First Day at Work

1766 Words
ELLA received a call every fifteen to twenty minutes. The assistant was very polite in each call whether it was from the other department, an inquiry from outside the company, or from the lady boss that often inside the private office. Before eight this morning, Solana was in the EP Express building already. Like the first time she was here, she went to the reception area and gave her identification card, and disclosed her purpose. She was told to wait until the assistant came. She sat at the rectangular bench scattered in the middle of the ground floor. She was done watching the series of advertisements of the company when Ella arrived. The petite woman motioned for her to follow. “Please make yourself comfortable.” While sauntering towards the couch, Solana heard the hum of the computer when it was turned on. “Miss Bombardo usually arrived at eight-thirty. Do you want coffee?” “Thank you. I had a heavy breakfast.” The elevator door opened at fifteen minutes past eight. Solana’s gorgeous mate exited the steel door. The lady boss was surprised when she saw the person sitting in the receiving area. Like the first time that Solana saw her mate, she was entranced by her beauty. Villel’s long hair bounced every time she took a step. Her wide mouth was painted with brown lipstick to the tall woman’s disappointment. She got used to the inviting red one. The lady boss did not bother to respond to Ella and her greeting. She went to her private office without any words. “I’ll be right back.” She nodded at the personal assistant. Ella entered the private office while holding an i-pad, notebook, and a pen. Not long, Solana was called to the office. She found her mate looking at her mobile phone. “You’re here to accept the job.” It was not a question. The woman was still staring at her phone. “Yes.” “You will have the benefits like everyone in this company. Regarding your compensation, I drew a contract for you.” Solana reached for the document. She occupied the chair in front of the boss’s table as she browsed the papers. A smile formed on her lips when she read her salary. The offer was lower than the pay she got from her current job. “Not bad.” She muttered. “I tripled your salary compared to my previous bodyguard.” “Alright.” “Sign it and you can start today.” Solana grabbed for the pen and put her signature on top of her name. In her mind, she was pretty sure that the CEO of EP express did not read her resume. If she did, she will not offer this position to her. “Please tell my assistant to come here. Thank you.” Solana stood up and went back to Ella. She told the petite woman the lady boss’ order. A lot of employees went and left the CEO's office. The new bodyguard was almost done reading the magazine. Solana was reading an article about environmental advocates when she heard a commotion inside the private office. She raised her head and glanced at the assistant. Ella was busy on her computer that Solana could hear the keys she was touching on the keyboard. The last person that went inside the office was a young woman. Maybe a little over twenty years old. “How long have you been working in the company?” Solana’s eyes went back to the opened magazine on her lap but her attention was on the people inside the office. At this moment, she was thankful for the sensitive hearing that her genes gave her. “A-about six m-months, Ms. Bombardo.” “And you still made reports like this?” It was followed by an object hitting a hard surface. Might be the table. “Get out of my office. You’re fired.” “M-miss Bombardo.” “Don’t make me say it twice.” Solana sighed in her seat. A crying woman exited the office. She was sobbing while rushing towards the elevator. Before the steel door closes, the phone on Ella’s table rung. The assistant stood up and entered the door to the CEO. Ten minutes later, a problematic assistant went back to her seat. “Good morning, Mr. Hasan. Miss Bombardo just fired your assistant. I have a copy of her reports. Please tell your messenger to pick them up.” After the phone call, Ella exhaled. She appeared to age another two years. “Is it always like this?” “Not every day but yes. This is a regular thing.” “Her firing an employee is a regular thing?” Ella nodded. “Miss Bombardo is a little perfectionist. She has no room for mistakes. Well, she will give you a second chance and it’s a privilege.” “I will keep that in mind.” Their eyes went to the elevator when they hear it opened. Two men went out of the steel door. “Delivery for the lady boss.” The tall man said. “Thank you, Sammy.” “Mister Hasan sent me.” The other man said who was older. After setting the brown bag she got from Sammy, Ella grabbed for the brown envelope. She gave it to the messenger sent by Mr. Hasan. The two men went back to the elevator after the taller man saluted to the CEO’s personal assistant. Sammy was the man from the deli. He was the one who delivered food for the CEO whenever she ordered.   Solana helped Ella prepared the boss’s lunch in the pantry. She pushed the trolley while the petite woman opened the door to the office. Ella set the meal at the conference table. Solana watched her do it. “Your lunch is ready, Miss.” The lady boss raised her head. Her eyes went to Ella. Villel’s eyes frowned when she saw the tall woman but immediately looked away. Her mate must have remembered that she hired a new bodyguard today. “You should come with Ella. She knew where to go at lunch.” Her mate pulled a few notes from her wallet at reached out her hand. “Thank you. I can manage.” “Alright.” “The meals here are pricey.” Ella told her when they left the office. “It’s okay. Your lunch is on me.” Solana said with a smile. Thirty minutes later, they were back in the office. They end up ordering take away from the deli. The lines were very long and Solana happened to know the owner that they were accommodated quickly. “Are you sure you can finish all that?” The petite woman asked Solana when they started their lunch in the pantry. “Watch me, little girl.” She answered, grinning. Solana ordered a double patty cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich, and large fries while Ella settle for a clubhouse sandwich. The new employee learned that the petite woman no longer drinks soda when she ordered one for herself. Ella’s mouth went ajar when she started on the chicken sandwich. She also ate fries on the side. At six in the evening, the personal assistant went home while Solana buries herself in the receiving area. Half an hour later, her beautiful mate exits the private office. The tall woman stood up and approached the lady boss. She reached for the unzipped leather handbag that contained two folders. “You’re bringing work, boss?” “Yes.” It was Villel who pressed the button in the elevator. There were no words exchanged between them. They advanced to a familiar green car. A bald, bulky man was standing beside it.  Solana met the man’s eyes. He nods at her before he opened the door in the backseat. The travel to the Villel’s home was quiet. Solana was in the shotgun seat and she could see the exhaustion on her mate’s face. The lady boss did not wait for the driver to open the door when the car stopped at the designated lot in the basement. “Louis, you can go back to your post starting tomorrow.” “Yes, Ms. Bombardo.” The petite woman glanced at her. “Follow me.” Solana nods at the bulky man before she followed the boss. The tall woman was not surprised when they stopped at the penthouse. Villel used her palm print to open the unit. A minute later, she asked for Solana’s to be enrolled, too. “How many people can access your door?” She asked when they entered the threshold. “Just you and I for now.” She placed the leather bag on top of the single chaise. Villel occupied the long ones. “Please seat.” “Thank you.” “You know how to drive, right?” Solana nodded. “I’m in the office at eight-thirty. I want you to be here at eight. I usually go home before seven in the evening but there were times that you will accompany me if I have a dinner meeting with the client. “The time you spent with me after six in the evening will be considered an overtime.” “How about on weekends?” “I spent most of the weekends at home. You will be notified if in case that you have to come with me.” “No problem.” “Are you married?” “No. I don’t have a girlfriend either.” “Oh?” Solana grinned. “Yes, I swing that way. Is that an issue?” “No. I don’t care about your personal life as long as it does not affect your job.” “I’m glad.” It did not escape Solana’s attention when her mate’s eyes glanced at her sharply. The tall woman was glad that the mate pull works on her human mate. “I should go.” “I’m very particular with time.” “Yes, ma’am. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ms. Bombardo.” Solana nods at her mate before threading the direction of the door. 
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