Chapter 34

1732 Words

Finn After I cleaned up the mess in that asshole’s cell (I left the metal catheter in his d**k because that was a f*****g genius move on Lukas’s part), and locked him back up, I took a shower in the warrior barracks, since I didn’t want to bring any of that dickhead’s blood into my apartment with Chloe. Not because she’d freak out if she saw it — my little wolf was as tough as nails — but because I didn’t want to smell his stench ever again, or taint our first home together with it. The shower was quick, but refreshing. I needed it to refocus my mindset as well. Torturing prisoners put me in a darker place, and I always needed time by myself afterwards to pull out of it. But I also knew being in Chloe’s presence would help, so I didn’t take as long as I normally would. Plus, my dragon

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