Cuddle bear

2209 Words

BEFORE Villel could open her eyes, she released a groan when she found her limbs unable to move. Her lower extremities were tangled with an object far heavier than a duvet. She was about to utter a word of protest when her eyes zeroed on the gorgeous face of her wife. Villel blinked her eyes. What she saw might be a product of her longing for the tall woman. When the woman was still there, she raised her hand and caressed Solana’s cheek. Her wife stirred but did not open her eyes. Instead, Villel was gathered closer. Slowly, she pressed her cheek on her wife’s bare chest. She listened to the beating of her heart. She encircled her free arm on Solana’s back. “Good morning.” A smile formed on her lips when she heard Solana’s greeting. She felt a kiss on top of her head. “You have

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