Chapter 15: Interesting Life

1744 Words

        With his new maid, Robb’s sedentary life became completely different from before. Lillian would fetch him water even without him asking her to do so. She poured a mug of water for Robb and placed it on the stone table in front of him.   What Lillian had done was a trivial matter, yet it made Robb feel that all the effort he'd put into buying her had finally paid off. However, it also gave him a twinge of guilt about his mother, who'd always filled up his cup with water and left it within reach, making him comfortable as he played games all day long.   “What’s wrong, my lord?” Asked Lillian with a worried look when she saw Robb’s eyes glistening with tears.   “It’s nothing.” Robb suppressed his emotions and pointed at the mug on the table, “Lillian, it’s unsanitary to drink water

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