Chapter 14

3102 Words

Finn “Finn! The bread! It’s burning!” Chloe’s frantic shout broke me out of my lust-induced haze, and I pulled my face away from the crook of her neck. Once my nose was no longer buried in her skin, I could smell the intense scent of burning food hanging heavily in the air. “Oh, f**k!” I grunted, and without a second thought, I lifted Chloe up with the arm that was already wrapped around her waist, her legs wrapping around my waist automatically, and I strode to the oven and opened it. Smoke poured out into the kitchen as soon as the door opened, and I grabbed the flaming bread out with my free hand. I threw it into the sink and turned on the faucet, then closed the oven with my foot, twisting around again to turn it off before leaning my back against the counter. “Finn, your hand!” C

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