Chapter 55 Why Not Fight Back

1471 Words

A moment later, Axel turned to go downstairs. However, at the end of the hallway, he saw Jason. The man's figure was slender and was half-hidden in the darkness, evoking a sense of danger. Axel's eyes narrowed slightly, sizing up the deep and dark gaze of the person opposite him. At the end of the corridor, Jason naturally saw the scene where Axel had just been rejected at the door. At this moment, the imbalance in Jason's heart lessened a bit. Even though Lea wasn't friendly toward Jason, she also didn't give Axel any chance. This meant that they were both on the same boat. Axel slowly walked toward the man at the end of the corridor. They looked at each other, the silent indication of competition spreading between them at this very moment. It was just then that the game had begun

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