greeted my mum, grabbed a coke from the fridge and went up to my room to take a nap before dinner. I decided that I wanted to go on f******k to check it before I went to sleep because let's face it f******k is the bombdigidy. I logged in and checked my messages and replied some. I checked my notifications and commented on some of the s**t people were saying. Then I checked my requests and almost spit out my coke. ALMOST; you don't waste ever. 'Matt Awesome Pavarotti wants to be your friend' my screen read. Doesn't he get that I'm not falling for his stupid tricks. If he wants to be invited to a college party then he should w***e himself out to a college dude or something. He's gay right? So he should just stop bothering my and go bother a college dude. Hmmmm should I accept? Yes? You think I should? Well in that case nope. I clicked on the 'Not now' button. Yeah, cause I'm an ass like that. I updated my status then I checked my email and saw an email from him and deleted it. I saw a notification from twitter telling me that he is now following me so I blocked him. Damn, he is desperate and evidently irritating. The guy is good looking – I won't deny it – but he is just too damn egotistical for his own damn good. I sighed and lay down on my bed and let sleep take over. * Matt's P.O.V That i***t!!!!! What the hell does he think this is?! A game?! Well it is, but he doesn't know that! What the hell is his problem?! I tried f******k, Hotmail and Twitter and all have failed. I know he was on them because he left a status saying 'You're stupid if you think everyone is as stupid and naïve as you are, stupid. Some of us still have dignity, go and buy some like you have with everything else in you life' I was sitting with Adam in my room and he was pissed at something that Tubby had said to him earlier at school. Apparently he pretended not to know Adam but greeted Jason by his name. I had to laugh, Adam is just so full of himself he thinks everyone should know him. "Well, don't worry because I will get that THING, and I will make him fall so hard he will not be able to recognize anything that doesn't have the name Matt on it. He will regret treating us like that. You will see." I said calmly with a smirk playing on my lips. "I don't know man. Maybe we should just let all of this go, I mean this kid doesn't seem like he will fall for you. The kid hates jocks and especially you. He is not some chick or nerd that will be putty in your hands, Matt. If you want him to fall for you then you are going to have to work major hard." Adam said skeptically I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Adam, are you doubting my abilities?" "No, it's just that I don't think that it's worth it. The kid is a b***h, he is not worth the effort." "No one, and I mean no one, talks to me the way he did and I will be damned if I let someone like him start now! Just leave it to me, Adam; I will take care of everything." "Alright man, good luck." He sighed getting up to leave. He walked out with his shoulders still visibly tense with the anger from getting dissed like that. I put my iPod in it's dock and started blasting music. I swayed to the music. Then I suddenly got an idea. I picked up my phone and dialed Jason's number. He picked up after the 3rd ring. Watch out Tubby, I'm coming for you.... And I always get what I want. "Yo," he spoke in his usual I-don't-really-give-two-shades-of-f**k tone that makes me tingle. I love Jason's voice. This would be so much better if I had to go for him. He's hot. But now is not the time for that, I have to stick to the matter at hand; Tubby. I smirked even though he couldn't see me. "Yo, Jase, I need you to do something for me"
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