Chapter 2

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Ava's POV I immediately dialled Lucia's number as I crossed the road heading to Jake's house. I hope I find him home. I knew he would surely help me with some money which I would definitely pay back. Jake was my boyfriend of two years now, and Lucia has been my friend as long as I can remember. Both of them are the only people in my life I knew care enough about me to help me save my mum. I dialled Lucia's number once more, but the call went to voicemail once again. I decided to let her be, thinking she might be busy and would give me a call later. I didn't bother dialling Jake's number, I knew he must be home as we were now on summer break and classes is on hold for now. Lucia, Jake and I all attended the same college. Although, Jake is in another department and a year ahead of me which didn't affect our relationship in any way. If anything, he had always been sweet. I just wish the moon goddess would be so kind to make us mates. Lucia and I are in the same department and level. We had always been doing things together right from childhood. It's no surprise when we decided to do the same course in the university. Both Jake and Lucia come from a noble and wealthy family. Jake is the cousin of the current Alpha and Lucia is the daughter of the past gamma. Lucia's brother is now the one occupying the gamma position after their father stepped down. Jake should have some money he can spare me with. That I'm quite sure of. He had always told me if I needed anything, I shouldn't hesitate to let him know so he'd help me out. It didn't take long for me to get to the apartment Jake was staying across town. I have always wondered why he would have another apartment when he could stay in the royal quarters. And anytime I asked he always said he liked and cherished his privacy. As soon as I entered Jake's apartment, the first thing that wafted to my nose was a ladies fragrance. Did Jake had a girl over and why does the fragrance smell so oddly familiar? My head kept ringing with questions as I took the last step that led directly to his bedroom. I pushed the door slightly open. And I opened my mouth in shock. The sight that greeted me made my heart break into pieces. “Jake! How could you do this?” I called out slowly, my voice creaking with emotion. Lucia quickly rolled over from Jake, covering her body with the sheets. Jake was too shocked to say a word. His mouth hung open as he stared at me. I felt my heavy in my chest. The people I mostly trusted had betrayed me. “Ava, please look at me. It's not what you are thinking.” ‘How dare he lie to my face?’ I thought inside of me. Jake tried to come closer. But I stopped him with my hands raised. Lying bastard! He was going to deny it even while I was here. Such a shameless i***t. I turned my attention away from Jake. Lucia's head was low. She was looking everywhere but me. How could she do that? What bestfriend go after her friend's man? “Why?” I muttered the only sensible thing that came to my head. I waited for her reply, but none came. She only shook her head. Was she suddenly dumb? I wanted to charge at her. To tear her a slap, maybe that would awaken her senses. But I controlled myself. I wouldn't stoop so low to fight because of a man—a man who doesn't have a respect for me. “Ava, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, honey.” Jake said, touching my shoulders. I immediately felt disgusted when he touched me. How pathetic! I stepped back from him quick. Then stuck out a warning finger. He seems to get the memo so he backed off. “How long have you been doing this?” I asked in a serious tone. He shook his head, trying to evade the question. But I was determined. I needed answers. “Does it matter?” Jake asked and I scoffed. Was this man playing with me? “HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN f*****g HER?” I yelled at the top of my voice. My hands was fisted beside me. Jake and Lucia flinched at my loud tone. I could have laughed if it was any other day. But this time, it was business. “Six months.” Jake replied and my chest tightened. For six months they had been making a fool of me. Six good months they had been leading me on. I never suspected a thing. They both know how to cover their tracks. I fought the fresh bout of tears that were beginning to trickle down my face. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing my tears. Jake doesn't even deserve a tear from my precious eyes. “Why did you do it?” I decided to asked the question that had been ringing in my head. “Do what?” Jake's brow furrowed in confusion. Was he playing dumb or he didn't really know what I was talking about? “Why did you cheat on me?” He looked away. And when I had thought he wouldn't give a response, a frown formed at the corner of his eye. “You are far too rigid. Far too conservative. You don't even allow me touch you. You are all about the old ways. But with Lucia, it's different. She's welcomed change. Didn't stuck with the old ways like you.” I opened my mouth in awe. I was too shocked to reply immediately. I have never been with a man before. Jake knows that. I thought he was willing to wait. I thought he loves me that much to have waited a little. “That's why you cheated on me?” I shot my eyes at him. “You cheated simply because of s*x. I thought–” Jake cut me off. “Yes, I cheated because of s*x. I'm a man and I have needs.” I couldn't believe my ears. Did he even love me at all? I wanted to ask but I decided not to. His response will only do further damage to my heart. “I wish you both a happy life.” I said, giving Lucia a brief look. “And you Jake, everything between us ends today.” With that, I turned to leave. The tears streaming my face as I stepped outside the room. “Ava wait!” Jake ran after me and soon I feel his hand draw me back. “Leave me alone.” But he grabbed my arms even tighter. He had me pinned to the wall. His hot breath was on my face as he stared at me. “You don't get to leave me. We are bound together. No one else will want you. You are just a useless omega. You should be grateful I look YOUR f*****g WAY!” I couldn't believe my ears. How could a man be so vile? How could I had fallen for such a useless man? “Get off my way!” I warned sternly. I had no words for him anymore. Lucia was watching the whole scene while standing at the door. I tried fighting my way off him but his grip only got firmer. “You go nowhere until I say so!” I knew I didn't have much power to wrestle my way off him. So I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him hard in the groin. “AHH.” I watched in satisfaction as he recoiled. He was writhing in pain on the floor. “You don't tell me what to do. Not now, not ever.” With that I stepped out from the house, a look of satisfaction playing on my face.
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