Chapter 2: You’re Adorable, Micah Berk-1

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Chapter 2: You’re Adorable, Micah Berk October 6, 2015 The Following Year Miss Kitty said, “I have a surprise for you.” “What kind of surprise?” We were in her kitchen, downstairs from the attic, and enjoying morning coffee and pineapple Danishes that she picked up from the local bakery during her morning walk. Miss Kitty was on an exercising kick and was trying to eat foods that were better for her, minus the martinis she enjoyed every night before bed, and Danishes for breakfast. She sat on one side of the breakfast table positioned between us, and I sat on the other side. The Danishes were delicious, sticky, and soft, just the way we both liked them. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you, Micah. What kind of friend and landlady would I be if I did that?” I rolled my eyes and said, “I’m twenty-six now and can handle it. Don’t you think I’m too old for surprises?” She shook her head between bites of Danish and admitted, “We are never too old for surprises, darling. Don’t ever ask that again.” The conversation changed to the mystery I had gotten published, Red Martini m******e. Henderson and Reed Publishing had picked up the three hundred page novel and was planning to publish it in hardback the next spring. I was excited about the book, the money I was going to make from it, and was already anticipating positive reviews from the literary critics. The crime novel was being edited at that time by a New York City editor. Walter Monsieur from Henderson and Reed was currently working on the book. We both had hoped it would be done by the end of November. Professional photographer, Nelson Brodecker, was going to take my photograph for the back of the book near Thanksgiving. My publicist, Rudi Daye, was already arranging book signings for the spring, and a book tour covering surrounding cities. She had hoped that I would also end up on Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, New York City, Boston, and Washington D.C. media stations. Henderson and Reed were planning on sending advanced reading copies of the mystery to literary critics, bookstores, and famous authors for their early reviews. The publishing house had expected that the mystery would do well and was investing lots of promotional cash into it. “Are you working on a second book?” Miss Kitty asked, white cream cheese icing hung from her upper lip like an icicle, which she licked away with a swipe of her tongue. I nodded. “It’s another mystery. Something bloody and wild. A very wealthy landlord is murdered by one of her tenants at Niagara Falls. A pianist is the key suspect.” She raised her eyebrows, knowing that I was talking about her. “Do you plan to murder me, young man?” I laughed and shook my head. “Of course not. I plan for you to read the book and catch any errors that you can, just as you did for Red Martini m******e. What do you say, Miss Kitty?” “I’m going to say that I’m flattered and can’t wait for this project with you to begin.”
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