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'Is she dead?' 'Is she in heaven?' My eyes snapped open, a jolt of shock coursing through my body as icy cold water cascaded over my face. The sudden deluge soaked my hair. Gasping for breath, I struggled to regain my composure, my vision blurred as water droplets clung to my lashes. The drenched fabric of my clothing clung uncomfortably to my skin. "Oh, First Miss, are you awake?" "You were caught red-handed by the Donovan family for having an affair!" My stepsister, Angel Collins, uttered in disdain. "They sent you back, do you know that? The entire Collins family's reputation has been ruined by you!" "Angel, what are you talking about?" It was my manipulative stepmother, Felicia. I looked at the gloating faces of Felicia and Angel in front of me, and I smiled bitterly in my heart. It turned out that it was not heaven. It was back to hell. Life with Eleonor and Mason was bad, but life in Collins Mansion could be even worse. I struggled and winced at my aching body as I sat up. I smirked. "Well, I was just following the footsteps of this family anyway. The mistress now becomes the wife." Everyone was in the main living room, gathered around me, who was on the sofa. It felt like a grand spectacle, where everyone was watching the main attraction: an unfaithful woman. "You..." Angel glared at me angrily. "Dad, did you hear what Arabella just said?" Victor Collins stood next to Angel. I finally noticed that my father was there as well. I puckered my lips, keeping quiet out of respect for my father. "Dad, I want a divorce." I said firmly. "I do not agree!" Victor spoke loudly. I felt a pang of disappointment. I thought that even though my other family members had always mistreated me, my father would still stand by my side. I sneered and tried to leave the room. "I do not care if you agree or not. I am already an adult." "How dare you!" Victor's anger surged within him like a raging inferno, boiling his blood until he could barely contain it. Suddenly, he erupted into violent coughs, each one tearing through his chest with a ferocity that stole his breath away. The coughing fit was so severe that it left him gasping for air, his lungs aching with each desperate inhalation. I stopped walking, but I did not turn around. Felicia and Angel rushed to Victor's side, their concern etched deeply on their faces as they witnessed his distress. "Victor, you need to tell Arabella about our family's predicament," Felicia urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "We're facing a crisis with our project, and we've already lost 50 million dollars. The very foundation of the Collins Family hangs in the balance, and without Mason's support, we could face utter collapse." The weight of their words hung heavily in the air, adding another layer of tension to an already fraught situation. I was shocked. I remembered what Eleonor said when she was hitting me. Was that what she said... true? "What the hell is going on?" "Arabella!" Victor's voice cracked, tears streaming down his face. His voice trembled with a mix of despair and guilt, his vulnerability laid bare before me. "I hope you do not blame me. I was not able to do anything. Your late mother and I built our wealth and influence together from scratch. But I have failed her. I am going to be the one who is going to single-handedly destroy it!" My heart ached as I witnessed Victor's anguish. The weight of his words resonated within me, the depth of his sorrow palpable in the trembling of his voice. It was a painful admission, a revelation of his perceived failure and the impending ruin that haunted him. Mother... I remembered that when my mother died, she made me promise to do everything possible to protect the Collins family. If only my mother were still alive... "This is the last time, I promise! Arabella, please apologize to Mason again. As long as the Collins family is able to survive this crisis, I will definitely take you back." Victor's tear-streaked face mirrored the burden he carried, the weight of our shared legacy now threatening to crumble beneath his feet. The depth of his remorse tugged at my own emotions, a realization that our lives were intertwined by more than just a marriage. I turned around and looked at Victor pitifully. I no longer believed in my father, but for the sake of the promise I made to my late mother, I was willing to try one final time. "I will go back to Mason, but this is the damn last thing I do for you all." ** The Donovan Residence stood silent and imposing as I returned to it in the late hours of the night. The weight of exhaustion settled upon my shoulders, but I mustered the strength to continue forward. As I made my way through the dimly lit hallway, the soft glow of the living room spilled into my path. A mixture of trepidation and curiosity tugged at me, urging me to glance inside. And there, at the scene that unfolded before me, a wave of tension hung heavy in the air. My husband, Mason Donovan, sat at the dining table, sharing a meal with my mother-in-law. Their presence cast a pall over the room, the atmosphere charged with unspoken animosity. Eleonor's gaze pierced through me, her eyes filled with disdain. With a resounding clatter, she threw her spoon onto the table, the clinking of metal against wood echoing. "I do not want to eat anymore!" she declared. "My appetite is ruined." I felt the weight of Eleonor's words settle upon me like an invisible cloak of condemnation. The tension in the room threatened to suffocate me, the hostility palpable even in the dimly lit space. In the face of Eleonor's contempt, I straightened my posture, summoning an inner strength that would shield me from the daggers of disapproval. I ignored her and walked straight ahead. "Stop!" Mason Donovan suddenly opened his mouth. When I turned back to look at him, Mason sneered and pointed at the ground. "Kneel down and crawl to me." He shouted at me like I was a dog. I pursed my lips and lowered my head, masking my expression. "What? You do not want to?" In a burst of anger, I had sought revenge on Mason. But now I wondered if the price for my vengeance wouldn't be too high. Perhaps I had only worsened my situation. I still did not move, refusing to entertain Mason. My indifference fueled a growing anger within Mason, causing him to rise abruptly from the table. With heavy footsteps, he stormed towards me. Without hesitation, he seized my chin forcefully, tilting my face upwards, and locked his gaze with mine, his eyes burning with accusation. "Arabella Collins," he spat my name with contempt. "Have I not treated you well enough? I provide you with a monthly allowance worth thousands of dollars, allowing you a life of luxury without the need to work tirelessly." Each syllable he uttered tore at my spirit, fueling a fire within me that burned with indignation. "All I asked was for you to prepare a meal for my mother, and yet you betray me? Just because I slept with Kylie? You dare to cheat on me?"
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