Chapter 44 Iced Apple Coke

1280 Words

Hector put the big jar on the stone table in front of Robert, and said with a smile, "It's very comfortable to have some refreshing apple juice on this hot summer day. Don't hesitate to ask for more if you drink it all. I have plenty of apple juice and you can have your maid get it in my house." Robert smiled and said, "Thank you!" He took the juice, opened the jar, and looked inside. The green apple juice smelled really good and looked quite tasty. Lilian poured some for Robert. Robert took a sip, "Wow, it tastes good and refreshing. It's just a pity that it isn't iced." Hector smiled and said, "It's summer now, and there is no way I can get it iced, but you can seal this jar and put it in a well, and take it out when you want to drink. It'll also be cool. Alas, it's more convenient f

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