Chapter ten smiling

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                                  Nash pov After I had shown Star around it was getting pretty late and I knew she was tired even though she wouldn't admit it. She was trying to hide her yawns, but she looked so cute when she did. I don't think she was bored, well I hoped not, I think she was just exhausted from the events of the past two days.   “Come on, I’ll take you back up to your room, I’m sure Kelly’s been looking for you.” I said, laughing as she tried to suppress another yawn. I took her hand and again sparks flew between us, but I noticed that this time she didn't jerk her hand away instead she held my hand tighter. We walked hand in hand to the house and all the way up to her room where Kelly was impatiently waiting. She was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and tapping her foot on the floor, which I couldn't help laughing at, making our presence known.   “Hey sis, what are you doing here all alone?” I asked, teasing her, but all she did was roll her eyes at me and elbow me in the side.   “You hogged her all day, so let me spend time with her.” Kelly said, taking Star’s hand away from my own and leading her away from me to her room. I knew that we had yet to mate and mark each other, hell I had yet to even tell Star about what I was, but I already felt the bond between us going stronger and after her hand left mine I already missed her. All I wanted to do was tell her everything, but I couldn't, not yet. She had been through so much already and although I knew she was strong I was scared that this revelation would tip her over the edge. This was something I would have to take slowly, but right now I was just enjoying looking at her and spending time with her. ~~Kelly’s P.O.V~~   I knew I hadn't hurt my brother when I elbowed him, it would take a hell of a lot more elbows to hurt him, but that still didn't stop me from punishing him for hogging Star. I led Star to her room, wanting to get to know her better, but I also wanted to find out exactly what her father did to her. I knew she was still hiding so much and she would never feel free of him until she let it all out and stopped hiding. We got into her room and I plopped myself down on her bed.   “So Star, all I’ve ever seen you wear is baggy clothes and hoodies, it's time for a change. Tomorrow we are going to change all of that for the better, we are going to the mall and we’re going to get you some clothes that actually fit you. For starters you're going to get jeans that fit you and shirts that aren't baggy either. I might as well tell you that I am dying to burn that hoodie, just to get rid of it forever.” I said, but Star just looked at me in shock.   “I don't have a lot of money, so how much is this all going to cost.dont get me wrong I have money, but you're talking about a shopping spree for a whole new wardrobe. I used to sneak off and go to thrift stores to do my clothes shopping, that's how I got all the clothes I own. I wasn't allowed to have anything new because if I did then my father would know I had money and take it away from me.” Star replied, looking ashamed again, but she had no reason to.   “You know those stores aren't bad at all, i've picked up a few really nice things out of there, but I’m still taking you to the mall tomorrow. Nash and Noah are coming with us, as well as a few others, but don't worry they are only coming in case someone tries to mess with us. As far as money is concerned, dont worry about it, we won't buy anything or do anything that you don't want.” I replied and she just nodded like she understood. We talked for a few more minutes and Star was finally starting to relax with me, hopefully it would be enough for her to open up about her life.   “Star, I would love for us to be friends and hopefully spend more time together, hell I already consider you a friend.” I said and she started smiling at me.   “Kelly, I already think of you as a friend and I know that you stuck up to Kristie for me, I overheard you talking to her. Thank you, I really appreciate that, it's nice to have someone on my side for a change.” Star said and I had no idea that she had heard me, but I’m glad that she did, it would only make us closer and I looked forward to that.   “We are all here for you, Star. My parents, brother and I want nothing more than to protect you and to help you through all of this, but if I am going to help you then I do have some questions. It's okay if you don't want to answer them, I don't mind at all and we can totally talk about something else.” I said, trying not to make her feel uncomfortable.   “I know you are trying to help me and I’m grateful for that, but it's just really hard for me to talk about. How about this, you ask me questions and I’ll try my best to answer them, if I start to feel anxious or uncomfortable then we can change the subject. I want to be able to get over this, but some subjects are still too fresh and sore for me.” Star replied and I nodded, completely understanding where she was coming from.   “So, what questions do you have?” Star asked, sitting in the chair opposite her bed.   “Okay my first question is what happened to your mom and brother? How did they die?” I asked and Star looked a little surprised.   “Wow, I didn't think that would be your first question, but at least it's an easy one….kind of….” Star said, nervously laughing and I knew that even though it happened a fair few years ago that it was still a sore subject, but if we started off with this then maybe she would find it easier to talk about her father.   “I don't really know how to answer that because I don't know what happened to them. My mother went out one day and just never came home, my dad always called her a w***e and some other choice names. He used to beat her and she would leave for a few days or a week, but she would always come back. Then one rainy stormy night it was really bad, dad came home drunk and he wanted mom to...well, you know and she refused. Mom never wanted to when dad was drunk she always told him that, but he never listened and he started hitting her, pulling her hair out by the roots and kicking her until she finally managed to get free and ran out the door. Dad followed her and after two hours of waiting dad came back, but mom wasn't with him. Dad was drenched and covered in mud, like he had been digging or rolling around in it or something, my mom never came back. A week later cops came saying that they found my mothers car in the river, but she wasn't there. The cops said that the fish and gators must have gotten to her before they found the car and eaten her, but it never felt right.” Star said, looking down at her hands.    “As for my brother, all I know and heard was that he went into the woods and never came back out. The cops searched for him for a few weeks, but all they found were his ripped up clothes and some blood. They called off the search shortly after, deciding that it was probably a wolf or bobcat that got a hold of him and ate him. We never had a funeral for either of them, dad said that there were no bodies to bury and there would be no point in wasting good money on a w***e and a worthless bastard that he wasn't sure was even his.” Star said, crying and I felt so sorry for her and what she had been put through. ~~Star’s P.O.V~~   I had already told Kelly about my mom and brother, I thought that it would be easy to talk about them seeing as it had been years ago, but it was all still fresh in my memory, like it had only happened yesterday. I didnt even realise I was crying until I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks, but I kept talking. The more I talked the better I felt and it had been so long since I was able to talk about these things with anyone.   “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. What about your father, what did he do?” Kelly asked and that was the million dollar question that everyone wanted to know, but I felt like I could trust her and talk to her.   “When my mom died that's when the beatings first started, it was a slap here and there, mainly if I didn't wash the dishes right away or he would pull my hair, but when my brother died it got so much worse. He would call me horrible names, he would punch and slap me and then there were his favourite weapons, his whips and leather belt. He would punch me and slap me for the slightest thing, like yawning when he had beaten me so bad that I couldn't sleep. He would always come home and drink, using me as his personal punching bag if he didn't have any beer because he had already drunk them. He whipped me with his leather belt and caused the open cuts on my legs, that was the night I started fighting back, but it just got worse. My dad had a whip and the one night I was having a nightmare from the beatings he had given me, so he grabbed the whip and whipped my back, that's why I have scars. Most times I would pick up a heavy book or bottle and hit him with it to protect myself, sometimes it would knock him out and other times he would beat me so bad that I couldn't go to school for a few weeks. I couldn't go to the hospital because he would threaten me and I couldn't tell anyone because I was ashamed that I let it happen. When I was able to go to school I would have to cover myself up with make-up so that no one would see the bruises or cuts. I wore baggy clothes because they didn't hurt me and didn't rub against my wounds. The sad thing is that after a while I got used to it and since I had two free periods at school I got a job at the library. I thought that if I worked there I could save up my money and after graduation I was going to run and escape my life, but then your mom came and she took me. Your mom saved me and now I’m here.” I said as Kelly intently listened to me, hanging on my every word. ~~Kelly’s P.O.V~~   I sat there listening to Star as she told me her story and I knew that there were some weeks that Star didn't come to school, but I had no idea why until now. I felt guilty now though because Star had entrusted me with this information, her darkest secrets and yet I wasn't the only one listening, what she didn't know was that I had opened the mind-link up so that my mom and dad could also listen and get a better insight on what had actually happened to Star. I heard my dad growl through the mind-link and heard as my mother sobbed with every detail that Star revealed to me. I felt so bad that I didn't know and that I couldn't have helped her sooner.   “Listen, no one will ever hurt you again. There might be some girls that are going to be jealous over the fact that you are with my brother, but Nash only has eyes for you and we’ll deal with them when the time comes. I am so sorry that you had to go through all that and live with that….that….I can't even think of a word bad enough to describe him, but I want you to know that you are safe here and we won't let anything happen to you. I promise.” I said and scooted onto the chair next to her, hugging her and comforting her.   “Thank you for sharing this with me, I know it must have been really hard. How do you feel now that you've talked about it?” I asked, hoping that it helped her even if it was just a little.   “I actually feel a bit better now that I’ve been able to put it all into words. It felt weird and hard at first, but I feel better for talking about it, especially about my mom and brother.” Star replied, slightly smiling at me. I tried to hold back my own tears, but they were quickly threatening to fall and I didnt want to make Star feel bad for crying in front of her.   “I’m glad that you feel better about it all. You've had a long day and I know that this has taken a toll on you emotionally and mentally, so why don't you get some sleep and I’ll wake you up when it's time for dinner.” I said and Star nodded, slightly yawning. Star and I got up off the chair and she went over to the bed, lying down and I went to the door, closing it behind me as I left.
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