
1794 Words
Four days. Five days. A week. A fortnight. A month. It had been nearly a month and Bran's condition had not improved. Catelyn Stark did not leave Bran's side. Her Father did what he could, but mainly was at Robert Baratheon's beck and call. That left Robb and Jessica to practically run Winterfell. Robb had been the face, seeing to things done on the Castle grounds. Jessica did a lot of work behind the scenes. Making sure raven's were sent, receiving and responding to more ravens. Meeting with the Maesters. Meeting with Septas and Septons. More ravens. Robb and Jessica had practically moved into their parents work space. Jessica was sitting at her Father's, writing away, when she heard the door open. "Just a minute." Jessica called out, not paying attention to who had came in. Griselda wasn't alerted to where she slept near the fire. So in part Jessica knew it wasn't a threat. When Jessica put her quill away. She looked up, she immediately got up and was in a low bow. Cersei Lannister, the Queen, was before her. "Forgive me Your Grace." Cersei pulled her up. "There's nothing to forgive. I am a guest in your home. I just wanted to come see you. We're going to be sisters after all." Jessica raised an eyebrow in confusion. Since her engagement to Jaime, Jessica hadn't seen Cersei anywhere near her. In fact, going back to the Welcome Feast, Cersei seemed to pretend Jessica didn't exist. Cersei gently touched her cheek, "You are a pretty thing." Cersei seemed to murmur more to herself. "My brother is lucky to be marrying you." Was that jealousy in her voice? Cersei smiled, kissed her forehead. "But I need to tell you the truth." Cersei held her gaze. "And what truth would that be Your Grace?" Cersei gave a smirk. "My brother won't love you. He won't be the man who will show you any affection, much less the time of day. This will not be a sweet love story. He will take you when he wants, how he wants and where he wants. And it'll be your job to obey him, obey me, and stay in the background at King's Landing." Jessica politely folded her hands. She already knew that this marriage wasn't for love. Knew that Jaime Lannister did not hold any sort of affection for her. No this was a power play. Combine two of the most notable houses together. Looping Sansa into the fray for the beginning of a monopoly. Jessica simply smiled. "Well I appreciate you being so concerned about my well being, Your Grace." Cersei gave a forced smile and nodded, "Of course, Lady Stark." It was clear, whatever reaction she wanted from Jessica, didn't happen. And Cersei saw herself out. Jessica took a deep breath and leaned back on the desk. "Griselda. Be glad your a Direwolf. Politics suck." Jessica couldn't help but laugh as she returned back to work. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Arya brust through the door moments later and climbed onto Jessica's lap. Jon was behind her and closed the door. "You're....welcome?" Jessica was confused. "The sword. I love it. I named it Needle." "Needle...Right. A fine name for a sword." Jessica looked over Arya glaring at Jon. The pair had talked about getting her one when Arya was ready. Jessica would've found a suitable teacher. Jon gave her a sheepish smile. "You know that -" Jessica began, looking down at Arya. " - that it's not a toy. And you'll find someone to teach me. Yes I know. Jon told me." Arya beamed at up at her sister. Jessica sighed. She saw that Arya was so happy with that sword. "I'm glad you love it. Really I am." Jessia set her down. "Go put it somewhere safe and don't let anyone see it. I mean it. Not Mother. Not Father. Not the King and Queen. And especially not Jaime Lannister. Got it." "Got it!" Arya gave her a toothy grin before Jessica sent her on her way. Jon waited for the door to fully close. "Look I'm sorry. I know we both talked about it for her name day and..." Jessica cut him off with a kiss. It had been nearly a month since her and Jon were in a room alone. Jaime had made sure he saw her to bed every night. Stayed with her until she was asleep before he saw himself out. It made it difficult to be alone with Jon during the day. Jon immediately wrapped her in his arms and Jessica let herself sink further into the kiss. Knowing that would probably be the last true kiss those two shared. "Let me stay with you tonight." Jon murmured to her, his forehead pressed to her. "Jaime would have your head." Jessica closed her eyes. "And my heart would hurt to much to lose you." "Then come to me. Stay with me tonight. We leave early tomorrow. I need one night with you." Jon held her face, his eyes pleading with hers. "I'll try Jon. I promise I will." Jessica kissed him again. "Come on. Let's go see what we can pack." The pair were outside fifteen minutes later. Jessica helping Jon pack things that could be packed. She caught Jon staring at his sword. He was deep in thought. And for a moment, all was well. "Have you swung it yet?" Jaime was leaning against a pole. He looked to Jon as Jessica whipped around to face Jaime. Why did the Gods have to be so cruel to her. "Of course I have." Jon straightened himself up. There was a slight roll of his eyes. "At someone, I mean." Jessica watched Jon deflate slightly. Jamie make a face that was between a grin and a grimace. "You know," Jaime walked over and stood in front of Jon. "It's a strange thing, the first time you cut a man. You realize we're nothing but sacks of meat and blood, and some bone to keep it all standing." Jaime held out his hand to Jon. Jon in turn took his hand. Jaime smiled at him. "Let me thank you ahead of time for guarding us all from the perils beyond the wall. Wildlings and White Walkers and such." Jaime lurched Jon foward. "We're thankful to have good, strong men like you protecting us." Jaime let Jon go and clapped him on the shoulder. "My wife, will be especially grateful." His gaze trailed over to Jessica. "We've glared the wall for 8000 years." Jon put himself now between Jaimed and Jessica. She closed her eyes. It was a bold move. Jessica thought. Bold and stupid. Jaime looked Jon up and down a finger touching his lip. He was contemplating. "Is it we already? Have you taken your vows then?" "Soon enough." Jon simply stated. Jaime nodded. "Give my regards to the Nights Watch." He walked to Jon's left, Jon instinctually taking a step to give him space. Jaime then effortlessly slipped an arm around Jessica's waist, walking her away from Jon. Jaime smiled. "I'm sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. And if not it's only for life." Jaime lead Jessica away. Jessica didn't dare say one word as the pair of them walked back inside Winterfell. Tyrion was on the steps. "I was wondering if I might borrow your fiancé." Tyrion looked to Jaime. "I need help finding something in the library." Jaime sighed, "For a short time yes. And when you are done. Please send her to my chambers." Tyrion nodded and extended a hand to Jessica. Jessica accepted his hand, and they were off. "What was that about outside?" Tyrion asked once they were out of Jaime's earshot. "A pissing contest." Jessica stated flatly. "A game of my horse is bigger than your horse." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "And I'm the horse." "So it's the bastard your sleeping with." Tyrion didn't look at her. "How the-" Jessica stopped dumbfounded in the middle of the hall causing Tyrion to nearly trip. "I - we've, we've hidden that." "Please. I've seen the subtle looks, the timing. I originally thought it was your twin. You two are impossibly close as well. But the timing between you and Snow was the give away." "Wonderful." They walked into the library. It wasn't hard retrieving what Lord Tyrion had asked for. A few books, a tome and a scroll. And as promised she was delivered to Jaime. He thanked Tyrion and closed the door behind him. Jessica was standing in front of the fire. Jaime poured them both a drink, "You've been working so hard lately I thought you and I would have a quiet evening." Jessica gave him a tense smile and took the cup. It was Dornish wine. Blackberry. Jessica loved blackberries, but rarely got them up in Winterfell. Jaime downed a drink before setting the cup down. He came over and wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder. And despite herself, her body leaned into his own. "I had a thought." Jaime gave a smirk. "And what thought would that be?" Jessica took a long drink. "I was thinking. I want you to actually...enjoy...our wedding night." Jessica turned to look at him. "And who says I won't?" Jaime met her gaze. "You won't. Not if it's your first time. And I'd rather you not remember your wedding involving blood and pain." The flirty humor was gone. And for once, Jaime Lannister was being serious. "What exactly are you proposing?" Jaime grinned. "We go to supper." A kiss on her shoulder. "You spend some time with your family." A kiss on her neck. "You spend tonight with me, and I make love to you the rest of the night." A kiss on her lips. "In the morning we ride for King's Landing with no one being the wiser." Jessica narrowed her eyes. "And when Robert demands a bedding ceremony, and there is no blood that morning, then what?" "You let me worry about that, Little Wolf." Jaime lead her to a chair and settled he on his lap. "And if I refuse?" Jessica looked down at him. Jaime simply shrugged. His fingers trailing up her back. "Something tells me you won't. But the choice does remain yours." Jessica stayed with Jaime until supper. She sat with Robb, the two of them huddled close. When she finally decided to head up she stopped. To the left held Jaime. To the right held Jon. Two offers. Heads or tails. Griselda stopped next to her and nudged her hand. She petted the top of her head. Jessica took a deep breath, and headed right.

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