Chapter 7

2185 Words
Allen’s POV Yesterday night, my anger took over me. I was very hurt and drank unlimitedly. I wanted to rent out my anger on someone. Unknowingly my feet led me to her. I promised mom and dad that I will never use a girl. I will always respect them and I will never force myself on a girl. But this one girl broke my promise. I did unexpectable. I knew what I did was wrong but I don’t f*****g care. She should tell me the truth and I will let her go but no she wants to test my patience so I thought to give her some peace of mind. I woke up late today. Usually, I wake up at five in the morning and I used to go to the gym but today I missed it because of the effect of alcohol. Currently, I am having breakfast alone and thinking about some things. I saw my brother coming in blue jeans and a white tee but I ignored him He asked, “Hey bro, eating alone?” and sat in front of me with a sandwich in his hands. I replied annoyingly, “Do you want me to call the entire army to eat with me?” “No, I was expecting your new toy with you.”, he smiled and replied. I looked into his eyes and said, “She belongs to me. I will decide when I want to play.” “Okay. But still, I am so eager to know where she is. Yesterday Melody told me you took her somewhere out.”, he asked and I turned to Melody who was standing silently holding her breath. I turned to James again and said, “Melody should focus on her work rather than other things.” “Come on, don’t change the topic.”, he asked again. Seriously, having siblings is so annoying sometimes. I stood and said, “I am going.” “Where?”, he asked when I turned to leave. I replied without turning back, “To play with my favorite toy.” After that, I left for my backyard where I left her. I use that place to torture my enemies and I didn’t find any better place to show her where she belongs. ----- I entered the yard and every man looked down in respect or with fear, whatever it is but I liked it. It shows their submission to me. I crossed many doors looking at many men bound to chairs or screaming with pain. Finally, I reached the door of her cell. Two guards were standing in front of the door to keep an eye on her. Though I knew she won’t try to run still I can’t take chances. “Open”, I said to one of the men and he turned to unlock the door. Meanwhile, I asked to another one, “Did she yell last night?” “No boss, she was crying. We heard her but after some time she was silent.”, he told me. “Okay.”, I replied and was about to enter. But I turned back and instructed them, “I need some alone time with her. You all can leave.” With that, all the men left that room. No one was there to hear to listen to what I am going to say or do to her. I entered and saw her lying naked on the floor. She was curled up in a ball. I came near to her and had a good look on her body and called her, “Hey girl, it’s time to wake up.” I started looking here and there but she didn’t budge. I sat to her level and said, “Hello” but no response. Ohh so she is acting. I again called her in a threatening tone, “Jasmine, don’t act. Get up.” “Jasmine?”, I said and held her hand to make her stand up but I cursed under my breath after touching her, “Jas-. s**t, she is so cold.” I stood and take off my shirts and made her wear that after saying, “Wear this.” She was cold and was not responding. I was afraid that if she died I won’t be able to know the truth. I talked to myself, “f**k I have to take her back home.” I took her in my arms and left. She was cold and I knew I was responsible for that. I am not feeling pity for her but she is a strong-headed girl and I want to break her. I want to know the truth. I was holding her in bridal style. I was shirtless and my abs were on display. My strong body felt her like she is a feather. I entered the home and James stood asking me, “Bro, what happened?” He came to help me but I glared and he stopped, “What did you do with her?” he asked again. He asked, “Should I call the doctor?” I turned to James and replied, “No, he will kill me this time for hurting this girl.” I moved towards the stairs and before taking the first step I turned back. “I want alone time in my room. Trust me one single noise and I will make you all keep quiet for life.”, I ordered. “You will kill us for her?”, James asked and I looked at her smilingly, “No, I can’t be that cruel with my brother. I will only slit your tongue.” “What?”, he said but I didn’t stop. I took her to the room in which she was staying. ------ She was lying lifeless on the bed and I knew she may die. But I can’t let her die like that. I want the truth from her and for that, I will do whatever the f**k it takes. I took off my trousers and I went into the blanket with her. She needs body heat and I will give her that. Her cold body was looking so delicious to my eyes. I didn’t feel this kind of attraction for anyone but this girl is playing with my mind. I removed the shirt which I put on her and she was lying in her panties only. I pulled her in my chest and hugged her tightly. I was rubbing her back so that she would get warm soon. Her soft delicate body was so mesmerizing. Her white blossoms were perfect for my hands. Her pink soft lips were inviting and I was controlling myself with so much difficulty. Unknowingly, my hands reached her ass and I squeezed them. I was pulling her into me and her core was giving me a hard-on. Her shivering body was evidence of my torture. I touched her lips with my fingers and felt how good would it feel when she will suck me. I thought of millions of ways to touch her. My mind was playing tricks with me. I don’t remember how long I held her. How long I rubbed my body with her so that she will get hot. My hard member was the reason that I wanted to devour this beauty but my mind and past were an amendment that we want revenge only. -------- Jasmine’s POV After a long time, I felt him. Just behind me. His warm breath, his manly fragrance, and his strong body always make me feel safe. Finally, today I am back in my heaven. In the arms of my love, my Alex. I thanked God in my mind for giving him back to me. “Alex, I missed you a lot.”, I said and hid my face in his strong chest. Unknowingly my eyes were teary and I wanted to ask so many questions. “Why did you leave me alone?”, I said and suddenly felt all alone again. He was no longer with me. He was going away from me. “Please come to me, I want to feel you.”, I said trying to hold his hand but he jerked my hand and I called him, “Alex?” I cried again seeing him walking towards the door, “Don’t go, please.” and with that, he left and I woke up from my dream yelling only one name, “Alex”. I was breathing heavily. I was looking for him but he was nowhere. Suddenly I turned to my left and saw the devil himself sitting on the bed. “You?”, I said. ----- Allen’s POV I heard her saying the name Alex. Without telling her I knew this name has a special place in her heart. Though it’s none of my business to know who is special to her still I didn’t like that name from her lips. She woke up yelling at Alex and start searching for him here and there. She must have been dreaming about him. Suddenly she saw sitting by her side on the bed and all the colors drained from her face. I looked at her and gave her smiling and stood from the bed meanwhile she wore the same shirt which I made her wear earlier. “Alex?”, I said and looked at her with surprise in my look, “Huh?” “So, you have a lover named Alex?”, I said and she stood from the bed. She came near me and almost yelled by saying, “That is none of your concern.” I interrupted her keeping her jaw tightly, “Ahhh” “It is my concern girl.”, I said and dug my nails in her delicate white milky skin. She said with a lot of pain, “Leave. You are hurting me.” I held her waist and brought her core near to my hard-on and told her, “Of course, I know I am hurting you.” I dug my nails in her waist and said in her ears, “Trust me I can hurt you in many ways.” She pushed me through a lot of difficulties and I saw tears in her eyes, “Leave me, you have no right to touch me.” “Really, so you wanna see what are my rights? Then trust me, girl, you are making your life hell.”, I said and head towards her. She took a few steps back and continued, “I am not living in heaven with a cheap man like you, who shed blood like water. Girls and their feelings are nothing for you. I wonder why you are still alone.”, she said and I heard footsteps coming near to our room but I didn’t care. I was boiling with anger after hearing her words. She continued, “You must have used girls for your pleasure and then left them alone to die. You are not even a man. You are a cheap, downgraded, low-class man who knows nothing except using girls for their pleasure and -” and suddenly we heard a sound of a loud ‘Slap’. I turned to my side and saw Jacob fuming in anger and the girl was holding her cheek with her hand. Yes, Jacob slapped Jasmine. “How dare you disrespect my brother?”, He yelled at her and she was looking with disbelief in her eyes. Jacob continued, “You are alive just because of him. He was the one who brought you back home.” She interrupted him and replied, “And he is the one who left me alone to die naked in a room with a negative temperature.” She said and turned to me saying, “I had enough. Just because I am not saying anything you all are taking advantage of me. You don’t even know me. You are punishing me for a mistake which I never committed.” She said and I smiled bitterly, “Really?” “Wait”, I said and left the room to grab something from my study. I went through many drawers and found them. I came back and started, “You think I am punishing you for no reason then who the hell is she?” I asked her, “Didn’t you know her?” showing her the picture of a girl. “Say you don’t know her and I will empty my gun in your head right now.”, I warned her. She was staring at the photo continuously and forwarded her hand to hold the picture which I gave her. After a few moments, I heard her saying,” Kiara?” ------- Hey Guys, I chose to write this book next. Hope you guys would support me. Keep reading and do comments so that I can write the next chapter soon. Thank you
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